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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. There's absolutely no evidence that Celtic fans were involved in any decisions at LBG, other than Leggat's ramblings.


    We'll see about once the police investigations have concluded. And the Insolvency service investigation too for that matter.

    Fullerton and Kane aren't Shellik men? that's a new one on me.

    MIM had debt of around £750m and Rangers were around 3% of that debt yet LBG seemed more pre-occupied with Rangers debt rather than the vast MIM debt. Why could that be?

    doesn't take a genius to take an educated guess to figure that one out

  2. Murray had to sell. LBG forced him to.


    and who do you think got LBG's Scottish business division to do this ? handy when you had a couple of bhoys running it I suppose.

    and who do you think got HMRC to chase a fictitious tax bill to make the club virtually unsellable ?


    wee clue - he used to be chairman over at the east end

  3. if you look at resolution 10 on the forthcoming AGM voting paper it says:-


    'to enable the directors to allot shares for cash without first offering them to existing shareholders'


    if there were another share issue then you'd expect existing shareholders to be offered first refusal on new shares to maintain their % shareholding but this (to me) is an open invitation to a Dave King or Mike Ashley to take control by buying up new shares and pumping funds into the club. Anyone agree?

  4. Terrific stuff Andy. "Outraged of Porkheid" and all the others who complain about us and the soldiers singing at Ibrox while glorifying those who would happily murder British soldiers (and anyone else they fancy, or anyone who just gets in the way) need to be shown up for the hypocrites they are.


    To be fair those 'outraged at porkheid' haven't said anything have they? I suppose that's a bit difficult when a certain Dr Reid has been their chairman what with his previous IRA sympathies in his university days (at lease according to Galloway anyway).

    No they just get their placemen (and women) in the mhedia to do their work for them don't they ? they pull the levers and the usual suspects pop up to spew their usual anti-Rangers bile

  5. Just the usual wishful thinking from a Celt*c supporting so-called journalist like Gibbons. Hoping we'll 'topple back into the abyss' as he puts it. Won't happen. There's no fictitious EBT tax bill this time to deter a prospective buyer even if we did 'topple back into the abyss' as Gibbons puts it. Surely even a poor journo like Gibbons realises that.

  6. I think the requisitioners felt that they had a deal with the Board. They would abandon the EGM and instead all matters would be decided at the AGM. Subsequently the Board either reneged on the deal or the requistioners misunderstood its terms so that there would be no vote on appointing new directors at the AGM.


    The requisitioners have stated that they have the support of at least 28% of the shareholders. It could well be more given the strenuous efforts of the Board in preventing this from coming to a vote.


    they certainly reneged on a deal - if there ever was one in the first place.

    Were the requisitioners really that naive ?

  7. An interesting article by Tom Gallagher but I think some of his viewpoints are very much in the minority of Celt*c supporters. He is absolutely correct in that attempts were made to put us out of business altogether last year. I keep saying to fellow Bears that these people haven't gone away & will continue to do everything they can to damage Rangers.We must be vigilant regarding these people almost all of whom are Celt*c-connected in one way or another - and not just mere supporters.

    Gallagher seems to also give some sort of respectability to some of the most bitter Rangers-haters who make no effort to disguise that hatred that I am absolutely astonished they've escaped prosecution. Yet again maybe I shouldn't be as I have serious misgivings about the police & judicial service in scotland and some of the individuals within it.

    No I think things changed forever between the two clubs the minute a certain Dr John Reid became their chairman. Anyone who's read my opinions on here will know my views on who it was who got HMRC to pursue Rangers over a fictitious tax bill & who got LBG to pressurise SDM into selling to whyte. Gallagher, if anything, avoids real issues in what I was say is generally a commendable blog

  8. Am I the only one who doesn't believe a word of this latest SUN story ? it's now 3 days since that game. Why haven't the police arrested anyone yet? it shouldn't be too difficult should it? and how many people would actually recognise Scott Brown's mother anyway ? not many I wouldn't think. Is this the SUN trying to even things up after the ridiculous '****** dog' story a couple of weeks ago?

  9. one thing that never seems to get discussed is MP & how much it costs to run it with all these youth teams, youth coaches, all the tournaments they go to not to mention expenses incurred. If we have this type of set up it must produce players year on year who can be sold on for profit like Ajax do. As far as I can see that's not happening right now. Is it just coincidence we seemed to start making bigger losses since it opened 12 years ago?

  10. This national broadcaster i.e. BBC Scotland will become unbiased when it stops receiving its outdated licence fee from the people of this country regardless of whether they watch BBC Scotland or not and it becomes dependent on commercial revenue from other sources. It will then be reliant on audiences because that will determine how much revenue it would get and if it continued to produce inaccurate,biased & poorly-researched broadcasts and continued to employ some of the pond life who currently appear in these broadcasts then audience figures would fall and thus revenues would fall accordingly too. Other broadcasters exist in this way. Why can't the BBC ?

  11. We need a strong robust response from the club regards this. It should not be afraid to confront them from the east end(and others too) over their continual denials about their problems which are far greater than ours in my opinion. They have their placemen(and women) in the media and politics who continually gloss over their issues and turn the attention onto us. We need to be resolute over this

  12. Rab, can you explain what that has to do with the initial question of whether the Boards of these clubs were breaking the Director's duties ?


    For every response I give you, you come up with something else which is further from the original question than the last response.


    The bank managers cant determine if they have broken Companies House legislation. Thye can deny them loans and credit lines etc (as is the bank's prerogative) but banks cannot determine if Co's House rules have been broken.


    without us in the top flight the game is doomed. That's all I'm saying. They took a decision to throw Rangers out of the SPL and it will have a detrimental effect at some point. The SPFL has no sponsor. The LC has no sponsor. It looks like Liewell & Doncaster signed a SKY deal for years in advance(so they didnt quit) at no increase in revenue over those years.

    Are you suggesting these directors believe that their supporters will make up the shortfall over these next few years? sorry craig just can't see it

  13. as a taxpayer-funded organisation the BBC has a duty to produce impartial broadcasts of a required standard which are factually-correct and inoffensive. Employing the likes of Cosgrove, Spence and Cowans runs a very high risk of compromising all of that. Me thinks an example has been made of Cosgrove in this instance. Time will tell how it impacts on his remaining chums who are much worse than him

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