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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. was it not the case LBG bought a shareholding in MIH after Rangers were sold to the fraudster ? are you not suspicious now ? LBG were over-focussed on Rangers. Why ? because of who was running LBG in Scotland at that time. That's why
  2. What would have the good people of Edinburgh have done to deserve this hardline Irish republican organisation ? Ship them back to Oir-lund where they supposedly come from (so they say). Yet again Ireland wouldn't want them either
  3. Again I have to ask why the bank seemed so focused on our debt which was around 3% of the £750m MIH debt ? Surely Rangers were a very small debt which was part of an extremely large bank debt. The way LBG were acting you'd never have thought so.
  4. all I want to know is whether SDM was blackmailed into selling Rangers by LBG. If so by whom at LBG & for what reasons. I believe every Rangers supporter should seek the answer to this.
  5. a lot of clubs have/had a hell of a lot more debt than that. Did their banks take control? This was a deliberate act by LBG because of who was running its Scottish business division at that time. They & Muir did such a good job that they handed Rangers over to a fraudster who'd conned ticketus into giving him the money to give to LBG. Try looking at the bigger MIH picture. They were over £700m in debt so why were LBG so focused on Rangers?
  6. what 'unsustainable debt' ? yes after kaunus the debt rose to £30m but AJ got in down to around £18m. It was not 'unsustainable'. It was being continually reduced but that wasn't good enough for the 2 bhoys at LBG's Scottish business division who put the financial squeeze on Rangers so as to assist their club(and of course HMRC did their bit by chasing a fictitious EBT tax debt) You should note too that Rangers debt was 3% of the MIH debt (over £700m) yet LBG seemed totally focused on Rangers for some reason. Why was that ? Maybe Fullerton & Kane at LBG could answer that one
  7. Wonder how the toffs in Edinburgh's affluent Murrayfield would feel about Glasgow's obsessed green 'n' grey underclass descending upon them ?????
  8. maybe at long last we're beginning to see why Traynor was hired ?
  9. The first thing we need is a proper global scouting system. Them over the other side are light years ahead of us with theirs.
  10. SDM made HMRC an offer which they didn't accept. Why did they accept Arsenal and Chesea's offers then? BTW there were 26,000 oldco shareholders. I'd bet they DO take action once HMRC lose the UTT. Their shares are now worthless because when HMRC pursued Rangers tho' the BTC the club became unsellable(until you-know-who appeared). No BTC would have meant no Whyte
  11. Craig - EBT's were a perfectly legal form of tax avoidance. Over 5000 UK companies used them. Why were Rangers singled out ? I believe we were deliberately targeted. The reason we(I mean oldco shareholders here) may not have taken the legal route is that the UTT is allegedly still to conclude following the HMRC appeal. Once that happens I'd be amazed if oldco shareholders didn't take legal action if,as expected, HMRC lose again
  12. Questions still needs answered i.e. was SDM forced to sell to Whyte by LBG? if so by whom at LBG & for what reasons ? Was it Fullerton & Kane? why did HMRC pursue the BTC when EBT's were a perfectly legal form of tax avoidance ? HMRC haven't won an EBT case yet as far as I know Did someone use his contacts to get HMRC to pursue the BTC in order to financially cripple Rangers ? was it Reid? Were LBG & HMRC part of a co-ordinated masterplan designed destroy Rangers? if so who masterminded it ? Reid? How did Whyte manage to get away without paying PAYE/NI for as long as he did when normal businesses would have been brought to book much sooner by HMRC? why did the SFA take no action against Whyte for not paying PAYE/NI when they were advised about this by JT long before administration? And finally did the SFA know about Whyte's background when he got Rangers ? if so why didn't they act
  13. Decent statement. Remains to be seen if BBC Scotland's sports presenters(if they can be called that) will continue to ignore this ruling and what action will be taken if they do. So far we've had words but no action from the BBC Scotland hierarchy
  14. if we offer Zaliukas a contract let's hope it's not the usual 3 year one. He's not the standard of player we'll require once we return to the top division. Never been quite impressed with him unfortunately
  15. Is Doncaster really that stupid? surely he must know no one will sponsor a corrupt SPFL
  16. They've all been told before about this so yes some form of disciplinary action required here
  17. Historically who's won more honours - US OR THEM? answer that Mr English. And where will they go if they leave Scottish football ? England ? don't make me laugh........ The English now know all about them & their vile anti-British support Run the finances expertly ? only if you call one of their three companies being loaded with debt I suppose. They need CL football to have any chance of breaking even maybe he'll use all these 'contacts and knowledge and expertise' to get his chum at the SPFL a sponsor. Or do successful businesses steer clear or sponsoring corrupt organisations run by people like Liewell ? Another ridiculous article from a third rate journalist working for a declining newspaper who won't even produce their sales figures
  18. my take on all of this is that by allowing Murray, Blin & McClelland into the boardroom Mather, Stockbridge & co have more or less invited the foxes into the hen house. These 2 groups have widely differing views. They cannot possIbly work together. There's no doubt in my mind there will be some sort of boardroom coup but I simply cannot fathom out what McColl's role is in this i.e. won't invest and doesn't want control
  19. BBC Scotland is a largely unaccountable organisation who employ individuals such as Spence, Speirs, Cosgrove etc who do pretty much as they like. The only reason they get away with it is because of its guaranteed funding via the licence fee. Until this funding gets withdrawn and they need to produce accurate & factual broadcasts so that they rely on audience figures then the likes of Spence will continue to spout this type of anti-Rangers nonsense which he knows isn't true but knows he'll away with it. There is only one solution - SCRAP THE TV LICENCE FEE. SCRAP THE TV LICENCE FEE SCRAP THE TV LICENCE FEE SCRAP THE TV LICENCE FEE
  20. where would Celtic go if they get out of Scotland? England certainly don't want them. The English now know all about the club, its supporters and all they stand for. Just ask the good people of Brentford. They'll tell you.
  21. With all that's been said, how can all of them seriously work together? Unless there will be a boardroom coup once Blin & Murray get into the boardroom. We shall have to wait & see how the develops
  22. just not convinced he's what we want/need at RB. Hopefully I'll be proved wrong though
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