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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. there's an element of to little to late but we do need to learn from the mistake.


    hearts look likely to be saved by there fans. dumfermline look very very likely to be saved by there's.


    yes but their owners didn't deliberately withhold tax. Ours did.

    I want to know how he got Rangers in the first place & how he got away with not paying over PAYE/NI deductions for as long as he did.

  2. I hope DK isn't even considering a Martin Bain return when I read his statement...............not to mention his laughable £600k salary.

    That's why I'm uneasy about PM's return. We needed to start afresh after Whyte. I don't want the old guard returning en masse.

  3. oh dear. A rangers supporter who thinks our club 'went into administration and eventual liquidation' I despair. Please allow me to explain:


    The oldco which ran the club until the middle of last year was refused a CVA (after going into administration)by its majority creditor HMRC because its then owner didn't pay the PAYE/NI deductions from employees salaries as it was supposed to. This resulted in somewhere between £10-15m. As a result a newco had to be formed by new owners which purchased the oldco's assets i.e. club, Ibrox stadium,MP etc. The oldco (which is now an empty corporate shell with no assets but with £5.5m in its account which was the purchase price from the new owners). The oldco will eventually be liquidated in probably 10 years time or so.

    Many respected observers& organisations recognise that the club continued and preserved its history e.g. SFA, SPFL, UEFA, HMRC, LNS, Neil Patey etc. Many other clubs have done likewise e.g. Leeds Utd, Fulham, Woves, Middlesbro, Fiorentina & Napoli. No one challenges them that they're not the same club. That only happens in this poisoned little country of ours

  4. PM knew Whyte was bad news though and warned us all, he was ridiculed for it. Whyte paid LBG with Ticketus money, no?


    it was more AJ who warned us about Whyte. Yes Whyte did pay LBG with ticketus money & unless I'm mistaken PM had a similar plan when tried to oust Whyte's bid at the eleventh hour

  5. The problem I have with PM is that he was on the board when Whyte got control of the club. I have said on here many times I want to know how Whyte got Rangers in the first place with apparently no money of his own(to pay off Fullerton & Kane at LBG). Until such times as these facts are know then I think it might be best if PM doesn't become involved but I respect that may change if DK is prepared to invest into Rangers because there's a financial black hole which needs plugged one way or another

  6. When CG was in place as CEO, a number of people on this forum pointed out that for all his talk, there was little in his background to suggest that he had the qualifications to fulfil the office of CEO at such a huge club like Glasgow Rangers. OK, he spent some time doing the CEO job at Sheffield United a number of years back but following his departure from there, his record in management was modest.

    Stockbridge has plenty of financial experience but again his CV reveals that he was unlikely to be equipped to handle the crucial role of FD at Rangers. He appears to have been more of an advisor on financial matters than someone who was expected to make important decisions in a n important organisation.

    I have no idea whether it is fair to suggest that Stockbridge is in any way corrupt but his responses at the recent meeting and previous ones underlines that we need someone far more capable to be our director of finance.


    Who would be FD then ? I'd suggest Gordon McKie ex-SRU and Rangers man who'd tick most boxes IMO.

    Also before we discuss the FD can we confirn if Ken Olverman is still at Rangers ? if so why ? this man's involvement in Whyte's reign was appalling in that he didn't turn whistleblower to reveal was Whyte was up to. If DK does gain control this guy must surely be first out the door, if he's still there

  7. Couple of things here.....


    1. The new turf isn't all paid for by Rangers. They got lotto funding and other funding.

    2. The quality of training facilities also get graded and the higher you are graded the better opportunity you have of getting funding for other projects.

    3. The outdoor astro turf isn't used by the first team. It is used by the youth teams, most often the younger groups.


    I was there tonight and the group I watched had some very talented players and the session was very high quality in my opinion.


    might be 'very high quality' craig but will some of these players be capable of progressing to the first team in a few years ? other it's a complete waste of money which we can no longer afford

  8. As has been shown over these past couple of years we ignore the power of the mhedia in this country at our peril. It seems some of the reptiles employed in it can say whatever they like about Rangers regardless of whether factually correct or not. And as the old saying goes that a lie repeated often becomes a truth (certainly amongst our enemies at least)

    There have been many examples: we owed £134m (or whatever it was) as we'd lost the BTC, we cheated thro' the use of EBT's, etc, etc. I do not think we can simply ignore these lies as I previously stated. It is the duty of the CEO & others to confront these liars at every opportunity and seek legal action if necessary

  9. As we have about five in that category maybe we're better example than Ajax?


    not so sure I'd agree. Other than Lewis McLeod how many of the current young players are as good as you say do you think ? and why did Ally go for experienced players during the summer e.g Daly ?

  10. don't forget Stokes' dive for Celt*c against Dundee Hibs earlier this season from which he got a freekick & scored the winner. Ii was one of the most blatant dives of all time but as expected Vincent Lunny overlooked it. I agree Peralta may need to watch as we're not in a level playing field here nowadays

  11. The fact neither he or the club board have commented officially suggests they're some way from any agreement - be it via investment and/or a director's role.


    Dave King is certainly in a strong position so doesn't surprise me he's not saying much for the time being.


    One does wonder just how desperate Mather et al are for his cash. Looking forward to hearing what the fan groups were told.


    regardless of how the AGM goes and who is in control after it there's no doubt they will require someone like King to invest heavily & assume a controlling interest.

  12. We're always going to do that to some extent, Rab, because of how close such clubs are to us.


    I suppose you're right Andy but MP really does need to start paying for itself big time by producing young players capable of challenging for a first team place long before they're 21. Like Ajax for example.

    If it doesn't then it should be 'streamlined' as an earlier comment suggested. It must cost an absolute fortune in running costs at a time when we will undoubtedly be looking for areas to cut in the not too distant future.

  13. Rangers will receive compensation for any players we bring through so all is not lost.


    unless we can sell them onto the likes of the EPL then the amounts won't be worthwhile. No point in producing players for St Mirren, Partick Thistle etc. Simply not worth it.

  14. one of the major reasons we're losing so much money IMO is MP & its running costs. Here's yet another example with this pitch. Don't forget too all the youth teams, youth coaches the expenses, the trips all over the place and you can see it's burning a massive hole in Rangers pockets.

    Unless MP produces players who can be sold on perhaps if not every year but every other year then it is not viable as such is it? what it musn't become is a centre producing the likes of jordan mcmillan who joined Rangers at a young age, spent many years going thro' the youth system left Rangers for free and is now plying his trade as a journeyman with Plastic Whistle.

    Many others like him who cost us a fortune with no return whatsoever

  15. King has been negotiating with the SFA throughout the last year and more, which came from the man himself. If anyone knows the SFAs position on this then it is Dave King himself. Why the hell would he agree (if he has) to take a seat on the board if the SFA had not been giving him some positive feedback?

    [As a matter of interest, would Liewell have a say in this process? You can bet your bottom dollar that the thought of King coming back is not what they wanted to hear over at the San Giro]


    my ideal scenario would be to have both King & Mike Ashley involved(if he gets shot off Newcastle).Ashley might not appeal to all but I think he realises he's not going to get any success with Newcastle due to the exorbitant costs of success in the EPL.

    Rangers is a different proposition entirely, much more appealing to him I'm sure. Getting a decent Rangers team into Europe in the near future wouldn't cost anywhere near what a successful EPL side would cost year in year out.

    Could King & Ashley work together ? Who knows but it would certainly cause blind panic over at the girodome if they did get together. Even just the arrival of King himself seems to have ruffled a few feathers from what I hear.

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