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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I don't listen to Radio Scotland so wasn't aware he'd made the statement about the club needing to be capitalised again. However will he not need to state how he would envisage this being achieved ? Would indeed Dave King underwrite a shares issue? And here's another scenario - what if Mike Ashley flogs Newcastle and substantially increases his stake in Rangers? according to Bill McMurdo that's exactly what he's planning to do. The requisitioners may then be too late by the time the AGM comes around
  2. Dave King has always said the club will require further investment prior to its return to the top flight of Scottish football. I wouldn't disagree with that. Neither the incumbent board nor McColl & co have said if they agree with that or outlined how they'd achieve this investment
  3. you'll find a lot of eminent, self made celebrities from the business world(if that's the right description) have business dealings in their early days they'd rather forget about. Richard Branson is one. Even SDM's early business dealings were suspect and he owned Rangers did he not ? I'm a great believer(unfortunately) that often where's there's vast wealth there's often been vast crime. That's unlikely to change. What I would say about the Easdales is that their businesses are known about. The exact opposite of Whyte whom no one knew for sure what he was worth
  4. He got led up the garden path by ra bhoys about fictitious stories about cheating and tax evasion by big bad Rangers in Scottish football. He's nothing more than a third rate reporter/journalist who didn't research these stories properly and was made to look pretty stupid when they proved to be untrue. Maybe he is seeing the light now but it's a bit too late in the day for that. His credibilty is gone along the rest of this lot e.g Speirs. How any media organisation could employ them now is beyond me.
  5. I don't understand the problems with the Easdales. Much of it is unproven speculation as far as I'm concerned. To me they're a couple of bluenoses living their dream of being Rangers directors. What I would is that they're nowhere near gaining control of the club and are extremely unlikely to do so.
  6. probably neither happened. It's called headline-grabbing. Reid was a master of this particularly whilst in government. He brought it to Shellik when their chairman. Matters not if headline is inaccurate or totally wrong. The purpose has been achieved
  7. we are dealing with extremists though. They are extreme in their pure hatred of everything that is Rangers. They can dish it out but can't take it back.
  8. Decent signing again by Ally IMO. We need an experienced back up for Bell. Best to get Gallacher out on loan & game time which he wouldn't get with us. Let's Ally see how good he really is. McGregor did this in his younger days with us where he went out on loan to Dunfermline & somebody else I can't remember. Did him no harm. Ally needs to win SC this season (or at least get to final) . Needs better players than we had last season to do this
  9. No they won't. There are two separate issues here. Firstly HMRC's claim was whether there was tax liable on the EBT scheme. The FTT ruled by a 2-1 majority verdict there wasn't although a smallish penalty applicable to oldco could apply for poor administration in certain cases, HMRC have chosen to appeal this verdict to the UTT. Secondly the SPL(not the SFA) set up a commission led by LNS to determine whether we'd gained a sporting advantage by use of these EBT's. The ruling was we hadn't but incurred a fine because these EBT's should have been declared to the SPL/SFA(despite the fact they were in section6 of the clubs accounts every year they were used). The SPL chose not to appeal this verdict.
  10. 'debts of between £50m and £124m' .................................who writes this stuff ? After winning the FTT,the only major debt the oldco owed was the NI/PAYE amount Whyte never paid over to HMRC. Ticketus dropped out as a creditor when they sought legal recourse against Whyte himself, of which they were successful not so long ago. Other debts were football debts & small business debts which came nowhere near even £50m if added to the non-payment NI/PAYE debt.
  11. you forget the nice wee cosy relationship THEY have with UEFA. All that wining & dining Platini & co was for a reason - to get UEFA to overlook their misdemeanours and hammer anyone else, especially us. It's working well for them. As I said previously how many UEFA fines is that they've now had in the past few seasons? UEFA are corrupt. So are FIFA.
  12. how many fines is that now from UEFA ? they must have been fined at least once every season for the past half-a-dozen seasons
  13. they haven't exactly said very much up until now have they? what are their plans for the club ? do they have funding ? if so who ?
  14. if this is true will the club take action ? why should Rangers be punished for his time at Hertz for games he never played in? is he the only player ever to have had a bet on his own team? will Ally produce his list now ? I think the SFA might have dug themselves a hole here which could grow and grow
  15. What we all need to realise that this is all part of their masterplan since you-know-who was their chairman. They're trying to portray us as a 'toxic brand'. We're racists, bigots, who ran up a £134m tax bill paying players we couldn't afford whilst they're the good guys at the 'club for all'. The reality is of course completely different as can be see by their supporters constantly displaying support for terrorists groups and their supporters general behaviour as the people of Dundee & Brentford will testify for in recent times. It's all about headline-grabbing & it matters not whether factually correct or not. Once the headline has got out it will have some sort of lasting effect. The piece of scum is playing his part too. The actual article in the newspaper did not actually mention Rangers by name but the implication was there. The headline got out. No one bothered to check the facts & this guys background except VB. Also, how is the police investigation progressing ? most buses have CCTV in them nowadays so surely the attackers would have been identified by now. Was there really an incident at all ? considering Girvan's previous I'd cast doubts on that. Sooner or later there'll be another headline like this one where the mhedia are only too willing to put out a headline portraying Rangers and/or its supporters in a bad light. They probably won't bother to check their facts either. If they think there's a market out there for anti-Rangers stuff out there then they'll soon find out there isn't when their sales fall even further than now.If this doesn't give Rangers supporters a reason to stop buying the Sun then nothing will.
  16. For as long as the BBC continue to be funded by a mandatory annual licence fee we have the right to demand accurate, unbiased broadcasts. It seems to me the BBC Scotland cannot hope to achieve this if they continue to employ the likes of Spence, Cosgrove etc who have an anti-Rangers bias for which they use the BBC Scotland to air this bias. This cannot be allowed to continue & I hope we pursue them until we get the desired result i.e. the removal of these cretins from their positions within BBC Scotland
  17. Scotland have just 4 goals in 8 games in this group before tonight's game. How poor is that ? Where the progress ?
  18. Speirs has no credibility left whatsoever ever since Chris Graham wiped the floor with him on Scotland Tonight on the night of the BTC result last year. Being caught out telling blatant lies on live television you'd think organisations in this country wouldn't employ him again. Yet again this is Scotland unfortunately
  19. aren't there 3 police investigations and an investigation by the Insolvency Service regards Whyte ?
  20. the reality is Rangers need to look for additional sources of revenue just now especially as we're out of Europe for the forseeable future. That will be the challenge facing those remaining after the forthcoming EGM or AGM. For example why pay £3.5m for a carpark which gets used every second saturday ? can't it be used at other times to generate income ? just one idea which I think should be looked at
  21. At least La LIGA is a 2 horse race. The SPL's successor is a 1 horse race which sponsors won't touch with a bargepole
  22. when the CVA got rejected Whyte was irrelevent to the whole process. Even if Whyte was a SEVCO5088 director it never got the assets. Sevco Scotland got them. Was Whyte a director of SEVCO Scotland ? NO
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