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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Until someone or some organisation buys a majority shareholding then we're going to go on like this for the forseeable future. It will be one or more groups trying to overthrow whoever is currently in the boardroom at that time. CG's idea of no one getting more than 15% of Rangers simply doesn't work. It's there for all to see

  2. No thanks!, we will keep plodding on working our way back up the leagues, you wanted big bad Rangers out and you got it,you made your bed now lie in it, we are well capable of looking after ourselves and need no help from any of the corrupt cabal SFA, the damage is done so it's too late.


    We're doing ourselves no favours playing in the lower leagues. from a financial viewpoint it means we loses millions year on year. We need to get back to the top division as soon as possible so as to get back into europe

  3. Sectarianism is a growing Industry in Scotland in which there are many people employed in it.

    It was set up by the two-bob politicians at Holyrood with a view to doing as much damage as possible to Rangers whilst ignoring all other forms of sectarianism and such like in this vile little country e.g. Celtic's support of banned terrorist organisations & in general anything directed at Rangers by all other Scottish clubs' supporters

  4. Did I hear this correctly today?


    If so, could Rhegan tell us what the SFA did to prevent Craig Whyte getting ownership of Rangers two and a half years ago?

    Despite warnings about Whyte's background from the likes of AJ and Jeff Randall the SFA sat back and allowed Whyte to get his hands on Rangers and we all know how that ended up. Did Whyte make any such prior application to the SFA ? If so can we see it? Or did Liewell & his PGB call the shots & allow Whyte ownership knowing what was likely to happen as that would benefit Liewell's club ?


    So what's changed regards Dave King ? is it because his arrival at Rangers & subsequent investment might be of considerable benefit to Rangers that an 'application' now has to be made ? Do some people at the SFA not like the thought of Rangers returning to the top of Scottish football? Also has the fat,sweaty, bespectacled lawyer been working behind the scenes to change the rules?


    King's arrival yesterday certainly seemed to concern the usual suspects in the mhedia. English for one.

  5. The BHEASTS are not right in the head,they are worried about our inevitable return back to the top of Scottish football,they tried to bury us and failed.


    And what will happen if a certain ex-chairman of theirs is found to have been the man who used his political influence to get HMRC to chase a fictitious tax bill which never existed resulting in the club being unsellable to any respectable buyer?

    And who also got his two bhoys in LBG to place financial restrictions on Rangers meaning we were unable to sign a player for 2 years?

    Not to mention also trying to get us chucked out of Europe via FARE which is basically controlled by the husband of one of their supporters ?


    Remember there are ongoing police enquiries and one by the insolvency service too. When the truth eventually comes out what will become of Scottish football I wonder?

    No wonder CG wanted us out of here.

  6. The legislation and the formation of FoCUS came out of the so called "shame game" and was introduced because the SG were concerned about the damage it was doing to Scotland's worldwide reputation.


    and how & where have FOCUS been operating ever since ? you tell me.

    Salmond knows he'll get no votes from Rangers & its support. This is his revenge

  7. There is not one bit of media coverage about Celtic fans singing about Frank de Boer being a sad orange bastard. Neither is there police and politician investigations.


    That suggests an inherent flaw in how this whole issue works.


    The legislation introduced and the formation of FOCUS are both intended to target Rangers & its support. That is a fact in this vile, infested little country we live in. Remember that next time at the ballot box. It was both the SNP & the Lhabour party who are responsible for this.Don't vote for them.It's unfortunate we don't have a party like N.I's DUP here in Scotland whom we could identify with.Could they set up over here?

    Last night's FdeB chants should have FOCUS attempting to identify the culprits but not a word so far. Are they investigating ? If not why not? Are they deaf or ,as I suspect, selective ?

    You cannot have legislation which applies to one section of a community but not another. The end result is seen all too often around the world. Don't think it couldn't happen here. It could.

  8. Personally I don't think any Tims are offended they are just trying to score points in one-upmanship.

    I must admit I don't need the Pope UVF stuff I prefer the catchy songs. I loved the idea of "We got knocked down but We got up again, You are never gonna keep us down. I admit it is not the easiest song to sing though


    don't think they're offended ? come on. They get up in the morning determined to be offended by the slightest little thing in order to inflict some sort of damage to Rangers and/or its supporters. Sectarianism is an industry in Scotland employing many people. It's time it was closed down and these people got themselves proper jobs provided someone would employ them.

  9. Fair enough.

    A section of our support remain completely out of touch with the prevailing views in the country. That lack of self awareness means 'we' remain 'shocked' when songs the vast majority of the population find distasteful and feel are clearly about terrorists eventually get banned. Posters blame 'The SNP' like they were installed in government following a coup instead of democratically elected or 'political correctness' like it's somehow strange people find these songs offensive.


    Is it the best use of police time? No, I don't think so. Is it a surprise? No, this has been coming for years. Does it concern me? No, I've no time for songs about murder gangs, no matter how some might chose to dress them up.


    the problem is our supporters are much more likely to get arrested than other teams supporters for similar or identical offences. That cannot continue. I believe ever since the toytown government was set up in holyrood it's been an opportunity for its inhabitants to co-ordinate attacks on our club &its supporters.

  10. The tims were singing 'Frank de Boer - sad Orange bastard' tonight.


    I'd have thought that would be plenty for the likes of FOCUS & FARE to investigate but they won't. We know why.

    However had it been big bad Rangers.................

    Just what does it take for people in this country to realise what's going on & where we're heading?

  11. There's a rather fine line between showing ambition and not being sensible.


    Personally i'd rather we'd saved up money for the top flight.


    We won't get back to the top ASAP on a shoestring budget. We need to realise that

  12. FOCUS are nothing more than an organisation set up by Salmond's anti-Rangers Government hellbent on arresting Rangers supporters for offences for which others teams supporters will get away with. Simple as that.

    Just remember that when you vote at the next election

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