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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. What I'll never understand, ever, is why they care? What the fuck does it matter to a Dunfermline fan if we're a 'new' club or the 'same' club, seriously what the fuck? You'd think, with what they've been through they'd have bigger things to worry about.

    Why did we stay in Scotland.


    The SFA, SPFL & UEFA recognise us as the same club. That is all that matters. People who go around saying otherwise are inevitably part of the anti-Rangers underclass who inhabit this nation of ours. Their lives are so inadequate so much of their time is pre-occupied with all things Rangers rather than their own clubs some of whom have such shameful histories that they envy Rangers and all it stands for. Others such as this lot have little or no history worth talking about

  2. Honestly … I think they pushed the sale of Rangers because we were the least indebted and most easily sellable bit of the MIH Group. I don't think the sale to Whyte was some kind of timmy conspiracy. But I do think that they knew he was a charlatan and a con-artist … and I don't think they cared so long as they got their money.


    how were we 'the least indebted and most easy sellable bit of the MIH Group' ? we had a potential £90m EBT bill !!!!!

    I believe the whole thing was a set up from LBG to HMRC and FARE. I do believe the truth will come out eventually

  3. Celtic arranged the sale to Craig Whyte?


    after LBG took over HBOS(MIH'S bankers) it was run by Manus J Fullerton(Celtic trust) and his sidekick Archibald Gerard Kane. Guess where their allegiances lie?

    despite MIH being £700m in debt LBG seemed more concerned with the Rangers debt which was around £18m by the time Whyte got Rangers.

    Which debt would you expect the bank to be more concerned about - the MIH debt or Rangers debt ? draw your own conclusions as to why they acted as they did i.e. did they force SDM into selling Rangers to Whyte ?

  4. So naive from Keith. Celtic have co-ordinated every single little bit of the this mess from the sale of Rangers to Craig Whyte to the decision where the Scottish Final will be played. That's just my opinion. We are being done like a kipper.


    My biggest wish is that the truth eventually comes out about the role played by LBG in Whyte's purchase of Rangers & who was behind the BTC. The people involved have a common interest i.e. Celtic. Once the police investigations & the Insolvency Service investigation concludes then I genuinely believe we will get justice and the SFA will have a massive problem on their hands i.e. what to do with Celtic not to mention what UEFA will do

  5. Seriously guys who do you think is going to withhold their licence fee, a couple of thousand people at most? You think that's going to make the slightest difference? All you'll end up with is a fine and seriously diminished credit rating. There are 63 million people in the UK, even if you could convince every Rangers supporter not to pay it you'd still barely make a dent in it.


    I love your naiveté with regards the quality of programme that would get produced if the BBC wasn't licence fee funded. You'll let me know when Sky and Radio Clyde start making accurate, impartial and properly researched documentaries now won't you. You seriously misunderstand how commercial TV and radio is funded and the type of programmes that are commissioned.


    If you want to change the media's behaviour, if you want to influence them in anyway you need to engage with them, anything else is simply posturing.


    You're missing the point. We have a choice whether we watch/listen to SKY or Radio Snyde (I choose not to) With the BBC we have no choice but to pay this outdated annual licence fee

  6. It's a much better article than the usual by Jackson but if he avoids the real question which the mhedia should be asking which is how Celtic & Liewell have managed to get into a situation where they're virtually running Scottish football.

    Regan is liewell's SFA puppet & Doncaster is Liewell's SPFL puppet. Liewell & Regan worked together previously at Coors of course and was it not the case John Reid's son at recruitment firm Nolan Partners was instrumental in getting Regan the SFA CEO position? and was anyone else interviewed for the position ? If not why not ? And also how many positions does Liewell currently hold in both the SPFL & SFA? Am I the only one who thinks that's not a good thing for Scottish football? Shouldn't the mhedia be asking these sort of questions or are they afraid to do so?

    Whenever we get around to appointing our new CEO I'd like to think he(or she) will ask these sort of questions as well as finding out the details of the secretive SKY deal Liewell & Doncaster struck last summer. It's disgraceful no one in the Scottish mhedia has even attempted to look into this murky deal. Why is that?

  7. Mass licence fee deprivation is the only thing that will shake the BBC into doing anything about it's lunatic fringe at Pacific Quay.


    you & I are in total agreement on that one jc but I'd go further & scrap the licence fee altogether. Let BBC Scotland go out into the real business world for its revenue. Then it would be forced to produce accurate, impartial & properly researched broadcasts as it would dependent on viewing figures for revenue. The anti-Rangers pondlife it currently employs would need to seek alternative employment elsewhere if anyone would want them

  8. World-travels aside, I very much expect quite a struggle with anything SPFL in years to come, not least when we are back where we belong.


    I just hope that during the BDO investigation et al all the naughty machinations and deals of the SPL, the Scum, and the SFA are brought to bright daylight. Weren't we told (by Traynor) that Regan and Lawwell knew in November that Whyte was not paying tax et al, but didn't say a word?


    I'm sure the Insolvency Service Investigation will look at Whytes non-payment of tax because in the end this was the only major debt we had (Lord Glennie concluded ticketus had personal contractual rights regarding the amounts Whyte owed them hence their pursuit of him thro'the courts down south & of course the BTC never was). How & why he got away with this for as long as he did needs to be answered and I do believe the SFA will have questions to answer in all of this.

    Regards the OP about Dumbcaster & Liewell going to China I'm sure I read that the Scottish Government are going to China to promote trade between the 2 countries so I'm sure these 2 clowns must have tagged along because there were 2 spare seats or something like that

  9. Unfortunately I think we're still 3 or 4 players short from where I suspect Ally would like us to be, but in a one off game anything could happen.

    I think we need a proper CB to play alongside Moshni (nothing against Jig) and a better RB too. We still need a bit more creativity in MF and someone with pace to play alongside Daly up front although I'd like to see Templeton getting a run out there as he is more of a goal threat than anyone else we've currently got IMO.

    If we can get thro' this next round then hopefully Ally can move 2 or 3 players out in January & bring in 2 or 3 for the positions which need strengthened

  10. Why would the Chinese be in the least bit interested in the SPF Hell ?

    Me thinks Dumbcaster & Liewell aren't going to be able to fulfill all those financial promises they made last summer regards reconstruction to all the various clubs and are now going round everywhere & anywhere looking for anyone who'd be willing invest/sponsor their flawed product that is the SPF Hell.

  11. Must admit that we all lived the dream under David Murray 9 in a row and would have been 10 if Walter had not decided to tell everybody he was finishing up at the end of the season. Then D. M.was wrongly advised about how tax should be paid, it was all quite legal at the time same as many other clubs . Difference with us was we had all the haters in the press , the spl and sfa were all controlled from the dark side.(Reid and Lieswell }

    Then Murray made the biggest mistake in his life by selling us to a con man and disappearing into the night . The bastard i will never forget that set up picture of those tax inspectors at the doors of Ibrox. How nobody from tax office was not prosecuted for that beats me, any way the rest is history as you summed it up perfectly in your other post. Rant over i feel better now . No Surrender.


    Do not believe for one minute SDM willingly sold to Whyte. The two bhoys at LBG (Fullerton & Kane) must answer questions on this. And they will as there are ongoing police investigations & an investigation by the Insolvency Service also.

    Also after the UTT in February(which HMRC will lose) hopefully we'll find out who got HMRC to pursue a fictitious tax bill which made the club unsellable whilst simultanaeously LBG were doing their bit by putting on financial restrictions.

    A certain former chairman of theirs who served in the last calamitous labour government springs to mind for all of this

  12. Easier said than done. First, the shares have to be for sale to be able to buy them. And, if so, at what price? Second, we all know that we will need a large infusion of cash in the next year. So that will be on top of buying out existing shareholders. So how much would all that take?


    one way or another there needs to be a resolution to all of this sooner rather than later. I back the requisitioners because I don't believe the current board have access to funds to run the club for too much longer. McColl has stated he's got investors lined up & I believe him. But there's no obvious route to getting McColl & co into power at present without someone gaining a major shareholding is there?

  13. The BBC is an outdated, biased, & largely unaccountable organisation which is funded by the population of this country whether they like it or not. As we have seen in this country over the past couple of years(us Rangers supporters that is) some its broadcasts have been inaccurate at best or downright biased to the point of telling blatant lies.

    How do they get away with it ? very simple. Due the licence fee it can broadcast whatever it likes by whoever it likes regardless of the quality & accuracy of those broadcasts. The sooner the licence fee is scrapped and it has to go out into the real world for its revenue the better. That would mean our chums at pacific quay wouldn't be able to employ some of the anti-Rangers pondlife we've had to endure over the past few years but I'd be one of the first to raise a glass to that I can tell you.

  14. Daly has been an excellent signing but I'm not sure we've currently got someone best suited to play alongside an old-fashioned centre-forward like him

    Ideally you'd want a striker with a bit of pace which we don't really have at present.

    I always thought McCoist would go back for Goodwillie but don't see that happening now.

    Maybe Kenny miller will sign in January after all...........

  15. Aye, that was my thinking back then when we all other clubs fans got to decide our future, it happened so I'm dealing with it,anyway we need three years accounts before we are allowed back into europe,I know it can be done via a special request from the SFA!, I won't hold my breath. Our current SPIVS are doing us no favours financially either.


    what will be interesting at the end of the season is whether the SPL, sorry SPFL, can meet all its financial promises it made to get the support from the Div1 clubs to push thro the 'reconstruction' (if you can call it that when you start with 12-10-10-10 & finished with 12-10-10-10). Don't forget they've still no sponsor for the league or LC and don't look like getting one either. That's a fair chunk of money to be going without I'd have thought

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