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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. me thinks Killie are getting desperate. Teetering on the brink of administration...........
  2. Monklands Council, Glasgow City Council, John Reid, Michael Kelly, Roseanna Cunningham...........................we've a right few friends amongst them have we not ? slimeballs who will smile at you and shake your hand when looking for your vote but their hatred of Rangers FC runs deeper than I'd ever imagined in these past 2 years. Throw in the majority of so-called sports journalists and surely now you see what I mean
  3. if Ally can wheel & deal in january and add 2 or 3 players in the areas we need to strengthen, then there's no reason why we can't win the SC
  4. but who is behind BPH & why ? what's their objective in all this?
  5. but who are they GS ? Am I the only one who thinks their influence is growing?
  6. Exactly who are Blue Pitch holdings? and could they (as McMurdo said) write a cheque for £50m tomorrow ?
  7. I am utterly astonished that there couldn't be a prosecution in this instance. What more evidence is needed ? Had this been the 'other way round' and it was Celt*c supporters on the receiving end then I am quite certain there would have been a prosecution. Appalling state of affairs
  8. it is apparent that an injection of new capital will be required in the near future. Neither the current board nor the requisitioners have yet fully outlined their plans as to how they would achieve this. Perhaps we'll learn more in the run up to the AGM.
  9. Sectarianism is a one-way street in this hate-filled little country as its masters would lead us to believe. Of that there is little doubt. It is quite apparent 'they' have infiltrated the political, legal and media professions in this country and pursued this agenda vigorously against us. And judging by this article Police Scotland should have one or two questions to answer due to their inaction in this instance. Are they of the opinion it is a one-way street too? Where this will all lead in the years ahead is a very worrying thought indeed. What happened in Northern Ireland when polarisation occurred between the two communities could very easily happen here in my opinion due to the minority community being seriously over-represented throughout the country and its representatives working primarily for that community often to the exclusion of the majority. The seeds are being sown
  10. when they played hertz recently they got a penalty when it struck a hertz player on the arm & it wasn't deliberate.
  11. why would we want a third LB when we don't even have one recognised RB ? Or would he get played out of position too?
  12. would have been a decent signing in the short term over the next couple of seasons but not when we get back into Europe.
  13. Vincent Lunny on the case immediately.Morton will regret this.
  14. With the players we've added over the summer that shouldn't happen this season. Of course we're still short in 2 or 3 positions but we are getting back to where we were before we went newco. If Ally can wheel & deal in January & add 2 or 3 players(and release 2 or 3 at the same time presumably) then there's no reason why we can't get to the SC final IMO
  15. will be over 40,000. Always are..........................ho ho. pity there wasn't more to see it
  16. if we're serious about doing well in the SC then Zaliukas is the type of player we'd need. However this whole thing is dragging on far too long
  17. Nothing surprises me any longer. Corrupt and rotten to the core. And I don't just mean Scottish football
  18. Doubt it. Just Lunny doing his job. Can't get away with that against ra shellik.To prove how corrupt he is nothing gets done about stokes dive in that game
  19. No they won't. How many Celtic players has Lunny banned so far? And don't forget in the game Gunning got banned Stokes blatantly dived to win a free kick from which he scored. Lunny did sweet FA about it
  20. the game in Scotland is corrupt & rotten to the core with the dhims in charge at the SFA & SPFL. And they wonder why no one will sponsor the SPFL?
  21. genuinely didn't think Olverman was still with Rangers. Had he done his job properly during Whyte's time he would have turned whistleblower and Whtye would never have done what he did
  22. that's what I thought. I didn't know he was still with Rangers. I'm sure I read he was getting 'struck off' or something.
  23. didn't that investigation cost £1m (or so we were told) ?
  24. that's what McMurdo was saying i.e. he had 24% of the shareholding either thro' his family or proxies
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