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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. When you see what guys like Dallas and Smith were hounded out for and what this idiot has been let away with, it makes one wonder just what is at play here. The man who favourited a tweet about "hanging" Lee McCulloch! A scumbag of a man.


    If there was strong leadership within the club we'd be calling for his head but there isn't. We've not even got a CEO at present.

    We're leaderless and THEY know it. Things have got to change

  2. You may say I'm leaping to conclusions here...but I don't think he likes us very much.


    Regan is Liewell's buddy from their days at coors together. He does what Liewell tells him.

    When our new CEO gets appointed he/she must make a top priority the removal of Regan. Dumbcaster too

  3. I watched Sydney FC v Melbourne Victory on Saturday morning and you're right, the standard is pretty poor. Granted the first half saw 5 goals, a red card, a penalty, the home side go 2-0 and then 3-2 up after a comeback, but the standard was poor. But what I took from it was that if you have an audience and you market the product properly the lack of quality can be overcome (or hidden, to be more honest).


    The Aussies have modern stadia and I assume (soccer being a minority sport) they have competitive pricing in place, because there was a decent crowd there, including about 1,000 away fans: my Oz geography is not that great but I do know it's a big place, so that's quite something. The only natural advantage they have over us is that their time difference means they can play at the unappealling-to-British-clubs 9am Saturday morning slot; everything else they have, they have created by means of marketing.


    Compare that to us! I grant you dealing with the mentalists in the game is not easy, but our current policy of cravenly letting them run the game is not good for the future.


    The main issue bud is that the Aussies have got a vastly superior TV deal than the SPFL. Doesn't say much for those running our game does it? when Walter Smith left Rangers a couple of years ago he warned Scottish Football had no money. Those chickens will soon be coming home to roost for a number of clubs. Just ask Hearts & Dunfermline

  4. The real issue is that the SPFL TV deal is peanuts compared to other countries. It's about half of what the Australian A league gets which, with all due respect, isn't the greatest league in the world.The Dutch eredivisie league isn't the gresatest either but gets about 5 times what the SPFL gets.

    So if popcorn teeth realy wants to talk about TV deals he should take it up with his boss Liewell. He might even find out what it was Liewell & his buddy Dumbcaster signed up to with SKY last summer as they strolled thro' the airport together as they put together something to keep SKY on board in an unappealing league without Rangers in it. I suspect they signed a longterm deal for pretty much the status quo with no increase for years to come which is little good for anyone.

  5. Regan is Liewell's puppet at the SFA just as Dumbcaster is Liewell's puppet at the SPL, sorry SPFL. To remove him would require taking on Liewell too and scottish club chairmen haven't the balls for that. They're a weak, subservient bunch only too happy to please their leader as scottish football lies in the gutter with little hope of getting out of it

  6. Clark will come good. He's in the right position every time he misses. At some point he'll be in the right position every time but not miss. When that starts to happen he could, like dB says, walk away with a few match balls.


    With Little's injury Clark will get his opportunity but he needs goals and quickly otherwise McCoist will start looking elsewhere starting in january. 2 goals so far ain't great whichever way you look at it. We're now over-relying on Daly for goals which can't continue. Daly needs a strike-partner to share the goal-scoring burden.

  7. Would yous rather we waited till we were in the spl and had no team to compete? Shite performance today, but yup very happy indeed with our new found determination to grind out a result. Last year that just wasnt there


    We should have scored more goals today. With Little's injury young Clark has to take the opportunity he'll now get alongside Daly whom we're now over-relying on. I think Clark needs to get more goals and quickly otherwise McCoist will start looking elsewhere.

    We're still a bit short in 3 or 4 positions but I'm sure Ally fully realises this and will move to remedy this either in january or in the Summer when we'll need a team in place to get us back to the top division and back into Europe

  8. What a horrible bigoted cow.


    This is what happens when these people get into these positions.................

    What's more worrying is the total lack of response from the holyrood toytown parliament. Does emperor salmond not want to upset his potential supporters for next year's referendum?

    Wouldn't worry too much about it though Mr Salmond. You will not win anyway.

  9. Of course you have the problem of scottish teams lying in bed with the BHEASTS with regards to how we were treated!


    I think they voted along with the Bheasts to vote us out the SPL because at the time they were deliberately given false & misleading information such as we were in over £100m in debt, cheated by paying players we couldn't afford etc.The only major debt we had in the end was the tax/NI whyte never paid.They voted accordingly but would they vote differently now?

    Once the real story comes out about who got HMRC to pursue a fictitious debt & who in LBG forced SDM to sell to Whyte then Scottish football will have a real story on its hands.

  10. UEFA hasn't opened any proceedings against the 'parkhead club' over sectarian chanting ? are they deaf ? has Lunny got a job with UEFA too? do I detect influence from the discredited & corrupt FARE organisation in ignoring the sectarian chants from the supporters of the 'parkhead club'?

  11. if we can move out 2 or 3 in january & bring in 2 or 3 for the positions which need strengthening then we've nothing to fear from them.They're weaker since last season & will be even weaker by the time we're back in the same league as them. Trying to sign players to play in a one horse race with the prospect of hee-haw in a CL section doesn't seem quite so appealing now does it?

  12. So where are we going wrong? We're winning at the moment.


    Winning with an experienced team of seasoned pros. Too many young players failed to take their opportunity last season for one reason or another.Most simply not good enough IMO.

    And that raises another question as to why we're spending so much money at MP on youth development with little or no end results.

  13. Scottish football doesn't care mate and they certainly don't care that we don't like him, in fact that may make him more popular.


    I thinks might just be changing. A couple of examples have occurred this season which have gone against Celt*c's opponents were DundeeHibs getting beat earlier this season when Stokes took a blatant dive for a freekick from which he scored the winner. Lunny did nothing. DundeeHibs were rightly unhappy. Now there's this Rowan Vine nonsense. Why has it taken Lunny so long to make this decision ? Was it because Liewell was in China ? HIVS can't be happy with this surely?

    Slowly but surely the rest of Scottish football must realise it's being run by corrupt dhims. We can only hope..........

  14. Why are FARE not lobbying Uefa with regards Celtic fans singing sectarian songs?


    Because FARE is run by PIarra Powar who is the husband/partner of a celti*c supporter. FARE will do anything to get their opponents/rivals into bother and will turn a blind eye to anything Celt*c do. The whole thing is so corrupt you couldn't make it up

  15. The real story is how Whyte managed to get Rangers in the first place. Was SDM blackmailed into selling Rangers by the bhoys running LBG?

    And was it a former lhabour cabinet minister(ex chairman of theirs) who initiated the fictitious BTC via his contacts? this made the club unsellable.

    These are the two questions which need answered first & foremost

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