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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Am i the only one of the opinion that the sooner Frank Blin gets a place on the board the better. At least we would know that we had someone with impeccable credentials in whom we should be able to trust. Reading everything today there seems to be money flying around in all directions. This must be worrying
  2. This national broadcaster i.e. BBC Scotland will become unbiased when it stops receiving its outdated licence fee from the people of this country regardless of whether they watch BBC Scotland or not and it becomes dependent on commercial revenue from other sources. It will then be reliant on audiences because that will determine how much revenue it would get and if it continued to produce inaccurate,biased & poorly-researched broadcasts and continued to employ some of the pond life who currently appear in these broadcasts then audience figures would fall and thus revenues would fall accordingly too. Other broadcasters exist in this way. Why can't the BBC ?
  3. We need a strong robust response from the club regards this. It should not be afraid to confront them from the east end(and others too) over their continual denials about their problems which are far greater than ours in my opinion. They have their placemen(and women) in the media and politics who continually gloss over their issues and turn the attention onto us. We need to be resolute over this
  4. without us in the top flight the game is doomed. That's all I'm saying. They took a decision to throw Rangers out of the SPL and it will have a detrimental effect at some point. The SPFL has no sponsor. The LC has no sponsor. It looks like Liewell & Doncaster signed a SKY deal for years in advance(so they didnt quit) at no increase in revenue over those years. Are you suggesting these directors believe that their supporters will make up the shortfall over these next few years? sorry craig just can't see it
  5. not sure their bank managers would be quite as easily fooled..............
  6. as a taxpayer-funded organisation the BBC has a duty to produce impartial broadcasts of a required standard which are factually-correct and inoffensive. Employing the likes of Cosgrove, Spence and Cowans runs a very high risk of compromising all of that. Me thinks an example has been made of Cosgrove in this instance. Time will tell how it impacts on his remaining chums who are much worse than him
  7. and did they honour these assurances ? motherwell supporters didn't. They finished last season on the supporters trust's overdraft. others just give away thousands of free tickets to massage their attendances.
  8. did every SPL club director break the law then when they voted Rangers out of the SPL ? if they've to 'make decisions for the benefit of the company' then voting Rangers out led to reduced revenue which will get worse as the new SPFL hasn't got a sponsor. Neither has the LC
  9. the dhims will vote whoever is most likely to win an election so they themselves can try to gain power by becoming involved in whichever political party that may be. They're hypocrites. How can they vote for any UK unionist party(labour,tory or libdem) but turn up at the glitterdome every other week singing the irish independence songbook?
  10. tell me this bud, how long is this sustainable ? how long can these clubs continue in a top division without Rangers in it? the SPFL has no sponsor the league cup has no sponsor. The SFA are about to lose adidas as the Scotland team's strip supplier(not enough strips sold. Wonder why? Rangers supporters don't buy them anymore?). I also reckon the only way the SPFL have kept SKY is to accept a longterm deal which offers no increase in money for years. A total disaster when you compare the SPFL to the likes of the Australian A league which receives more than twice as much as the SPFL from TV income (and the A league certainly isn't a great league with all due respect). No wonder Charles Green wanted Rangers out of Scottish football
  11. no he'll need to ask Dave King about that after the AGM.
  12. I'd argue something like this is being tried already by some SPFL Premiership Clubs (the one who were in last season's SPHell) and is failing miserably. I know of both St Midden & Motherwell supporters who have bought an adult season ticket and got THREE free season tickets for kids. It's not just the attendances at the glitterdome I'm sceptical about. St midden also give out hundreds if not thousands of free tickets for every home game in their south stand to schools & boys clubs in renfrewshire. Virtually no one pays in that stand. I'd guess about 15-20% of st midden's home attendances haven't paid for a match ticket.
  13. nothing to stop us getting a few loan deals in january is there ? after all Ian Durrant is a pal of AVB at Spurs. They were at the same coaching classes in largs some years ago as durranty told us. I'm sure AVB would be only too delighted to help out his old buddy. They were & still are buddies right ? (or so durranty told us)
  14. I predict Killie will go into administration at some point this season.
  15. I genuinely don't believe Whyte has anything to do with Rangers. To me he is simply a Walter Mitty type character. How many of his so-called businesses are actually trading & making money? His lifestyle is under investigation no doubt as he appears to have no obvious amounts of income to support homes in monaco, london and the highland castle which looks like being repossessed. That said I would like to know who is behind BPH & Margarita holdings & their motives for doing so.
  16. There's no doubt that it just didn't work out for PLG at Rangers. We can debate the reasons for this but in the near future I would like to see us go for a foreign manager(with a decent CV of course) with mostly scottish coaches & scottish backroom staff. Many of the top English clubs do this very successfully. Whether we like it or not Scottish football is not highly-regarded throughout Europe and I believe we would benefit from the ideas and know-how from elsewhere.
  17. On BBC Scotland's website almost immediately as story broke. Any story no matter how trivial which might portray Rangers in a bad light gets maximum coverage possible
  18. Now we're not signing either zaliukas or pandza how about going back & getting the young Left midfielder Sam kelly who was on trial & supposedly impressed last month. Our lack of natural left sided midfielders was again apparent last sunday with Steven Smith playing there. Give Kelly a contract until the end of the season. If he fails to get into the first team by then release him.
  19. Should be good place to go for a holiday after this. Won't be too many green'n'grey hooped horrors I shouldn't think
  20. I'm not suggesting 'irish Catholics' Andy. I'm suggesting the Celt*c supporting fraternity in general. I wouldn't class Reid as an 'irish catholic' would you?
  21. me thinks Killie are getting desperate. Teetering on the brink of administration...........
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