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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Laxey paid approx £1.3m for 5% shareholding in Rangers last week as far as I'm aware. Who's to say they won't buy more?

    What was stopping the likes of McColl & King doing that if they're as wealthy as made out to be ? they'd have got a decent % of Rangers and could have a genuine influence in the AGM instead of continually sniping from the sidelines & not putting in a penny

  2. Are we not owed prizemoney from the good old SF of A ?


    My understanding was that we forfeited our SPL prize money as part of the 5 way agreement in order to get the SFA to transfer our membership from oldco to newco hence the club continued. We also had to accept a 12month signing embargo and a £50k unless I'm mistaken.

    Are you maybe getting mixed up with the Steve Davis transfer fee which Southampton paid the SFA and they're still holding on to?

  3. The big question is....Was the SPL liquidated along with the SFL, and a completely new company (SPFL) setup, or was the SPL company retained & just given a new name???


    My understanding was SPL simply changed its name to SPFL. Same company. It's the SFL company which ceased to exist. Perhaps someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

  4. fortunately this malcontent is seeking what is best for rangers not the spivs.


    but back to your everythings ok if a majority of shareholders want it view for you. thats served us well under murray and whyte.

    let's hope this majority didn't buy us planning to put us under like whyte. because that was ok apparently.


    Do you seriously believe Laxey (and others) are 'planning to put us under' ? why would they pay a lot of money for these shares to 'put us under' ? who's to say they won't increase their shareholding too?

    Quite frankly if these people(and others) start to 'raise the bar' at Rangers and start setting higher performance targets for everyone at Rangers then I'm all for it.

    No more going out of Europe to Kaunus & Malmo and the manager staying in a job perhaps. There's been too much easy money at Rangers for years and if this type of investor changes that culture then bring it on I say.

    If Rangers were properly run they'd be a profit-making organisation dominating Scottish football year in year out & competing in Europe well into the new year every season.But that's not been the case has it? Everything needs to change from our hopeless youth system at MP to the first team and the commercial side too.

    Look, I'd been keen to get McColl co into power but it ain't going to happen is it? they're simply going around begging shareholders whereas they should have been getting a substantial shareholding together at the IPO a year ago if they were serious about all this.

    And there will be no chance of Admin2 or another(god forbid) liquidation process. These wealthy British financial institutions who effectively control the quintesential British club won't allow that to happen. I can live with that. You should too bud

  5. What we need to know from the club is what they intend to do following the statement on the club website on Friday. There is not a cat in hell's chance of Liewell resigning from the SFA PGB because the SFA is dominated by & run by Celt*c minded individuals who will stick by another in a situation such as this. This situation arose at the SFA after SDM abandoned ship & left us with no representation and they all moved in & assumed power.

    If our club is serious about following up Liewell's comment on Friday(humourous intent or not) then the only option is to pursue him thro' the courts. Do our club intend to go that far? Ihave my doubts I have to say

  6. I was about to click agree on Waltergotstyle's post til I realised the same as you. It should be untenable. But in truth he will carry on regardless with no one questioning it.


    This is why our new CEO needs to be someone who's prepared to have a go with Liewell & co. For starters demand to see the TV deal he & dumbcaster signed last summer. If they won't show it take legal action. Time to up the stakes with these people

  7. His position should be untenable but as he is running the game along with his cabal he is unlikely to sack himself


    After our club's statement on Friday we now wait with baited breath to see what happens next.

    Will Liewell reply to our club's statement? what will our club do if he makes no reply? make another statement?

    What if he totally dismisses our club's statement given he's on the SFA PGB? are there any plans to take this further if the SFA ignore the statement or dismiss it? legal action?

    Like many I felt releasing Friday's statement was the easy part. Following it up will be the hard part.

  8. Not really too surprising. Previously, the best any club could hope for was third place. Now, every club and his dog fancies that second place is within their grasp. they were never going to get the league title anyway, but this way they have the chance at serious European money.


    No club outside the OF has serious chance of European money IMO. They'd never get past the qualifying rounds

  9. I think some will be shocked at how long it takes us to challenge Celtic whoever is in charge.


    As much as it would be heart breaking to see them break records etc I don't want the club's future put at risk again chasing success.


    Don't agree. If we can get investment in when we're back in the top division(whatever it'll be called by then) and provided the money is spent wisely to strengthen the areas of the team needing it most then we won't be far away. I fully expect Celt*c to be weaker by the time we get back. None of their signings this season & last have exactly been fantastic have they?

  10. Had Rangers released the following statement 'We're delighted to note that Celtic shareholders and their Chief Executive retain a huge interest in Rangers, some things will never change.' we'd have humiliated Lawwell and made our point at the same time.


    Liewell's statement was about us being a new club but pretending to be or impersonating an old club.

    There was no old club or new club. The SFA transfered our membership from oldco to newco. The club continued as both the SFA & SPFL have acknowledged (see SPFL website).

    As a member of the SFA PGB Liewell should know this. If he doesn't he shouldn't be there. Get him to retract his inference today or pursue him thro' the courts. His position would be most certainly untenable by then.

  11. Once we start beating them again we wont care what they say.


    I think we will you know. They'll continue to invent even more lies as we climb our way back to the top.

    Here is an opportunity to force Liewell into making a statement that we're not the same club. We might want to get Rhegan to make a similar statement while we're at it.

    Imagine the meltdown amongst the green'n'grey poops if that happened.................

    Liewell's unleashed a tiger which could turn to maul him(and hopefully a few others too)

  12. Yes, let's sit back while others treat the Rangers as a figure of fun...that will never meet will approval on a Rangers forum.


    Let's see Jack Irvine(I presume it is he who released the statement) go after liewell and let's see him earn some of the excessive amounts of money he's been getting from the club

  13. Have these idiots no idea who Padriag Mullan is? He is a dirty bigot who should be jailed for his outbursts on Facebook and Twitter.


    The biggest question is how they continue to escape prosecution for something so blatant.Phil multi-names is the most classic example of all with some of his comments about Rangers and its supporters. Do I detect an influence by Mulholland QC in all of this on their behalf?

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