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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. and how & where have FOCUS been operating ever since ? you tell me. Salmond knows he'll get no votes from Rangers & its support. This is his revenge
  2. The legislation introduced and the formation of FOCUS are both intended to target Rangers & its support. That is a fact in this vile, infested little country we live in. Remember that next time at the ballot box. It was both the SNP & the Lhabour party who are responsible for this.Don't vote for them.It's unfortunate we don't have a party like N.I's DUP here in Scotland whom we could identify with.Could they set up over here? Last night's FdeB chants should have FOCUS attempting to identify the culprits but not a word so far. Are they investigating ? If not why not? Are they deaf or ,as I suspect, selective ? You cannot have legislation which applies to one section of a community but not another. The end result is seen all too often around the world. Don't think it couldn't happen here. It could.
  3. I fully realise that Pete. McConnell's lot started it and Salmond's been happy to carry it on.
  4. don't think they're offended ? come on. They get up in the morning determined to be offended by the slightest little thing in order to inflict some sort of damage to Rangers and/or its supporters. Sectarianism is an industry in Scotland employing many people. It's time it was closed down and these people got themselves proper jobs provided someone would employ them.
  5. the problem is our supporters are much more likely to get arrested than other teams supporters for similar or identical offences. That cannot continue. I believe ever since the toytown government was set up in holyrood it's been an opportunity for its inhabitants to co-ordinate attacks on our club &its supporters.
  6. I'd have thought that would be plenty for the likes of FOCUS & FARE to investigate but they won't. We know why. However had it been big bad Rangers................. Just what does it take for people in this country to realise what's going on & where we're heading?
  7. We won't get back to the top ASAP on a shoestring budget. We need to realise that
  8. FOCUS are nothing more than an organisation set up by Salmond's anti-Rangers Government hellbent on arresting Rangers supporters for offences for which others teams supporters will get away with. Simple as that. Just remember that when you vote at the next election
  9. I know he has shares under his own name but what's to stop him holding shares via margarita & BPH too?
  10. is Mike Ashley behind Margarita & BPH ? do the Easdales have proxy voting rights for these two companies? Once he sells Newcastle will he increase his shareholding in Rangers?
  11. yes but their owners didn't deliberately withhold tax. Ours did. I want to know how he got Rangers in the first place & how he got away with not paying over PAYE/NI deductions for as long as he did.
  12. I hope DK isn't even considering a Martin Bain return when I read his statement...............not to mention his laughable £600k salary. That's why I'm uneasy about PM's return. We needed to start afresh after Whyte. I don't want the old guard returning en masse.
  13. oh dear. A rangers supporter who thinks our club 'went into administration and eventual liquidation' I despair. Please allow me to explain: The oldco which ran the club until the middle of last year was refused a CVA (after going into administration)by its majority creditor HMRC because its then owner didn't pay the PAYE/NI deductions from employees salaries as it was supposed to. This resulted in somewhere between £10-15m. As a result a newco had to be formed by new owners which purchased the oldco's assets i.e. club, Ibrox stadium,MP etc. The oldco (which is now an empty corporate shell with no assets but with £5.5m in its account which was the purchase price from the new owners). The oldco will eventually be liquidated in probably 10 years time or so. Many respected observers& organisations recognise that the club continued and preserved its history e.g. SFA, SPFL, UEFA, HMRC, LNS, Neil Patey etc. Many other clubs have done likewise e.g. Leeds Utd, Fulham, Woves, Middlesbro, Fiorentina & Napoli. No one challenges them that they're not the same club. That only happens in this poisoned little country of ours
  14. it was more AJ who warned us about Whyte. Yes Whyte did pay LBG with ticketus money & unless I'm mistaken PM had a similar plan when tried to oust Whyte's bid at the eleventh hour
  15. The problem I have with PM is that he was on the board when Whyte got control of the club. I have said on here many times I want to know how Whyte got Rangers in the first place with apparently no money of his own(to pay off Fullerton & Kane at LBG). Until such times as these facts are know then I think it might be best if PM doesn't become involved but I respect that may change if DK is prepared to invest into Rangers because there's a financial black hole which needs plugged one way or another
  16. what we will need to know is how DK will inject funds into Rangers to fill the financial hole that everyone can see exists between now & when we return to the top.
  17. that wouldn't work. You'd have difficulty attracting decent players for a start
  18. Who would be FD then ? I'd suggest Gordon McKie ex-SRU and Rangers man who'd tick most boxes IMO. Also before we discuss the FD can we confirn if Ken Olverman is still at Rangers ? if so why ? this man's involvement in Whyte's reign was appalling in that he didn't turn whistleblower to reveal was Whyte was up to. If DK does gain control this guy must surely be first out the door, if he's still there
  19. looks like he's struggling to make the step up from QOS to Rangers
  20. They've become boring ever since games were played on a Friday night instead of a saturday. This has left the saturday a bit of a wash-out IMO
  21. I don't think we can deny bonus payments to anyone at the club who is entitled to them providing they are reasonable. Bonus payments are part & parcel of football whether we like it or not. Almost major clubs would appear to have them but these bonuses were exorbitant for SFL3 along with the manager's salary
  22. must admit think Novo could do a job up front as I think a smaller, nippier player playing off Daly would be better for us. Even if it was for just one season
  23. you can tell THEY are starting to get worried about King's possible return when Gibbons starts writing about it.....................
  24. might be 'very high quality' craig but will some of these players be capable of progressing to the first team in a few years ? other it's a complete waste of money which we can no longer afford
  25. This article says CM's talks with DK were in vain. Richard Wilson's article in the Herald suggested the opposite. Who can we believe? We'll know nothing until DK states his position.
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