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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Terry Butcher should think twice if he's offered the HIVS job after Fenlon got the boot. He'd be taking a job at a club whose support are probably the second most anti-Rangers in the country.
  2. Unfortunately I think we're still 3 or 4 players short from where I suspect Ally would like us to be, but in a one off game anything could happen. I think we need a proper CB to play alongside Moshni (nothing against Jig) and a better RB too. We still need a bit more creativity in MF and someone with pace to play alongside Daly up front although I'd like to see Templeton getting a run out there as he is more of a goal threat than anyone else we've currently got IMO. If we can get thro' this next round then hopefully Ally can move 2 or 3 players out in January & bring in 2 or 3 for the positions which need strengthened
  3. Why would the Chinese be in the least bit interested in the SPF Hell ? Me thinks Dumbcaster & Liewell aren't going to be able to fulfill all those financial promises they made last summer regards reconstruction to all the various clubs and are now going round everywhere & anywhere looking for anyone who'd be willing invest/sponsor their flawed product that is the SPF Hell.
  4. Do not believe for one minute SDM willingly sold to Whyte. The two bhoys at LBG (Fullerton & Kane) must answer questions on this. And they will as there are ongoing police investigations & an investigation by the Insolvency Service also. Also after the UTT in February(which HMRC will lose) hopefully we'll find out who got HMRC to pursue a fictitious tax bill which made the club unsellable whilst simultanaeously LBG were doing their bit by putting on financial restrictions. A certain former chairman of theirs who served in the last calamitous labour government springs to mind for all of this
  5. one way or another there needs to be a resolution to all of this sooner rather than later. I back the requisitioners because I don't believe the current board have access to funds to run the club for too much longer. McColl has stated he's got investors lined up & I believe him. But there's no obvious route to getting McColl & co into power at present without someone gaining a major shareholding is there?
  6. The BBC is an outdated, biased, & largely unaccountable organisation which is funded by the population of this country whether they like it or not. As we have seen in this country over the past couple of years(us Rangers supporters that is) some its broadcasts have been inaccurate at best or downright biased to the point of telling blatant lies. How do they get away with it ? very simple. Due the licence fee it can broadcast whatever it likes by whoever it likes regardless of the quality & accuracy of those broadcasts. The sooner the licence fee is scrapped and it has to go out into the real world for its revenue the better. That would mean our chums at pacific quay wouldn't be able to employ some of the anti-Rangers pondlife we've had to endure over the past few years but I'd be one of the first to raise a glass to that I can tell you.
  7. King needs to buy shares & get a major or majority shareholding. It's the only resolution to all of this.

    Jon Daly

    Daly has been an excellent signing but I'm not sure we've currently got someone best suited to play alongside an old-fashioned centre-forward like him Ideally you'd want a striker with a bit of pace which we don't really have at present. I always thought McCoist would go back for Goodwillie but don't see that happening now. Maybe Kenny miller will sign in January after all...........
  9. what will be interesting at the end of the season is whether the SPL, sorry SPFL, can meet all its financial promises it made to get the support from the Div1 clubs to push thro the 'reconstruction' (if you can call it that when you start with 12-10-10-10 & finished with 12-10-10-10). Don't forget they've still no sponsor for the league or LC and don't look like getting one either. That's a fair chunk of money to be going without I'd have thought
  10. the cynic in me says they didn't want a Ramsdens Cup Final with a bigger attendance than the LC final..............
  11. Until someone or some organisation buys a majority shareholding then we're going to go on like this for the forseeable future. It will be one or more groups trying to overthrow whoever is currently in the boardroom at that time. CG's idea of no one getting more than 15% of Rangers simply doesn't work. It's there for all to see
  12. We're doing ourselves no favours playing in the lower leagues. from a financial viewpoint it means we loses millions year on year. We need to get back to the top division as soon as possible so as to get back into europe
  13. Still don't know why he wants to be involved
  14. for as long as they receive the ridiculous and outdated licence fee then they will continue to do this. were they dependent on commercial income and viewing figures then this sort of thing would be much less likely to occur if people simply ignored or boycotted them.
  15. If the SFA try to block Dave King joining the Rangers board of directors (presumably based on his tax case in S.A) will there be calls for an investigation into Dermot Desmond's background?
  16. Sectarianism is a growing Industry in Scotland in which there are many people employed in it. It was set up by the two-bob politicians at Holyrood with a view to doing as much damage as possible to Rangers whilst ignoring all other forms of sectarianism and such like in this vile little country e.g. Celtic's support of banned terrorist organisations & in general anything directed at Rangers by all other Scottish clubs' supporters
  17. After all they've put us thro' over the past couple of years,I suspect there are many within Rangers(myself included) who would relish the thought of getting the SFA into court and what that might entail for them i.e. UEFA punishments
  18. is it not the case that King's imminent arrival means the SFA are caught between a rock & a hard place i.e. they(Regan & Liewell) want to stop him investing in Rangers but can't risk going to court to prevent him doing so ?
  19. If so then I'd expect that if any application is rejected then this will end up in the courts. I don't think the SFA would want that but you never know do you?
  20. Did I hear this correctly today? If so, could Rhegan tell us what the SFA did to prevent Craig Whyte getting ownership of Rangers two and a half years ago? Despite warnings about Whyte's background from the likes of AJ and Jeff Randall the SFA sat back and allowed Whyte to get his hands on Rangers and we all know how that ended up. Did Whyte make any such prior application to the SFA ? If so can we see it? Or did Liewell & his PGB call the shots & allow Whyte ownership knowing what was likely to happen as that would benefit Liewell's club ? So what's changed regards Dave King ? is it because his arrival at Rangers & subsequent investment might be of considerable benefit to Rangers that an 'application' now has to be made ? Do some people at the SFA not like the thought of Rangers returning to the top of Scottish football? Also has the fat,sweaty, bespectacled lawyer been working behind the scenes to change the rules? King's arrival yesterday certainly seemed to concern the usual suspects in the mhedia. English for one.
  21. love to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting........................
  22. And what will happen if a certain ex-chairman of theirs is found to have been the man who used his political influence to get HMRC to chase a fictitious tax bill which never existed resulting in the club being unsellable to any respectable buyer? And who also got his two bhoys in LBG to place financial restrictions on Rangers meaning we were unable to sign a player for 2 years? Not to mention also trying to get us chucked out of Europe via FARE which is basically controlled by the husband of one of their supporters ? Remember there are ongoing police enquiries and one by the insolvency service too. When the truth eventually comes out what will become of Scottish football I wonder? No wonder CG wanted us out of here.
  23. just hope Daly can avoid injury. If he does then I'd put money on him get 40 plus goals over the season
  24. What we don't know is how King would run Rangers if he got a controlling interest i.e. his management style. I don't think you'd get to his alleged level of wealth in a country like S.A by being charitable
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