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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Quite correct Steve.

    We may end up in a bleak place.

    However, no matter where or who we play, I'm quite sure we will take our fan base - no matter what level.

    Where are the tyrants who are running Rangers going to get their money from then?


    What if we don't end up in a bleak place? What if whichever Easdale it was interviewed on Friday really has got investors lined up? My gripe all along is that the requisitioners were a joke all along .They were nothing more than the Blue Knights tribute act.

  2. Every single director ever appointed to the newco has been appointed by the 1p club.


    When one fucks up he gets paid off or sacked and they find a new pal to come in.


    Same if you turn against them.


    They will win the agm vote simply because we are at minimum 80percent owned by investors not fans and none of them want us run by fans. Or not enough of them.


    The notion the 1p club care about the share price is debatable. The idea they care about trophies highly debatable.


    We the fans will need to exert control and demand success as we always have before and if the 1p club dont deliver we need to force them out.


    Everyone had the opportunity to get shares a year ago. The ones who chose not to seem to be making the most noise at present. Frankly it was a joke that the requisitioners were simply going around lobbying shareholders instead of getting proper financial backing. What was Jim McColl all about ? King too. If Laxey can fork out £1.3m for 5 per cent of Rangers couldn't McColl or King have done that given their wealth? Or maybe more ?

    We are where we are.Rangers are a plc owned by shareholders who will elect who they wish to run Rangers on thursday. It's a foregone conclusion. Get over it.

  3. You won't be alone. I may also be withdrawing any funding of the club after the AGM, as little as it is in the grand scheme of things. Frankly the stuff i have seen and heard from both Somers and Easdale in the last few weeks has made me sick. I already wanted Stockbridge and Toxic out. I have no idea how i feel about Wallace but certainly feel sorry for Ally and the players. They are stuck firmly in the middle here. It's a hard one. Walk out on the team or fatten the spivs pockets. My head tells me the only thing that will make them listen is for fans to walk away.


    I already don't buy any official merchandise and that will continue until i decide i can trust those in control of the clubs finances and we get a quality worthy of our name. I want the details of our deal with Sports Direct and Puma too. The exact details. The rumours surrounding said deal are frightening and i want to know what the real story is behind them.


    I'm sure I read somewhere that the Puma/Blackthorn deal is for one season only ? Surely that can't be true ?

  4. And what will they prove ? They will prove that HMRC were well within their rights to chase that EBT case, regardless of outcome.


    Can you prove HMRC were within their rights to chase that EBT Case?

    EBT's were a perfectly legal form of tax avoidance used by thousands of UK companies until they were closed down following legislation.

    I hope following the UTT early next year we find out who it was who got HMRC to chase this fictitious tax bill.

  5. What do you think would have happened to LBG's personal banking business north of the border if they'd had to put Rangers into administration?


    Had Whyte never got Rangers in the first place then administration would never have happened.we need to know how Whyte got Rangers. Did LBG force SDM into selling to Whyte? If so why, by whom at LBG and for what reasons?

  6. Rab i think you also have to remember that the HBOS were almost bankrupt themselves. They had to get a hold of every penny they could. As far as I can remember HBOS had about 1 hour before they went to the wall. Lloyds obviously wanted to cut their debt quickly. As for the new stance, well every bank is now starting to soften up again.


    So why were they more concerned with Rangers debt instead of the much larger MIH debt?

  7. SDM didnt know it wasnt going under. Remember, he wasnt convinced that we would win the EBT case - and if we did lose that we would owe HMRC over 100 million (if they got the full whack including penalties) - you reckon Rangers would have survived that ? SDM wanted out - he was crapping himself over the EBT and didnt want to be the one to put Rangers out of business.


    I dont think it was a forced sale. Pressure applied ? Possibly - but RFC wasnt the only asset he was forced to get rid of, he was also having to sell other properties to satisfy all the short term debt he foolishly took on.


    We can call it a witch hunt from HMRC all we like - at the end of the day they tried to apply tax legislation which had been amended and their interpretation was that we owed a ton of money. They lost but it doesnt actually make it a witch hunt, no matter how unpalattable that sounds.


    You should ask why HMRC chose to go after Rangers for this fictitious EBT tax bill. I firmly believe a certain former labour cabinet minister used his political connections to get them to do this as part of the plan to put us out of business altogether.It very nearly succeeded.

  8. By continually ignoring and denying the existence of militant Irish republicanism within their support Celt@c perhaps unintentionally created a monster called the green brigade which is turning to destroy them.Despite today's actions these people will not go away as they see Celt@c as their stage to show their militant Irish Republicanism. Liewell is terrified of these people and cannot and will not be able to remove them on a permanent basis. The fun has just begun. Let's sit back and watch this vile club unravel in the months and maybe years ahead.Who knows their Irish identity may destroy them once and for all. Here's hoping.

  9. I'm just not convinced that Lloyds forced Murray into selling to Whyte.


    If so for what purpose? for £18m?


    Murray still owes Christ knows what to the bank anyway so what difference would that £18m have made? I personally think Murray had got fed up with us and saw an opportunity to get rid of us. At that point the bank knowing what was likely to happen with Whyte they said you can only sell to Whyte if the debt is paid off. At which point I'm sure he could have said no.


    I honestly think Murray fecked us not the bank - the bank just took advantage of the situation


    Totally disagree. When LBG took over HBOS It meant emminent Celtic supporters Manus J Fullerton &Archibald G Kane were in charge of the scottish business division. That included MIH which of course included Rangers oldco. MIH had bank debt of over £700m and Rangers oldco had debt of around £18m (3 per cent of the MIH debt) yet LBG seemed much more interested in the Rangers debt and even appointed Muir & McGill onto the Rangers oldco board. Why would they do that ? Why weren't they more concerned with the much larger MIH debt? Was the opportunity to cause damage to Rangers too great to resist? Then to compound matters Whyte managed to acquire Rangers. Was SDM forced into selling to Whyte by LBG? If so by whom and for what reasons? That is the question we need answered. Let us hope the police investigations or the Insolvency Service can provide the answers we deserve.

    And not forgetting we need to find out why HMRC pursued us for a fictitious EBT tax bill which never existed. Did a former labour cabinet minister use his political contacts to do this? Hopefully after the UTT early next year this will become clearer too.

  10. The existence of Celtic and the support they attract are a problem within this country which the politicians and authorities are unwilling to face up to. Nuremberg Hugh stops well short of admitting this in this article as does English in his. How much longer can this go on ?

  11. kings money or the other investors who are backing them and offering further investment. they are also in themselves highly qualified candidates.


    Why didn't McColl & King use their money to buy shares then? Then they would have had a major influence at the AGM.

  12. i'm surprised you cant comprehend this but hey ho.


    ‘My involvement is over after December 19,’ said McColl. ‘In fact, it’s over now because, other than me keeping in touch with some of the shareholders who asked me to get involved in the first place to make sure they’re voting properly, I think we’ve got the four nominees on (at the AGM), there’s three new people on the board and much of the job is done.’


    He's not seriously suggesting the two Murrays and the other two are going to win at the AGM and replace the current board is he? I don't think they've a hope in hell of this

  13. Thanks for all these and many thanks for all your wonderful photos over the years. You do an outstanding job and it is very much appreciated.


    The protests look great but Easdale seems to be smugly mocking


    Can you blame him ? These people need to realise Rangers are a plc run by shareholders. It is these shareholders who take the decisions who runs Rangers just as in every other plc.Everyone had the opportunity to get shares last December.

  14. And the infighting continues .........


    I don't think trying to shift the focus onto Leggat or some of the requistioner's supporters is especially constructive. There are too many in our support who seem to enjoy prolonging the infighting rather than looking for solutions.


    Perhaps we should be focusing on why the shareholders who are backing the requisitioners are unhappy and why many in the support are unhappy. Then we might have a basis for a substantive discussion.


    Now, if the club had chosen to engage with both the requisitioners and the support rather than continuing the war of press releases we might have found some common ground. After all, this new Chairman and CEO are supposed to be independent men without previous baggage. Poring over the minutes of previous Board meetings might be intellectually edifying but it doesn't actually help solve the current stand-off. And that, I would have thought, should be pretty high on the short-term to-do list. Of course, they had a golden opportunity at the Grosvenor meeting. One wonders why they did not seize it.


    You need to ask how much support the 'requisitioners' actually have amongst current shareholders. It isn't a lot by all accounts and will mean the current board will win easily at the AGM. But if MCColl and KIng had bought shares(given their wealth) then things could have been very different.

  15. Can't agree, mate; They're nowhere near the bottom of the barrel - this board can be trusted to sink a lot lower than this.


    Maybe they will but for me the real issue is that the 'requisitioners' would appear to have failed in their objective to gain control of Rangers.They simply haven't got enough support from the current shareholders. Couldn't McColl have bought shares ? Couldn't King have bought shares? They should start asking these questions amongst themselves. Their strategy has been flawed from the beginning which was little more than lobbying current shareholders

  16. They are a hardline Irish Republican Club many of whose pond life supporters such as him openly support banned terrorist organisations.That is the identity they have chosen and must live with. I just don't want this club or it's 'supporters' in this country as I cannot see how they belong here.The problem is that their chosen country, Ireland, probably wouldn't want them either and the spineless politicians ,media and authorities in this country are unwilling to challenge them on these issues.

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