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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. if we can move out 2 or 3 in january & bring in 2 or 3 for the positions which need strengthening then we've nothing to fear from them.They're weaker since last season & will be even weaker by the time we're back in the same league as them. Trying to sign players to play in a one horse race with the prospect of hee-haw in a CL section doesn't seem quite so appealing now does it?
  2. Winning with an experienced team of seasoned pros. Too many young players failed to take their opportunity last season for one reason or another.Most simply not good enough IMO. And that raises another question as to why we're spending so much money at MP on youth development with little or no end results.
  3. I thinks might just be changing. A couple of examples have occurred this season which have gone against Celt*c's opponents were DundeeHibs getting beat earlier this season when Stokes took a blatant dive for a freekick from which he scored the winner. Lunny did nothing. DundeeHibs were rightly unhappy. Now there's this Rowan Vine nonsense. Why has it taken Lunny so long to make this decision ? Was it because Liewell was in China ? HIVS can't be happy with this surely? Slowly but surely the rest of Scottish football must realise it's being run by corrupt dhims. We can only hope..........
  4. The harsh reality is that what we saw last season was that the majority of our homegrown kids simply won't be good enough for where we want to be in a few seasons time. If they couldn't stand out in SFL3 last season what chance in a higher division.McCoist knows this but won't admit it hence his signing of experienced players in the summer
  5. Because FARE is run by PIarra Powar who is the husband/partner of a celti*c supporter. FARE will do anything to get their opponents/rivals into bother and will turn a blind eye to anything Celt*c do. The whole thing is so corrupt you couldn't make it up
  6. How longer will Scottish football put up with this blatantly biased individual called Lunny?
  7. I don't see Ajax accepting this with out a fight. Let's see what their response is. Celt*c showed themselves for the scum that they are the other night.
  8. The real story is how Whyte managed to get Rangers in the first place. Was SDM blackmailed into selling Rangers by the bhoys running LBG? And was it a former lhabour cabinet minister(ex chairman of theirs) who initiated the fictitious BTC via his contacts? this made the club unsellable. These are the two questions which need answered first & foremost
  9. Would anyone with half a business brain commit to such a long commercial deal which is worth peanuts? it's even been suggested that the deal isn't even worth as much as reported. The SPFL should be trying to get itself a sponsor at home first and maybe asking itself why it can't get one.
  10. Something badly wrong if we can't beat FAlkirk. No excuses
  11. if we can get through this round and maybe bring in a couple of players in January(presumably if we can release a couple too) then there's no reason we shouldn't go all the way in the SC IMO
  12. The SFA, SPFL & UEFA recognise us as the same club. That is all that matters. People who go around saying otherwise are inevitably part of the anti-Rangers underclass who inhabit this nation of ours. Their lives are so inadequate so much of their time is pre-occupied with all things Rangers rather than their own clubs some of whom have such shameful histories that they envy Rangers and all it stands for. Others such as this lot have little or no history worth talking about
  13. how were we 'the least indebted and most easy sellable bit of the MIH Group' ? we had a potential £90m EBT bill !!!!! I believe the whole thing was a set up from LBG to HMRC and FARE. I do believe the truth will come out eventually
  14. not sure I'd agree. I think we may find out.I reckon when the Insolvency Service became involved it was a gamechanger. I believe we will eventually find out everything that went on including the failed BTC
  15. after LBG took over HBOS(MIH'S bankers) it was run by Manus J Fullerton(Celtic trust) and his sidekick Archibald Gerard Kane. Guess where their allegiances lie? despite MIH being £700m in debt LBG seemed more concerned with the Rangers debt which was around £18m by the time Whyte got Rangers. Which debt would you expect the bank to be more concerned about - the MIH debt or Rangers debt ? draw your own conclusions as to why they acted as they did i.e. did they force SDM into selling Rangers to Whyte ?
  16. My biggest wish is that the truth eventually comes out about the role played by LBG in Whyte's purchase of Rangers & who was behind the BTC. The people involved have a common interest i.e. Celtic. Once the police investigations & the Insolvency Service investigation concludes then I genuinely believe we will get justice and the SFA will have a massive problem on their hands i.e. what to do with Celtic not to mention what UEFA will do
  17. You're missing the point. We have a choice whether we watch/listen to SKY or Radio Snyde (I choose not to) With the BBC we have no choice but to pay this outdated annual licence fee
  18. Butcher is a complete idiot if he's to become the next HIVS manager whose support will not forget his Rangers background the minute things start to go wrong.
  19. It's a much better article than the usual by Jackson but if he avoids the real question which the mhedia should be asking which is how Celtic & Liewell have managed to get into a situation where they're virtually running Scottish football. Regan is liewell's SFA puppet & Doncaster is Liewell's SPFL puppet. Liewell & Regan worked together previously at Coors of course and was it not the case John Reid's son at recruitment firm Nolan Partners was instrumental in getting Regan the SFA CEO position? and was anyone else interviewed for the position ? If not why not ? And also how many positions does Liewell currently hold in both the SPFL & SFA? Am I the only one who thinks that's not a good thing for Scottish football? Shouldn't the mhedia be asking these sort of questions or are they afraid to do so? Whenever we get around to appointing our new CEO I'd like to think he(or she) will ask these sort of questions as well as finding out the details of the secretive SKY deal Liewell & Doncaster struck last summer. It's disgraceful no one in the Scottish mhedia has even attempted to look into this murky deal. Why is that?
  20. because the rest of the club chairmen haven't the balls to stand up to Liewell
  21. you & I are in total agreement on that one jc but I'd go further & scrap the licence fee altogether. Let BBC Scotland go out into the real business world for its revenue. Then it would be forced to produce accurate, impartial & properly researched broadcasts as it would dependent on viewing figures for revenue. The anti-Rangers pondlife it currently employs would need to seek alternative employment elsewhere if anyone would want them
  22. £20m over 10 years works out at £2m per year split between 42 clubs averages out at less than £50k per year per club. Good deal ? don't think so.
  23. is this visit to China by Liewell & Dumbcaster an admission they cannot get sponsors in this country for the flawed, corrupt product that is the spfl?
  24. I'm sure the Insolvency Service Investigation will look at Whytes non-payment of tax because in the end this was the only major debt we had (Lord Glennie concluded ticketus had personal contractual rights regarding the amounts Whyte owed them hence their pursuit of him thro'the courts down south & of course the BTC never was). How & why he got away with this for as long as he did needs to be answered and I do believe the SFA will have questions to answer in all of this. Regards the OP about Dumbcaster & Liewell going to China I'm sure I read that the Scottish Government are going to China to promote trade between the 2 countries so I'm sure these 2 clowns must have tagged along because there were 2 spare seats or something like that
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