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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Don't care what anyone says. A man with his wealth owning Rangers is exactly what we need.
  2. No chance returning to Rangers whilst McCoist in charge. No love lost between them
  3. This is why our new CEO needs to be someone who's prepared to have a go with Liewell & co. For starters demand to see the TV deal he & dumbcaster signed last summer. If they won't show it take legal action. Time to up the stakes with these people
  4. After our club's statement on Friday we now wait with baited breath to see what happens next. Will Liewell reply to our club's statement? what will our club do if he makes no reply? make another statement? What if he totally dismisses our club's statement given he's on the SFA PGB? are there any plans to take this further if the SFA ignore the statement or dismiss it? legal action? Like many I felt releasing Friday's statement was the easy part. Following it up will be the hard part.
  5. No club outside the OF has serious chance of European money IMO. They'd never get past the qualifying rounds
  6. Don't agree. If we can get investment in when we're back in the top division(whatever it'll be called by then) and provided the money is spent wisely to strengthen the areas of the team needing it most then we won't be far away. I fully expect Celt*c to be weaker by the time we get back. None of their signings this season & last have exactly been fantastic have they?
  7. Liewell's statement was about us being a new club but pretending to be or impersonating an old club. There was no old club or new club. The SFA transfered our membership from oldco to newco. The club continued as both the SFA & SPFL have acknowledged (see SPFL website). As a member of the SFA PGB Liewell should know this. If he doesn't he shouldn't be there. Get him to retract his inference today or pursue him thro' the courts. His position would be most certainly untenable by then.
  8. I think we will you know. They'll continue to invent even more lies as we climb our way back to the top. Here is an opportunity to force Liewell into making a statement that we're not the same club. We might want to get Rhegan to make a similar statement while we're at it. Imagine the meltdown amongst the green'n'grey poops if that happened................. Liewell's unleashed a tiger which could turn to maul him(and hopefully a few others too)
  9. Let's see Jack Irvine(I presume it is he who released the statement) go after liewell and let's see him earn some of the excessive amounts of money he's been getting from the club
  10. The biggest question is how they continue to escape prosecution for something so blatant.Phil multi-names is the most classic example of all with some of his comments about Rangers and its supporters. Do I detect an influence by Mulholland QC in all of this on their behalf?
  11. I don't think Liewell makes too many mistakes but this one is a gift. We must demand he comes out with a statement that Rangers aren't a new club. Otherwise his positions in the SFA & SPFL are untenable because both recognise Rangers as the same club. Let's see how good Jack Irvine is..........................
  12. Whoever the new CEO is needs to be prepared to go after the pondlife employed in these publications and take appropriate action where required. A indefinite ban from Ibrox for this newspaper and its so-called journalists will do for starters.
  13. Believe me we will get justice. Then the fallout from Scottish Football begins
  14. As long as the truth comes out about Whyte's takeover I couldn't care less. What are Manus J Fullerton & Archibald Gerard Kane doing these days since they left LBG?
  15. How he deals with the likes of the SFA & SPFL i.e. Rhegan, Dumbcaster & Liewell and the constant stream of antI-Rangers stories in the mhedia will go a long way to determining how successful he will be(if it is true he is to be the next CEO). When CG was CEO you could tell he had them worried with his confrontational style. That is one of the main qualities a successful Rangers CEO needs nowadays. There are many others of course.
  16. One of the best referees of his generation. Today's lot nowhere near his standard.
  17. It would need to be some sort of pay-per-game contract, especially if he's had a knee operation. McCoist is increasingly showing himself to be a manager who prefers an experienced team rather than giving youngsters their opportunity. Perhaps after last season he feels the young players we have aren't good enough to take us back to the top. I'd tend to agree with him unfortunately.
  18. But who will tackle the 'Celt*c problem' in this country? There are many, many more like this deranged character out there. When challenged they point the finger elsewhere(normally at us). The DEFLECT part of the LIE, DEFLECT, DENY tactics. How much longer will this continue in this hate-filled little country we live in? And how much longer will they get away with it?
  19. They just don't want to deal with the celt*c problem. Neither do the SFA & our so-called government in holyrood
  20. FARE must be the only ever anti-racist/bigotry organisation who are themselves bigots i.e. anti-Rangers, anti-anyone playing against their beloved hoops but will turn a blind eye & deaf ear to anything by the jolly craicsters in the celt*c support. This organisation should be exposed for what they are
  21. What's worse - a banner or the riots which took place in Amsterdam involving Celt*c supporters ? According to UEFA it's a banner judging by the fact they've fined Ajax & have done nothing to Celt*c I'm aware of. What sort of people run UEFA? Which world do they live in?
  22. What we need first & foremost is someone who's prepared to confront & go after our enemies with Scottish football
  23. If anything I think we've under-estimated Reid's role in all of this. I want to know why HMRC chased a fictitious tax bill and if LBG blackmailed SDM into selling to Whyte. We know all the main players in all of this. We just need to piece together the evidence so as the true story comes out as I'm sure it will.
  24. how did SDM mis-manage the club ? EBT's were a perfectly legal form of tax avoidance. We were within our overdraft limit until LBG took over HBOS.
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