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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Still don't understand McColl's motives for getting involved in the first place.
  2. he carries a goal threat. I think maybe that's what was meant
  3. i'm not against McColl in any way but let's face it his 'requisitioners' haven't a prayer at the AGM have they ? if McColl(or Dave King too for that matter) really wanted to gain control then they'd have purchased sizeable amounts of shares by now. If my reckoning is correct Laxey bought 5% for £1.5m with the shares around 45p each. Couldn't McColl or King have done that periodically over these last few weeks/months ? Then they'd more or less be guaranteed to win the AGM but instead all they've been doing is lobbying institutional shareholders most of whom look like backing the current board.
  4. All of this too little too late. Ceptic been getting away with this for years. Only because UEFA arent turning a blind eye to this that people in this country are now obliged to act
  5. Perhaps he should concern himself with his own club and how they intend to repay the £15m or so they are required to do so in the next five years. I'm no accountant but I think they'll struggle
  6. What i would ask Milne and the rest is what they'll do if Whyte's Rangers takeover is deemed fraudulent i.e. whyte gets done for fraud. That will mean Rangers were indeed the victim of a crime and Milne & his SPL cohorts took a decision to punish the victim of that crime (by voting Rangers out of the SPL). It will be interesting to see if the 26,000 oldco shareholders seek legal redress from either Milne and his cohorts or the SFA who weren't entirely blameless either as they must have known Whyte's background at the time of the takeover and should have stopped him there and then.
  7. So does this mean ticketus weren't in fact an old co creditor if they successfully got Whyte thro the courts?
  8. You have to laugh at the SPFL.They would have done nothing if it weren't for the fact UEFA Took action then they had to do likewise
  9. Someone should contact SFA Compliance Officer Vincent Lunny. He'll be right onto this first thing in the morning I'm sure.....................won't he?
  10. No danger of that is there? they don't seem to have any shares in their own names at present let alone the 30% before they are required to make a mandatory offer for the business
  11. we need to realise it is a massive step up from this level to the first team.Almost all of these youngsters will find it impossible to do that. Being a superstar at this level means little unfortunately
  12. Laxey paid approx £1.3m for 5% shareholding in Rangers last week as far as I'm aware. Who's to say they won't buy more? What was stopping the likes of McColl & King doing that if they're as wealthy as made out to be ? they'd have got a decent % of Rangers and could have a genuine influence in the AGM instead of continually sniping from the sidelines & not putting in a penny
  13. To think that this is where the opening ceremony for the 2014 Commonwealth games is to be held.
  14. blackmail ? if CG didn't agree to this we didn't get licence to play although it has to be said SKY were about to walk away from Scottish football if we weren't included at the start of last season.
  15. make sure we never go into administration again........................that'll do for me
  16. Be such a shame if they couldn't pay this money.........................well ok maybe not
  17. My understanding was that we forfeited our SPL prize money as part of the 5 way agreement in order to get the SFA to transfer our membership from oldco to newco hence the club continued. We also had to accept a 12month signing embargo and a £50k unless I'm mistaken. Are you maybe getting mixed up with the Steve Davis transfer fee which Southampton paid the SFA and they're still holding on to?
  18. My understanding was SPL simply changed its name to SPFL. Same company. It's the SFL company which ceased to exist. Perhaps someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. Do you seriously believe Laxey (and others) are 'planning to put us under' ? why would they pay a lot of money for these shares to 'put us under' ? who's to say they won't increase their shareholding too? Quite frankly if these people(and others) start to 'raise the bar' at Rangers and start setting higher performance targets for everyone at Rangers then I'm all for it. No more going out of Europe to Kaunus & Malmo and the manager staying in a job perhaps. There's been too much easy money at Rangers for years and if this type of investor changes that culture then bring it on I say. If Rangers were properly run they'd be a profit-making organisation dominating Scottish football year in year out & competing in Europe well into the new year every season.But that's not been the case has it? Everything needs to change from our hopeless youth system at MP to the first team and the commercial side too. Look, I'd been keen to get McColl co into power but it ain't going to happen is it? they're simply going around begging shareholders whereas they should have been getting a substantial shareholding together at the IPO a year ago if they were serious about all this. And there will be no chance of Admin2 or another(god forbid) liquidation process. These wealthy British financial institutions who effectively control the quintesential British club won't allow that to happen. I can live with that. You should too bud
  20. The BTC was won................and their masterplan begins to unravel. 2014 should be an interesting year.
  21. Would love to get Aluko back. Would go a long way to solving our middle to front creativity problems. Wonder if he'd return ?
  22. What we need to know from the club is what they intend to do following the statement on the club website on Friday. There is not a cat in hell's chance of Liewell resigning from the SFA PGB because the SFA is dominated by & run by Celt*c minded individuals who will stick by another in a situation such as this. This situation arose at the SFA after SDM abandoned ship & left us with no representation and they all moved in & assumed power. If our club is serious about following up Liewell's comment on Friday(humourous intent or not) then the only option is to pursue him thro' the courts. Do our club intend to go that far? Ihave my doubts I have to say
  23. And of course LBG's Scottish business division was run by Fullerton & Kane at that time. Guess who they support? MIH had debts of more than £700m. They were more interested in Rangers £18m debt and how they could use this to help their club. And they did
  24. The bank which seemed determined to cut Rangers debt but not the massive MIH debt? Rangers debt was 3% of the MIH debt when you-know-who bought us. Ever wondered why?
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