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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. So much for the SFA's 'supervisory' role. Not worth the paper it was written on. In a different legal jurisdiction they would have been the subject of a class action lawsuit from the Rangers shareholders who were wiped out by Whyte.


    With regard to a 'more robust procedure' ... does this just apply to Rangers (a bit like much of Vincent Lunny's work) or will it apply to every club? Also, given the ability to separate ownership from directorship and the club from the company that actually owns it, does the 'more robust procedure' have any substance?


    One of our new CEO Graham Wallace's biggest challenges will be his dealing with the SFA & SPFL. It is blatantly obvious there is an anti-rangers agenda at work and has been so ever since SDM abandoned ship and the you-know-who's moved in en masse(no pun intended). It is vitally important he scores points in his dealings with Regan, Lunny and Liewell in particular.

    The first thing I'd be asking is to see the SKY contract Dumbcaster and Liewell signed at the start of last season which no one else seems to have seen. Why is that? Is it because there's something concerning Ranges he doesn't want us to know about? Over to you Mr Wallace

  2. Addressing an earlier point in this thread, the DK thing has been done to death.

    However, what's to stop DK investing and nominating a director with his proxy.

    Everyone else seems to get away with it at the Club.


    This is what I don't understand. With the shares low in value at present why doesn't DK buy a shareholding(below 30 per cent) and appoint someone like PM to the board? It would cost him £5m or so to get 20 percent. Surely that's loose change for him

  3. Would Aluko drop down to the second tier of Scottish football? I doubt it.


    I believe he would. Do we have the ambition to make this type of signing though ? He is exactly what we need - someone who goes past defenders and opens up defences.

  4. If you look at the 5 year summary in Celtic's 2013 annual report you will see that season ticket sales are down 23% compared to 2009 and average attendances are down 19% in the same period.


    Those are the 'official' numbers. They may or may not be 'massaged' (e.g. promotions, free tickets, season ticket holders counted even if not there).


    When you look at the numbers for Rangers, I think they suggest that our gates have been holding up better than those of Celtic. In other words, we need them less than they need us.


    Have to say I'm ultra-sceptical about the number of ST holders they claim to have.

  5. They say hindsight is 20-20.


    But, at the time, the media was as bad as the rest of them glorying in the general blood lust. Now the chickens are coming home to roost ... tough shit.


    Need to remember that at the time we got kicked out the SPL there was a lot of nonsense going around that we were cheats because we had used EBT's and owed £134m.That wasn't the case because the only major debt we had was the tax Whyte never paid HMRC(not counting ticketus as a creditor as they only had 'personal contractual rights' according to Lord Glennie).

    There's no doubt this nonsense influenced these chairmen and I just wonder when the full stories come out regards LBG's role in Whyte's takeover and who it was who got HMRC to chase Rangers for a fictitious EBT tax bill just where Scottish football will find itself especially if UEFA become involved.

  6. We certainly never seem to find an unknown player of any real quality. I can't remember such a player in a long time.


    It's generally always players fairly well known in the Scottish/UK game or players we play against.


    That's because we don't have a proper scouting system.Neil Murray was chief scout until recently. Say no more !!!

  7. Have no sympathy. Is this the same Malky MacKay who was telling us whilst we were in administration that we had nothing to be afraid of when Bill Ng was one of our bidders ? Cardiff,of course, have far eastern owners like Ng was.

    Many English clubs are propped up by foreign owners cash. The problems will start when things go wrong at these clubs and these owners decide to do as they please which doesn't always suit supporters. This is one such example.

  8. OK I can see we are getting into deep water here.


    This is in the context of the SFA Rules in relation to being fit and proper, where the type of offences that are caught are those which would be liable to a prison term of 24 months or more.

    I would draw the same line as the SFA.


    Can someone then tell me how Whyte passed the SFA's 'fit and proper persons test' ?

    Dont tell me Rhegan didn't know all about his colourful business background when he acquired Rangers in May2011.

  9. Good post BH.


    I might disagree with some of your selections and who the experienced players might be, but if we had chosen to go this way at the start the support might have taken this on board. We would have needed a change in Manager as well IMO.


    Far to late though if we have to compete in the SPL in the season after next, I read it might be 5 years before we can hope to challenge celtic, I'm not sure any Board would survive that long.


    The harsh reality is we cant wait 5 years to challenge Celt@c who will be weakened by the time we return to the top division.

  10. Do Celtic fans miss our presence? Yes, they do. The honest ones freely admit it.


    Do we miss the top level and competing with them?




    If they miss us why did they vote us out in summer 2012?

    The truth is Scottish football is a toxic brand no one wants to sponsor. Who would want their company's name associated with the SPFL?

  11. LOL you really have 2 laugh at ex-celt@c view editor Andrew Smith don't you? He's genuinely worried about Rangers return to the top isn't he? If DK or Mike Ashley invest then his beloved hoops wont be able 2 go to their co-op bank for more any more cutprice loans or overdrafts liewell says doesn't exist will they ?

    Another problem for Smith is I don't think it will be Ally in the Rangers dugout

  12. You have to laugh. ex Celt*c view editor Andrew Smith genuinely believes there are 20'000 no shows season ticket holders...LOL.

    And they are waiting to lord it over Rangers when we return to the topflight...LOL again.

    I think this guy is deluding himself. I believe when we get back top we will have funds pumped in from DK or Mike Ashley. enjoy ur tainted titles Smith. When we return they'll be meaningless history.

  13. i am with you all the way mate. unfortunately i believe the spivs will refuse to let king near for fear they will make less from the club.


    Unless this current board have genuine financial backing for the next 18 months or so(and they've given us no indication they have) then I believe its inevitable they'll have to go to Dave King.Weakening the first team squad would be suicide as we enter the last 18 months before our return to the top division. The first team squad needs strengthened not weakened.

  14. It would be a grossly incompetent CEO who didn't follow that specific course of action (allied to other cost cutting measures i.e boardroom remuneration) no matter how we would like to think otherwise.


    I repeat, If the first team squad is weakened by the end of next month,then Wallace is finished before he's even started in my opinion.Go back to the early 1980's, we wont pay to watch a sub-standard Rangers side

  15. You trust him? Woah! He might not be a stooge but I'd hold back on trusting anyone for a long time! ;)


    If he weakens the first team squad next month by selling players and not replacing them then any trust will surely disappear.

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