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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I think Ally would move on Templeton and Shiels so long as he was allowed to replace them.
  2. Why didn't McColl & King use their money to buy shares then? Then they would have had a major influence at the AGM.
  3. He's not seriously suggesting the two Murrays and the other two are going to win at the AGM and replace the current board is he? I don't think they've a hope in hell of this
  4. Can you blame him ? These people need to realise Rangers are a plc run by shareholders. It is these shareholders who take the decisions who runs Rangers just as in every other plc.Everyone had the opportunity to get shares last December.
  5. Liewell is absolutely terrified of doing anything about what is a serious problem amongst a large section of their support.The authorities and the politicians in this country won't face this issue either.Only UEFA and the various police forces outside this country are prepared to do something about it.How long can it continue?
  6. You need to ask how much support the 'requisitioners' actually have amongst current shareholders. It isn't a lot by all accounts and will mean the current board will win easily at the AGM. But if MCColl and KIng had bought shares(given their wealth) then things could have been very different.
  7. Maybe they will but for me the real issue is that the 'requisitioners' would appear to have failed in their objective to gain control of Rangers.They simply haven't got enough support from the current shareholders. Couldn't McColl have bought shares ? Couldn't King have bought shares? They should start asking these questions amongst themselves. Their strategy has been flawed from the beginning which was little more than lobbying current shareholders
  8. They are vastly over-represented in these fields unfortunately.
  9. They are a hardline Irish Republican Club many of whose pond life supporters such as him openly support banned terrorist organisations.That is the identity they have chosen and must live with. I just don't want this club or it's 'supporters' in this country as I cannot see how they belong here.The problem is that their chosen country, Ireland, probably wouldn't want them either and the spineless politicians ,media and authorities in this country are unwilling to challenge them on these issues.
  10. the board need to clarify this and state whether true or not. Cannot believe this deal exists and someone like graham Wallace would have taken CEO position knowing about this sort of commercial deal
  11. We have eighteen months to identify players. We shouldn't need to make panic signings if those responsible do their jobs properly.That should be more than sufficient time to get a team together. We did try to build a young,attacking team last season but I think MCCoist feels the youngsters he used aren't good enough although he wont openly admit it.
  12. We need to remember that providing there's no more reconstruction we should be returning to the top division in eighteen months time.Therefore it's vital we get a team in place before then so as we're not going round making panic signings at the last minute.Players we need should be getting identified now. Whether a lot of the youngsters will be part of our first team squad by then remains to be seen.
  13. If we can strengthen the 2 or 3 positions we need to strengthen next month then I see no reason we cant win the SC. Whether that's possible or not remains to be seen
  14. At least he condemns the Celtic support which is more than can be said for the excessive number of shellik-minded politicians we seem to have in this country of ours. Their silence has been defeaning to say the least. Are they afraid to speak out? What we need now is someone to take this vile club to task over this issue and tell them if it continues then they'll be playing in empty stadia until the club is seen to be doing something about it.
  15. All have been decent signings so far have they not? They are better than what we already had,youngsters included.
  16. i fear he and other youngsters who played last season have missed their opportunity. McCoist is looking more and more like a manager who will always go for experience players
  17. My own view is that Rangers would be better served if we had a feeder club in the lower leagues e.g. an Annan Athletic or an Elgin City. Not sure how we'd do that though(esp. with the dinosaurs who run the game in this country) but I think younger players would learn more there than playing in the likes of U20 leagues. It would also give McCoist & co a better idea of how good the youngsters really were in my opinion. Just not convinced ploughing shedloads of resources into Auchenhowie is guaranteed to produce anything. It's a massive step up from youth levels to first team level. No one should under-estimate that
  18. Can someone explain to me how Abergreen were one of the clubs most disadvantaged by 'financial doping' carried out by Rangers? what 'financial doping' is this ? was it cut-price bank loans arranged by lhabour politicians with dodgy land deals as security from a bank which is now a basket case ? I honestly believe Rangers should pursue legal action when the pondlife of scottish football make these allegations which they know aren't true.
  19. How did a 15yo (presumably with mates) manage to walk up to Westfield Stadium and gain entry and no one could see he was carrying this flare ? where was the stewarding and more importantly where were the police?
  20. What do they mean by 'the truth will out' ? What on earth are they talking about?
  21. we should start a website to name 'celtc- minded' politicians to hopefully dissuade Rangers supporters from voting for them.
  22. don't you think that the only way he can be considered successful will be if PM,MM,AW & SM get elected onto the board at the AGM and the current board get voted off? don't see that happening do you?
  23. At their previous home game against Abergreen a similar banner was on display about the H Block and an association between Bobby Sands & William Wallace. Yet neither the SFA or SPFL said anything until after their AC Milan game when UEFA almost immediately launched an investigation.It was as if they now had to do something because UEFA were going to do something. Why was that? Are the SFA & SPFL afraid to take any action against Celtc? Are they corrupt? And what about the so-called authorities in Scotland too? Why do they constantly do nothing about this club's support and its blatant show of support for outlawed terrorist organisations ? Is it only UEFA who will take the lead ?
  24. D&P's big mistake was not knowing HMRC were going to refuse a CVA because Whyte had withheld PAYE/NI. Their aim was to keep the first team squad together in anticipation of the CVA being successful which it wasn't. They should have known that
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