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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. How much longer is this fool going to be allowed to utter such nonsense?

    The SPFL Premiership ( a name taken from England as they couldnt come up with anything of their own) is supposedly the showpiece of scottish football but is nothing other than a pathetic bore because it is a one horse race.

    It cannot even attract a sponsor and has a SKY TV deal which no one gets to see probably because it is derisory.

    Week in week out clubs give away free matchday tickets to artificially inflate attendance figures. Others even give away free ST's.

    Doing well Mr Dumbcaster? don't think so somehow

  2. I don't think a final straw exists with us.


    There will come a time when enough is enough.This board need to come up with a positive strategy to take this club forward. Selling Lee Wallace isn't a positive sign if they're stupid enough to do that.

    I fear for this board. they never got the 'landslide' whatever they want to call it at the AGM.

    Cutting the first team squad budget could be the end for this board and the beginning for DK and his people.

  3. £2 a month is £2.4m a year on top of season ticket money if we can get 100,000 members - and as we are Glasgow Rangers and not Cambuslang Rangers, this figure is not unrealistic.


    We'd also have a club that was not a vehicle for profiteering by its uninvited ownership. Money would not be leaking out the club to goodness knows where.


    Take care, Rab, and have a good one.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


    You too bud.All the best for 2014

  4. Bluebear, in a future presidential election at Rangers, every member of the club, and there could be 50,000, 60,000 or 100,000 of them, will have one vote each - no matter how much wealth they have.


    Fan groups that are fifty or a hundred strong will only have as many votes as they have members of the club. One member - one vote.


    Imagine what discussions were like in the British government when the idea was first mooted that every man should have a vote in elections. Like you, many would have had serious doubts about proceeding with such an idea, but when we look back we wonder why it took so long for enlightenment to dawn.


    When we eventually go down this road, we'll wonder why we were so lacking in confidence, so subservient, so trusting to luck that the right leader would always emerge, and so naive in believing that it was an appropriate way to look after our club and deliver it into the future.


    Rangers is a rotten borough. It's time to make it a fully functioning democratic club fit for the present - and the future.


    I repeat my earlier question to you - what do you intend to do with our existing shareholders ? Would you compensate them for the shares they bought last year?

    How much annual finance will your 'supporter-owned' model generate for the club?

    How would it generate borrowings as all businesses need to do from time to time?

    Might sound a great idea in theory but it would be a total disaster in practice in our predicament in my opinion.

  5. Who is goong to be stupid enough to bid for players (plus pay their current wages) for players who are either not fearuring regularly and / or permanently injured (well apart from us).


    Only player likely to attract any serious attention during the transfet window will be wallace. I don't think we will be in a position to reject any bid over £1M for him (also a top earner of the wage bill)

    No other reason for us resigning Smith in the summer other than him being a long term replacement for Wallace.


    Some SPhell clubs may sniff around the likes of Daly, Black , Templeton et al and chance their hands with cheeky bids to test our resolve given our current financial situation.


    More bleak times ahead


    If we're stupid enough to accept a £1m bid for Lee Wallace then I think it'll be the final straw for many of our supporters.

    That is £0.5m less than what we paid for him and will show a clear lack of ambition from this board.

  6. Bluebear, if the club falls into dangerous hands under a fan-ownership model, we will have elected them and we will be able to dispense with them at a following election.


    Democracy isn't perfect but it's far better than random self-invited ownership.


    Rab, you are correct. Dave King is not a a supporter of the fan ownership model. If he takes over the club one day, though, I will expect him to approach the fans for extra cash while he retains control.


    A poster on here is convinced he doesn't want control. Time will tell.




    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


    DK's biggest problem is how to gain control of Rangers should he wish to do so. Can anyone explain to me how he would do that as things currently stand?

  7. When the DR quotes from a 'source' you just know they're making it up.

    If Graham Wallace weakens the first team squad in any way he's finished before he's even started.The first team squad needs strengthened not weakened.Supporters won't pay to watch a sub-standard product on the park as we saw in the early 1980's.

    I see Mr Wallace is returning from a break abroad (assuming the DR got that bit correct). He wasn't in South Africa per chance was he?

    The biggest challenge this board face is increasing revenue to the club. I fear it will fall well short in that respect. Hope I'm wrong however.

  8. RangersRab, if clubs like Barcelona and Real Madrid and Bayern Munich can make it work, why can't we?


    Are you content with the ownership of the club falling into dangerous hands? How many more lessons do we need that Rangers is not best served by rogue ownership?


    The idea that Rangers can flourish and be safe and secure when it can easily fall prey to devilish ownership is absurd.


    We either take full and proper responsibility for the club or stand back and complain endlessly as the club falters and fails, and with us in the unenviable role of powerless bystanders.


    Why do we fear taking responsibility for a club that plays such a big part in our lives?


    If we want Rangers to be protected, we must own it. No-one will ever care for it the way we do.


    The three clubs you mention are of course examples but they have access to greater revenues in their domestic leagues for a start.

    This is one of the challenges facing our current board and I fear it will come up short.

    My biggest fear about supporter-ownership is that it wouldn't be financially-sustainable and would constantly be required to go to supporters looking for more money

    I believe Dave King is opposed to supporter-run clubs although someone may correct me on this

  9. Barca, the support must buy the club. We complain and moan and drone on endlessly about people not fit for purpose being in charge.


    There is a way to change that.


    BuyRangers is a constructive way forward. I hope it is publicised more in the New Year and endorsed by trusted Rangers figures.


    We need an elected president - not a chairman of the board.


    I doubt very much if this would work. Would it raise enough money for a start to buy the club?

    How would you compensate the current shareholders(of which I am one) as you no longer seem to want them ?

    How would the 'supporter-owned' club raise funds from time to time as all business require to do? Just ask supporters to dig deep again? Can't see banks being too keen to lend somehow.

    All in all Supporter-owned clubs may sound a good idea in practice but in the real business world I tend to think not.

  10. Hildy - regards your comment about criminality, what if It is proven SDM was forced to sell to Whyte by LBG ? Remember who was in charge of LBG's Scottish business division after LBG took over HBOS.

    I am of the opinion that Rangers FC were the victims of a very serious stitch-up with the aim of putting us out of business altogether.It was orchestrated by our enemies in senior positions in governmental and banking positions.

    My dearest wish is that all will be revealed in 2014.

  11. I'm not wrong Rab, i didn't say he was one of us. "I am not Celtic minded, i can assure you" were his exact words when interviewed a few years ago. He claims he is a Queens Park fan. His dad certainly is.


    If he is then good for him. His father was QP chairman at one time as I recall

  12. You cannot seriously tar the whole of Asia with the same brush as Tan?


    Not at all. All I'm suggesting is that English football may be storing up problems for itself with foreign owners once they decide they no longer want to pour in their money

  13. Some people have very short memories.


    Had there been proper leadership at the SFA they would have decided which league we would have played in 2012-13. Instead they bottled and handed it over to SPL chairmen who voted according to their keyboard warrior supporters in cyberspace and voted us out.We then had to go to the SFL who accepted us but put us in the bottom division against the wishes of REgan who wanted us in SFL1. Regan's performance throughout was a joke. He should have been fired.

  14. You try and buy a significant share and you'll realise that you cannot do so at market price, it will take a lot more than £5m to buy 20% unless those who hold major shareholdings drop their demands for ten bob a share. King also risks limiting his options once he makes a move and becomes a hostage to market rules.


    So how do you see things panning out for DK ? Just asking mind

  15. people should remember that it is the sfa who made sure we are the same club we always were.


    if they really hated us or were in lawwells pocket that would simply not have happened. they may have tried to balance it with some crazy transfer bans and such but in reality green will have loved that transfer ban. may even have asked for it.


    Everyman and his dog knows we're the same club but people at the SFA such as Rhegan & Liewell cant bring themselves to say it.

    They hate us alright. Were it not for SKY holding a gun to their head prior to the Brechin game at the start of last season then who knows would have happened?

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