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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Who would that be who has the financial backing ? I've nothing against PM but he doesn't seem to have much does he?
  2. What exactly do you want to achieve ? What is your objective ? Get rid off the entire board or just Stockbridge ? Blue pitch and margarita only own about 15 percent between them. They're hardly majority shareholders. Who do you want to own Rangers then ? Please don't say McColl. And will King invest and by what means? I'd advise to be careful what you wish for. Just watch you don't end up with nothing at all
  3. What exactly are they hoping to achieve? Removing Stockbridge and Irvine then what? When I see banners such as 'no more faceless investors' then who do they want to own the club ? Please tell me but forget McColl who has no interest in investing. Seems to me it's just protesting for the sake of protesting mostly
  4. Call me paranoid but are the SFA planning to do something about this ? Could this be bringing the game into disrepute ?
  5. It needs to be understood that Rangers football club are owned by a plc consisting of shareholders.If you want to have a say then you need to buy shares in the plc. That's how things work like it or not. Of course there have been goings-on over this past year which are unacceptable but I'd urge everyone to allow our new CEO time to settle into the job and sort everything out.
  6. Exactly. Now can we let the guy do his job and ditch all talk of boycotts, protests etc. He's not long in the door so give him time to go through everything that went on over this past year and decide what needs to be done.
  7. Which directors are you referring to other than presumably Stockbridge ?
  8. What talent ? Many young players got their chance last season in SFL3 and failed to take their opportunity. that's why McCoist went out & got the likes of Law,Daly,Moshni etc
  9. How did David Murray 'run us into the ground' ? Like many other clubs in the early 2000's we had large debts but he underwrote that in a share issue and our debts were just £6m when PLG arrived in 2006. Problems arose in the late 2000's when going out of europe to kaunus meant debts rose to around £30m and HBOS got taken over by LBG and we had those two delightful characters Fullerton and Kane in charge of its scottish business division. Guess who they support? LBG well & truly put us in a financial straight jacket despite the fact the debts were decreasing year on year although the two bhoys seemed more concerned with Rangers debt than the £700m MIH debt. SDM had his faults like abandoning ship and allowing the you-know-whos to take over the SFA and SPL but I do not think he ran us into the ground at least not deliberately anyway. Others contrived to our downfall
  10. Youths need to be good enough. Other than McLeod and Aird I'm not so sure any of the others are of the standard we require
  11. We should give the board the opportunity to prove their worth over the coming months. I don't think yesterday's AGM result was the landslide some people called it because the reqs 30 percent could easily rise in the not too distant future if the board isn't seen to be performing.I'm genuinely concerned if this board have the know-how to raise funds & increase revenue which they'll have to do other than resorting to the old favourite increasing ST prices. I'm also concerned when I hear about cuts to playing staff. If we had a first team squad of 15 all earning between £8k to £12k p.w. Then that would be a wage bill of around £12m - £14m p.a.if you include management & coaching staff.Surely that is affordable when our revenues is currently around £20m. Making cuts to the first team could have a disasterous effect on attendances as was shown in the early 1980's when the numbers prepared to watch a poor side weren't high. I do however concede cuts may well need to be made at MP with all the youth teams, youth coaches and whatever else incurs costs there.
  12. Fully agree they'll need more funds.My own view is they now need to do some sort of deal with PM who will bring in DK but no idea how this will pan out.
  13. I shall wait until I see how this board intend to raise funds for the return to the top division as expected in 18 months time before I come to any final judgement on them. After today I have to say I'm not optomistic.
  14. Well if he's the Rangers man he's made out to be then now is the time for him to show that he is. As I said earlier I'm genuinely worried after today. I fear this board lack the ideas and ambitions to take us forward. They need to increase revenue yet all they can come up with is increase ST prices. Anyone could do that
  15. In the weeks and months ahead we shall learn what plans this board have for the club. I genuinely think after today they lack ideas and ambitions associated with Rangers and its supporters.I hope I'm wrong
  16. The reqs were never going to win today but the result was no landslide as suggested on McMurdo's forum.We now need to see what DK's intentions are. If he buys a shareholding the board could be in trouble sooner rather than later unless they prove they're up to the job which I suspect one or two of them aren't
  17. The requisitioners need to break all ties with McColl. If he's not investing then ditch him.
  18. If I were Paul Murray tonite I'd be pleading with DK to buy a 5 or 10 percent shareholding whilst the shares are low in value.That added to the much higher than expected 30 percent the reqs got today would certainly put immediate pressure on the board to deliver.
  19. The only conclusion I draw from today is that the board have a mandate to continue but the requisitioners got more votes than I expected.The board now need to show they're up to the very demanding task which lies ahead in returning Rangers to the top of Scottish football and beyond.That will require raising funds in the not too distant future(if I understood the CEO correctly) and in the long term showing how they intend to increase overall revenue into the club.Show they be unable to do either or both of these satisfactorily then I believe they'll all be gone in no time. It also needs to be remembered that if everything goes to plan we'll be returning to the top division of Scottish football in eighteen months time. To make any sort of impact investment in the squad will be needed and I suspect if that investment is not forthcoming then Ally McCoist will quit leaving the board in a very awkward situation indeed.
  20. If the board don't get their act together that 30 per cent will soon rise
  21. I hope it is eventually found Whyte fraudulently obtained funds from ticketus in order to clear the bank overdraft to buy Rangers from SDM for £1.what needs to be established is whether SDM was forced by LBG into this deal. It was clearly evident from the start that WHyte's business background made him a totally unsuitable person to own Rangers and he should never have got within a millions miles of Rangers. Questions need asked of LBG (especially the 2 individuals in charge of its Scottish business division at that time - messrs Fullerton & Kane) and of course the SFA. I believe it is totally inconceivable these organisations did not know WHyte's business background. Once fraud is established then I would hope/expect the 26,000 shareholders in the oldco to take legal action against these organisations on the basis of negligence, especially the SFA whose 'fit and propers persons' requirements did not seem to be applied in this instance. Why was that Mr Regan ? Did Peter tell you to let this charlatan take over his club's biggest rivals? Subsequently Whyte did take over Rangers but never had sufficient funds to run Rangers especially after two early european exits from malmo and maribor. He withheld employees PAYE/NI deductions until HMRC could take no more and the inevitable administration happened on Feb14 last year.Again questions need asked why HMRC allowed Whyte to continue non-payment for as long as they did and at what point the SFA knew and apparently took no action. Again why was that Mr Regan? Whyte is rightly condemned as the 'baddie' in all of this but in my opinion there are others with many questions to answer also.
  22. It would, of course, be no surprise if it is true the board have won. The requisitioners simply do not have enough support from the shareholders. Had they got the likes of McColl and King to purchase shares recently whilst they are at their current low price then things may have been very different. Had they got,say, 10 to 15 per cent each then that would have changed things significantly. However they weren't and we are where we are. Frankly we need to move on. Next year will be another big year. The UTT sits early next year and hopefully we'll find out the background to this.
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