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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. There is no political will to tackle this vile club and its supporters.Just remember that when you cast your vote next time around. As for the legal side of things it is beyond belief that every time Celt*c play they break umpteen laws with their songs & banners and nothing is done. Do I detect the influence of Mulholland QC who is allegedly a ST at the San Giro?
  2. He seems to have too much power, that is the problem.It will be interesting to see how this pans out after their statement that flags were permitted
  3. I read too that the police say there's to be no flags. Maybe Liewell thinks he's in charge of Police Scotland as well as the SFA,SPFL and the Girodome and can over rule whoever said no flags.
  4. St Johnstone say there will be no flags yet Septic say they can bring them.Should be interesting. let's hope St Johnstone don't back down.
  5. Do you agree with me that it is imperative we get back to the top division and into Europe in the shortest timescale possible? Do you think that is more likely to be achieved with a bunch of untried kids or experienced pros who've been over the course many times? I know you'll say play the kids but last season many got opportunities in the first team and didn't make the best of those opportunities in my opinion.They are simply not good enough for where we are going whichever way you look at it.Ally McCoist is not prepared to take risks on the way back to the top and I can fully understand this.If there really are as many kids in our youth teams who are as good as you say they are then I'm sure they will get their chance towards the end of this season when hopefully we'll achieve one of our earliest ever titles.Let's hope they take their opportunities.
  6. Absolutely no chance of Boyd signing for Rangers again whilst Ally McCoist is manager
  7. Howcome Lewis McLeod managed to get into the first team and stay there ? Only reason being he's good enough and is there on merit. It's the likes of Crawford and McKay which concern me. The best for them just now is to go out on loan like Gasparotto has done and see how they do. If they do well then there's something to work with.If not then maybe it's best to let them go.You can't assume every youngster is a genius being denied their opportunity. Some just aren't good enough
  8. In the sunday post today graham wallace stated that our wage bill was almost equal that of turnover so I would be tempted to think our total wage bill was £8m playing staff plus £10m non playing staff
  9. Liewell really does think he can do as he likes doesn't he? Literally sticks two fingers up to everyone by letting them back in. I take it thats the SPFL investigation cancelled too then?
  10. Rather than cut the playing staff shouldn't the biggest priority be to cut the £10m non playing staff wage bill?
  11. It will be very interesting indeed to see what action(if any) the SFA take against both McGowan and Forrest if they're found guilty in a court of law for their misdemeanours. Surely bringing the game into disrepute for starters.
  12. Wonder how the SPFL investigation is coming along ? You really couldn't make this up could you. Liewell is petrified of the Green Brigade.
  13. The whyte situation was totally different. No one knew for sure what was going on until administration because he 'd got rid of all directors except DK. This situation is different as we can see there are things which have gone on which need addressed
  14. If these kids are as exceptional as you say they'll break through into the first team anyway if they are that good. Never under-estimate the massive step up from youth leagues into the first team. Looking the part in a youth side is often not enough of an indicator as to whether a youngster has what it takes to hold down a first team place
  15. If you took away all of those players our squad would be decimated. How do you know that the youngsters will be good enough?
  16. If its share price drops then there could very well be boardroom changes
  17. Other than Aird & McLeod it's difficult to see who else will still be with us when we're back in the top division.Perhaps putting the likes of Crawford and Barrie MacKay out on loan somewhere might be an idea worth considering at the moment though it might leave us a bit thin on the ground
  18. Everyone overlooks the fact that we all need a successful team on the park. When I say everyone I mean supporters, directors,shareholders the lot. If we don't then everyone will want change perhaps for different reasons but everyone associated with Rangers needs the club to be successful.
  19. If we were fan-owned how much money would that raise annually do you think ? Do you think someone like Graham Wallace would want to be CEO ?
  20. Laxey will vote according to the board's performance. If they perform well they'll vote for them. if not they'll try and replace them although with just 10 to 15 percent shareholding they'd need to get support from other shareholders to instigate any sort of change. I suspect where we may differ is what determines performance. I'd suggest at the end of the day it is really all about the first team and things are going reasonably well so far with the only blip being the LC defeat
  21. Did green appoint Crichton, Somers and Wallace ? Think you're making things up now aren't you ?
  22. So what do you do to all those individuals & institutions who put in the £22m last year ? Without it we wouldn't be here today. What you're suggesting sounds like something Stalin would have done in communist Russia. Whether you you like it or not Rangers football club is owned by a plc owned by shareholders. Those shareholders decide who they want to run the plc which owns the club.Welcome to democratic capitalism my friend. Many clubs throughout the world exist this way.
  23. Are St Mirren going to sack him though? I thought I heard their Lennon saying they 'd offer him 'support' (goodness knows what that means). I just think that the SFA need to come out and say or do something given the seriousness of this which will ultimately result in a custodial sentence I'd have thought
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