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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Norkopping, his previous club,  sold him to Kazan just before the Ukraine war started.

    They are still owed money from the transfer & now unlikely to get it.

    How did the yahoos manage to get him last summer? Surely he should have been made to return to his previous club who could have played him or sold him again?

    Seems norkopping now taking this to CAS.

    Could the yahoos be playing an ineligible player? 😜


  2. No idea what was said or done at HT but what a transformation in the second half. We could have conceded more than two in the first half but thankfully we didn’t which gave us the chance to recover which we did.


    However the facts remain that we are still short of CB’s and should our GK have come for the corner at their first?


    the new manager & his assistants must soon decide who stays & who goes from the current squad and who they want to add to it. The mistakes from last summer need to be sorted & must not be repeated.



  3. I never like to read too deeply into friendlies but there were one or two good signs today.

    In the first half Jack looked back to his old self & Kent livelier than we’ve seen him for a while. Our game looked a higher tempo than we’d been seeing lately too.

    But I thought Tillman & Sands both excelled once again. Would be good to get these two as permanent signings as we should be able to make good money on them if we sell them on. However the cost of getting them may be beyond our budget 

  4. 10 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    He is weak and with the return of Lawell he'll roll over and get his belly tickled. 

    I often wonder what Graham Wallace would have been like in Robertson’s role today.

    Both he & Nash resigned in October 2014 after falling out with easdale after he sought funding from Ashley instead of King.

    Months later King & T3B got control and the rest is history.

    Robertson has always seemed a bit out of his depth to me. Wallace came from Man City IIRC. Perhaps he’d have had a different approach from Robertson at times these past few years but we’ll never know…. 

  5. 3 hours ago, 26th of foot said:

    This coming Tuesday at 10.30hrs, the Club AGM will be held(staged) at the Glasgow Auditorium.


    I am intent upon attending and like last year, will make annotations and provide a full report to the forum. There is a small interference running, immediately after the AGM I have a Christmas lunch booked at Pollok Juniors social club. I suspect it will be long and boozy. 


    If I have managed to hold on to the necessary notes, I will get something up on Thursday?


    If you are attending, please support me on my two long running annual demands :


    1. We treat our fellow Rangers supporters who happen to be disabled a lot better than we do so currently.


    2. The Club do everything to send our magnificent support in to a state of frenzy, by setting a date for burning Graham Spiers at the stake. I suggest 15th December against Hibs at half time? It will keep everyone warm and the Club should sell cups of accelerant at £10 a pop to ensure Graham achieves extra crispy status and, the accrued funds should be donated to Erskine.

    If a fire starter is needed I can offer my services 😆

  6. We withdrew from this two bob tournament and it lost money. Clearly the yahoos & Merseyside’s second team couldn’t generate enough money between them to make the tournament financially viable once we withdrew. You only had to look at the number of empty seats at games 😂


    Take note Mr Bisgrove. And Mr Robertson. Lessons learned I hope. Our participation in this sort of tournament demands top dollar. Much more, it seems, than you’d allowed for. And we’re never to be used ever again as a cash cow when the yahoos are involved 

  7. 48 minutes ago, CammyF said:

    Listening to Beale's interview he sounds like he is giving players a clean sheet and will ask them if they want to be part of Rangers. If not, they'll be left aside. 


    He also said the squad isn't as broken as people think and that age is no issue.


    Sounds like a good starting process. 

    I would certainly hope that’s not his thinking…

    He’s in for a big shock if so. 

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