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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Can someone then tell me how Whyte passed the SFA's 'fit and proper persons test' ? Dont tell me Rhegan didn't know all about his colourful business background when he acquired Rangers in May2011.
  2. The harsh reality is we cant wait 5 years to challenge Celt@c who will be weakened by the time we return to the top division.
  3. If they miss us why did they vote us out in summer 2012? The truth is Scottish football is a toxic brand no one wants to sponsor. Who would want their company's name associated with the SPFL?
  4. Many attendances in the SPFL premiership are fictitious. Many clubs are giving away free season tickets and matchday tickets.
  5. LOL you really have 2 laugh at ex-celt@c view editor Andrew Smith don't you? He's genuinely worried about Rangers return to the top isn't he? If DK or Mike Ashley invest then his beloved hoops wont be able 2 go to their co-op bank for more any more cutprice loans or overdrafts liewell says doesn't exist will they ? Another problem for Smith is I don't think it will be Ally in the Rangers dugout
  6. You have to laugh. ex Celt*c view editor Andrew Smith genuinely believes there are 20'000 no shows season ticket holders...LOL. And they are waiting to lord it over Rangers when we return to the topflight...LOL again. I think this guy is deluding himself. I believe when we get back top we will have funds pumped in from DK or Mike Ashley. enjoy ur tainted titles Smith. When we return they'll be meaningless history.
  7. Unless this current board have genuine financial backing for the next 18 months or so(and they've given us no indication they have) then I believe its inevitable they'll have to go to Dave King.Weakening the first team squad would be suicide as we enter the last 18 months before our return to the top division. The first team squad needs strengthened not weakened.
  8. I repeat, If the first team squad is weakened by the end of next month,then Wallace is finished before he's even started in my opinion.Go back to the early 1980's, we wont pay to watch a sub-standard Rangers side
  9. If he weakens the first team squad next month by selling players and not replacing them then any trust will surely disappear.
  10. If things get as bad as I suggest(the team performing poorly and funds running out) then I believe it is inevitable DK will be approached(on his terms of course).I also reckon Ally McCoist may well quit next month if his squad is severely weakened by selling the likes of Lee Wallace.That would cause the board serious problems too. Have to say I'm uneasy about Graham Wallace. Very easy to be Man City CFO when you've got Sheikh Mansour's billions but Rangers a totally different ballgame altogether.
  11. 1) does anyone else think Wallace, Somers and Crichton will all be gone before the end of the season ? 2) at what point will Dave King be approached to invest in and takeover Rangers? When I hear our new CEO talking about cutting costs I genuinely worry if that involves the first team squad. This team needs strengthened not weakened which these costs would ultimately achieve.If he goes ahead with this I genuinely believe we could return to what we were in the early 1980's with a sub-standard team which people won't pay to watch. I'd previously said this new board needs to be given time.Now though I'm not so sure. Some of the insinuations being made give me cause for concern.
  12. It will give us a chance to see what he can do in what is supposedly a higher level of football.Cant help thinking he'd have made a difference yesterday had he come on.He's one player who can go past opponents, something that didn't happen much yesterday.
  13. Reluctantly i have to agree with most of what you say but I'm still not sure we would have got the calibre of applicant we'd have needed in SFL3 with a registration embargo
  14. When you look at the resources he has compared to every other club in lg1 and you look at the overall performances this season then questions should be asked. I'm sure he'll go to the end of this season then (after 3 years in the job) he should be thanked for his efforts and we should go for someone with a proven record in. My choice would be Billy Davies.
  15. Wasn't he a striker? Getting 40-odd goals for QOS means nothing. Playing for Rangers is totally different as he is finding out.
  16. I think we all know(but perhaps wont admit) that Ally isn't the longterm Rangers manager but going back to summer 2012 after we had to go newco who would have taken the job after losing so many players thro TUPE and having a 12month signing embargo? If he stays the course til the end of this season or next then he'll have more than played his part in returning us to the top and will be remembered as such. However regards the current squad I do believe a better manager could get a lot more out them and have better tactical awareness to make necessary changes during games.
  17. I think it would be best to do everything possible to get shot off him next month.
  18. Assuming Olverman is a member of one of the accountancy institutions I'm surprised they haven't struck him off making it difficult if not impossible for anyone else to employ him. He effectively presided over a criminal act i.e. Non-payment of employee deductions to HMRC.
  19. But we're dealing with highly illogical people who have an agenda against Rangers Football Club and its supporters whilst ignoring misdemeanours from other clubs supporters.I think that's extremely unfair,dangerous and unsustainable.
  20. Politicians are unwilling to face up to this vile club and its supporters for fear of losing votes.I often wonder why the law of the land isn't applied to them and their blatant show of support for banned terrorist organisations and terrorists
  21. Has liewell told diddy dumbcaster to sweep it under the carpet with everything else ? Was there another SPFL enquiry into the H block banners at the Abergreen game too ?
  22. Perhaps he has been retained for a reason i.e. To give evidence against Whyte following the police enquiry into his takeover?
  23. Both Wallace and Somers need to be given time until we can form any sort of judgement on them. They need to raise funds shorterm(which is where I think DK will enter proceedings) and come up with ideas as to how they'll increase annual revenue generally. That won't be easy and I must admit to be being more than a little disappointed to hear ST prices being talked about increasing at this early stage. Much has been made of Brian Stockbridge (and I'm sure Mr Wallace will assess that situation in due course) but is Ken Olverman still working for Rangers ? Does anyone know? He, of course, was working when Whyte was there and could have turned whistle-blower and averted much of the financial carnage which Whyte caused.
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