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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Andy, a fan-owned club would still be open to investment from wealthy fans, indeed wealthy fans could stand for election to be the club president.


    Dave King parted with £20m when SDM owned it. Why would he not do the same when it is in the charge of the Rangers support and professionally run?


    With a bad owner, we have someone who can stay in position for a lifetime. With a bad president, we have someone who can be removed democratically after four or five years.


    We are running a colossal risk at the moment, and it has started to hurt us.


    The dream owner of Rangers is not a billionaire Arab.


    It is you and me and a hundred thousand others.


    As far as I know Dave king doesn't believe in fan ownership so I'd say he'd unlikely to want to become involved were fan ownership of Rangers ever to happen.

  2. Just read some of Allys comments from yesterday. In a nutshell - if we are lucky enough to get promoted this year there are no gaurantees we will get promotion next year as hearts will be strong plus others blah blah.

    Is he starting to doubt his ability to do this job?


    If he doesn't think we'll get promoted next season then he should be removed from his position immediately. Such a stupid thing to say. Genuinely hope he was mis-quoted

  3. I just think Easdale is saying what a lot of fans would say tbh, and he is meant to be a fan as well as a director


    Nothing wrong with what he said. Now let's see him get some investment into the club along with Somers and Crichton too.Have to say I'm more than a little disappointed that as the transfer window closes we'll not be signing anyone.

  4. You do get slightly irked at the level of contempt shown for the paying customer.


    Urgent 120 day plan! Must focus on that! Except...he took a Christmas holiday out of the country. People are entitled to holidays, I have no beef with that. It only gets annoying when the great 120 day review is trotted out when it suits, but can be put on hold for a sunshine break when it suits as well. It's either super urgent, in which case Xmas should have been spent ripping through the paperwork with precious few other distractions, or it can wait and we should be getting rather better answers about the short & long term.


    Maybe the last few years have just left a fug of complete suspicion and paranoia swirling around anyone at the club with a tie, but I'm not thrilled so far with Mr Wallace.


    Perhaps a real hammering from 'them' in the SC will waken some of us up and realise this '120 day business review' is a load of b@llshit. Dave King is right. We need investment in the first team squad now otherwise crowds will fall away like happened in the early 1980's

  5. If no laws have been broken then how can they be pro-active? Have you or anybody else lodged a formal criminal complaint?


    Handing out personal tax details isn't breaking the law ? At the very least a confidentiality agreement will have been broken I'd have thought.

    Regards Whyte I'm sure when he lost his Ticketus appeal before Christmas it was 'fraudulent misrepresentation' as I recall. Up here the case concerns how he got Rangers in the first place I'd have thought I.e. Was SDM was into selling and why

  6. The press and Mhedia outlets like the BBC have gone from succulent Lamb in the Murray era, to a diet of Bullshit in the Liewells era.


    They haven't really you know. Liewell has such an iron grip on the media in this cesspit of a country that the media simply will not report anything negative about Celt@c .Anyone who dares to do this will find themselves banned from the Co-op dome as Keevins found out.

    One of the factors which will determine how successful our new CEO is will be his dealings with the mhedia in this country.He must fight fire with fire and go after those who seek to spread lies and rumours about us whilst ignoring damaging stories about them.

  7. oK do the maths for 'Well. If they'd got a couple of Gers televised visits last season they'd probably have got somewhere between £150k to £200k per game. And they wouldn't have lost £180k then would they? don't forget too that this was the club that allegedly finished last season on its supporters trust overdraft (overdraft note not account)

    Ah well (no pun intended) that's what they get when their Celtic supporter chief exec. Ms Dempster sides with Liewell by removing us from the then SPL. Liewell's strategy is quite simple by keeping all premiership clubs in poverty to allow Celt@c easy access to the CL without us.Lack of SPFL sponsorship and a paltry TV deal ensures that.

  8. Rab, don't you tire of seeking out others to blame for our problems? Don't you want to accept full responsibility for our ills - and successes?


    Supporters of Celtic duck responsibility habitually - it's what they do - and we frequently remind them of it. From Amsterdam to Dundee to Motherwell, they concoct excuses after excuse after excuse - and now we have joined them in pointing the finger elsewhere.


    It's true that we have enemies, and that we have had flawed owners, but we left the door wide open for them to invite themselves in. In these circumstances, it was inevitable that the club would fall into the wrong hands.


    If there is such a thing as the Rangers Way, surely it is to be responsible for our actions, and our inactions?


    We have many enemies - I cannot deny it - but perhaps we belong in their number due to our own negligence.


    Craig Whyte Mark II could take Rangers over tomorrow - and then we'd complain bitterly that the next liquidation event was nothing to do with us.


    On the contrary, it would be everything to do with us.


    How do you think Whyte got Rangers? Don't you know the story.

  9. There's been a succession of heinous characters that have done ill to our club in recent years. There comes a point where we have to stop playing the victim and get a bit of self respect, dignity and and character back at the club.


    You seem to think administration/liquidation was all down to the bank and Whyte. Ignoring the fact that we as a club financially misspent for well over a decade.


    Misspent for over a decade had nothing to do with Administration/Liquidation. It was due to Whyte not paying PAYE/NI. Nothing else

  10. So Ibrox must not be given up, and Auchenhowie is vital to our wellbeing?


    What will happen if the cost of retaining both becomes too great?


    I'm not advocating their sale, but I am wondering if a harsh economic reality will put pressure on the club to release one or the other at some point in the future.


    It's easy to put a 'not for sale' sign up, but the Scottish football landscape may make it difficult for Rangers - and Celtic - to retain a football ground and a training and administrative centre.


    Ideally, we will keep both indefinitely, but the Scottish football environment falls a long way short of being an ideal world.


    We thought that administration was impossible for a club like Rangers, and we were wrong.


    We thought that liquidation could never happen to Rangers, and once again we were wrong.


    We should at least be contemplating this scenario rather than pretending that it can't happen and then being shocked when the unthinkable actually happens.


    Administration/Liquidation only happened because a fraudster got the club due to the valiant efforts by the bhoys at LBG

  11. Wonder how the '120 day business review' is progressing as we approach day40 next tuesday?

    So far we've had:-

    1) cut first team salaries by 15 percent(rejected)

    2) increase ST prices next season(somer's idea?)

    3) half McCoist's exorbitant salary

    4) get Stockbridge to return his ridiculous £200k bonus

    i would suspect 3) and 4) were muted before GW's arrival anyway.So where are we then ?

    At the end of this where can cuts seriously take place other than the £10m non playing staff wage bill ?

    If that fails then what? Will GW quit then we go and ask DK for finance in the form of some sort of loan? That would have obvious pre conditions I'd suspect such as boardroom appointments/removals. Would involving DK not have been the most logical solution from the outset?

  12. Our problem was Craig Whyte and how he got Rangers.Until the full story is known (and it will come out in due course) then we'll just have to suffer and watch things like this.

    Hertz will get relegated and I'm not so sure they'll find it quite so easy to return to the top division as they think.One wonders if their new owners have the money to finance an extended stay outwith the top division

  13. So much for retaining "sporting integrity" and not gaining an unfair "financial advantage". When it was obvious that Hearts' wrongdoing was essentially all self-imposed. In essence, they'll say that Hearts have already been "punished" and will meet us in the "Championship" next season. We'll see how they manage there.


    Let's thrash them !!!!!!

  14. People suggest our performances of the last two years are sub-standard yet we still have huge crowds every week. Football is a different animal from the 1980s and the circumstances facing the club rather different from then.


    However, I agree, poor quality players and product will turn people off so it's vital we address that which is why I've highlighted the main aspects of running a successful football club.


    Wallace talks about cuts on one hand then adding to the squad and improving the scouting system too. You cant do both of these and reduce costs at the same time.

    Ive yet to be convinced by him and I think the wagecuts offered to the first team squad was a bad starting point to reduce costs because these costs are not high for a club Rangers size.

  15. I've seen many good displays this season and we've played well in patches during our recent poorer form.


    New players are always welcome but here's a fine line between improving the squad on an affordable basis and throwing good money after bad if signings are based on bad scouting then coached poorly.


    Investment will certainly needed either way so that's why it's vital for Wallace to come up with an achievable business plan ahead of going to the institutions again.


    Rangers supporters will not watch a sub-standard side.We saw that in the early 1980's

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