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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I doubt very much if this would work. Would it raise enough money for a start to buy the club? How would you compensate the current shareholders(of which I am one) as you no longer seem to want them ? How would the 'supporter-owned' club raise funds from time to time as all business require to do? Just ask supporters to dig deep again? Can't see banks being too keen to lend somehow. All in all Supporter-owned clubs may sound a good idea in practice but in the real business world I tend to think not.
  2. I'll phone BBC Scotland right away and tell them to get their Investigative Journalist Mark Daly onto this right away
  3. Hildy - regards your comment about criminality, what if It is proven SDM was forced to sell to Whyte by LBG ? Remember who was in charge of LBG's Scottish business division after LBG took over HBOS. I am of the opinion that Rangers FC were the victims of a very serious stitch-up with the aim of putting us out of business altogether.It was orchestrated by our enemies in senior positions in governmental and banking positions. My dearest wish is that all will be revealed in 2014.
  4. If he is then good for him. His father was QP chairman at one time as I recall
  5. You are wrong. Malky MacKay ain't one of us I can assure you
  6. Not at all. All I'm suggesting is that English football may be storing up problems for itself with foreign owners once they decide they no longer want to pour in their money
  7. Because you need SFA membership to play in the SPL & SFL(as it was then).It needed the SFA to transfer ours from oldco to newco which they eventually did
  8. Had there been proper leadership at the SFA they would have decided which league we would have played in 2012-13. Instead they bottled and handed it over to SPL chairmen who voted according to their keyboard warrior supporters in cyberspace and voted us out.We then had to go to the SFL who accepted us but put us in the bottom division against the wishes of REgan who wanted us in SFL1. Regan's performance throughout was a joke. He should have been fired.
  9. Everyman and his dog knows we're the same club but people at the SFA such as Rhegan & Liewell cant bring themselves to say it. They hate us alright. Were it not for SKY holding a gun to their head prior to the Brechin game at the start of last season then who knows would have happened?
  10. One of our new CEO Graham Wallace's biggest challenges will be his dealing with the SFA & SPFL. It is blatantly obvious there is an anti-rangers agenda at work and has been so ever since SDM abandoned ship and the you-know-who's moved in en masse(no pun intended). It is vitally important he scores points in his dealings with Regan, Lunny and Liewell in particular. The first thing I'd be asking is to see the SKY contract Dumbcaster and Liewell signed at the start of last season which no one else seems to have seen. Why is that? Is it because there's something concerning Ranges he doesn't want us to know about? Over to you Mr Wallace
  11. This is what I don't understand. With the shares low in value at present why doesn't DK buy a shareholding(below 30 per cent) and appoint someone like PM to the board? It would cost him £5m or so to get 20 percent. Surely that's loose change for him
  12. I believe he would. Do we have the ambition to make this type of signing though ? He is exactly what we need - someone who goes past defenders and opens up defences.
  13. I repeat again, once Whyte's takeover is deemed fraudulent (next year hopefully)we ARE a special case and the SFA would/should be doing everything possible to allow us back into qualifying for Europe. 2014 is going to be an interesting year mark my words
  14. Out of contract with Hull at the end of the season.A class act who would be a fantastic signing again. Does our board have the ambition though?
  15. Need to remember that at the time we got kicked out the SPL there was a lot of nonsense going around that we were cheats because we had used EBT's and owed £134m.That wasn't the case because the only major debt we had was the tax Whyte never paid HMRC(not counting ticketus as a creditor as they only had 'personal contractual rights' according to Lord Glennie). There's no doubt this nonsense influenced these chairmen and I just wonder when the full stories come out regards LBG's role in Whyte's takeover and who it was who got HMRC to chase Rangers for a fictitious EBT tax bill just where Scottish football will find itself especially if UEFA become involved.
  16. Only Rhegan and Liewell allowed to do the jokes at the SFA it seems. That's how corrupt totalitarian organisations work.Free speech only for the select few
  17. That's because we don't have a proper scouting system.Neil Murray was chief scout until recently. Say no more !!!
  18. The big problem heading for Scottish football is when/if Whyte's Rangers takeover is declared fraudulent meaning Rangers were indeed the victim of a crime. The SPL clubs who voted Rangers out of the SPL at the time may have cause to regret this if legal proceeding against them are taken.
  19. Have no sympathy. Is this the same Malky MacKay who was telling us whilst we were in administration that we had nothing to be afraid of when Bill Ng was one of our bidders ? Cardiff,of course, have far eastern owners like Ng was. Many English clubs are propped up by foreign owners cash. The problems will start when things go wrong at these clubs and these owners decide to do as they please which doesn't always suit supporters. This is one such example.
  20. I'm shocked. Thats actually a decent article by Davy 'Provo' Provan.
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