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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. As things stand six out of the twelve stadia still aren't complete yet. Three are due to be completed this month and two next month and the São Paola Corinthian stadium where the opening game between Brazil and Croatia takes place on June12 isn't due to be completed until April(it was the one where the steelwork collapsed killing 2 workers last year).

    Strange thing is FIFA state the stadia should be ready 2 years prior to the World Cup. Wonder how Brazil got round this?

  2. Was under the impression LBG forced Murray to sell. ?


    Exactly and why? MIH had at that time bank borrowings of 700million and Rangers were around just 18m of that so why were the bank so focused on Rangers whose bank overdraft was being reduced year on year ?

    Manus Joseph Fullerton & Archibald Gerard Kane were in charge of LBG's Scottish business division at that time as I understand. Guess which team they support? And of course not forgetting Fullerton's connections with the Shellik Trust and the fact after he left LBG he went on to find employment with Harper McLeod who just happened to be the SPL's legal chums who were investigating whether or not the EBT's were illegal payments and we should have had titles stripped.

  3. All I want to know is how Whyte got Rangers in the first place.

    I just don't buy the story that he 'duped' Ticketus into giving him 20 odd million and he then 'duped' SDM into selling him his shares for a quid provided he cleared the overdraft at Fullerton & Kane's bank with the money Ticketus gave him.

    Unfortunately in this country we don't have investigative journalists who are prepared to investigate the real story here which is whether SDM was blackmailed into selling to Whyte

  4. Looks like they don't need what he's offering.As I said before,they already have what they need. Happy days ahead.:rfcbouncy:


    perhaps you're like me and beginning to believe we're being bankrolled by someone like Mike Ashley. Who knows as they say

  5. One explanation might be that he's all talk.


    Hundreds of thousands of shares have been traded daily, e.g. 140,000 today, 250,000+ on Thursday or Friday; he could have amassed 3,000,000 in 2/3 weeks, no danger.


    But what's his ultimate aim then ? to destabilise or destroy the club ? I just cannot understand what he's up to

  6. I am amazed that yet another article in the Sun full of nonsense such as " ‘If a sensible business and financial plan has been completed then Rangers may have gone forward, but there has been no communication of this at present." (obviously it won't be communicated till it's completed) and unsubstantiated "facts" such as ‘Clearly, the passage of time since the AGM has reduced the cash reserves to a critical level.’"; has managed to engender near 100 posts in 10 pages on here.


    Completely leaving aside the "fit & proper" issue, as several posters have said, if King wanted some real influence he could easily have snapped up a notifiable 3% or the 5% of the shares necessary to call an EGM, more than enough shares have been traded in the market. It would only have cost him around £750,000 tops, apparently pocket money to him; and still left him £19M and change (out of the alleged £20M he wants to invest directly into the Club).


    This is the bit I cannot understand. With the share price as it is why isn't he buying shares the way the likes of Laxey and Prior did ? Surely with his alleged wealth that would be loose change to him to gain even a 5% shareholding

  7. Ally isn't under any pressure at all. He is as untouchable to us as Neil Lennon is to the Scottish media and footballing authorities.


    If he is then he shouldn't be. He should be judged on results.

    Today he got a big slice of luck. He must take full advantage now or else questions must be asked. Losing a SC semi at Ibrox could prove his downfall IMO.

  8. Someone should ask him how many freebies these clubs give out to falsify attendances. We all know the Co-op are the worst offenders for falsifying attendances but others give out freebies by means of matchday tickets or ST's. I know both a St Mirren supporter & a Motherwell supporter who each bought one adult ST & got THREE free ST's for U16s. Dumbcaster won't have much to say about that no doubt.

  9. If the board continue to take no action against this crackpot then these false allegations will continue.

    One way or another the Rangers board of directors need to do something about this individual sooner rather than later whatever it takes. That goes for certain so-called journalists in our mhedia too.

    Making deliberate false allegations against an individual or an organisation in the public domain is something which is punishable by law in this country. I cannot understand why this individual & his allegations haven't been acted upon before now. It needs dealt with as its sole aim is to destroy Rangers FC by virtue of these false allegations.

    Over to you messrs Wallace, Somers, Crichton & Easdales.

  10. Second strongest squad in Scotland with huge resources, we should be second favourites. It's up to the manager and players to do their jobs properly and prove they deserve the big bucks they earn here.


    Rab, i hear what you are saying but are currently spending over £2m per year just on defenders and you are worried about coming up against the dross of the SPFL. Why are we paying these guys so much if they are not worth it?


    That £2m could be better spent IMO

  11. For some unknown reason, HMRC decided to use us as the test case, before they went after bigger fish. This is why Lloyds had the urgency to get their dough back. Whyte didn't get us for pound. Lloyds got their money, just like banks always do in the end. That's how I saw it. Blame it all on Murray if it helps you sleep at night.


    And who got HMRC to go after us ? A former lhabour cabinet minister perhaps?

    And who was running LBG's Scottish business division after they took over HBOS? Our two east end amigos maybe?

    The whole damn thing was a set up to financially paralyse us.

  12. Come on, easy on the paranoia. BH has explained why, in law, football clubs have a get out from being responsible for such things happening. If we object to that, we should email our MSP's (we are, after all, sitting at a switched on computer) and urge them to change the rules.


    And quite honestly, as much as I don't wish to ruffle feathers, if absolute responsibility came in we'd be walking on eggshells waiting for the UB's to drop us in it with UVF stuff.


    UEFA take action against them but the SPFL don't. You couldn't make it up could you.

  13. I take it you weren't aware that one of the leading lights in News Now is a rampant Tim?


    The messenger aside the content in that blog is mind numbing and gut wrenching as is the one from a couple of days previously and alas his record on our financial woes over the last few years is sadly usually uncannily unerring.


    With the benefit of hindsight the financial carnage Whyte caused should have been expected once all was known about him like AJ did at the time of the takeover. I suspect he(Phil multinames)had been advised by others regards this. The others being those who orchestrated the oldco's financial collapse

  14. I don't doubt for a minute that his allegations are untrue. There's no reason for us to run out of money when you consider the worth of the individuals and organisations who now own Rangers.And there's DK too.

    However when the CEO asks players to consider a 15 percent wage cut then you invite this sort of thing.I cannot deny I have genuine concerns about our CEO and his 120 day business review. How is it progressing I wonder ? As far as I can see that in addition to the proposed players wage cut all we've heard about are ST price increases & Ally's long awaited salary cut.Doesnt exactly take a genius to come up with these proposals does it?

  15. You need to remember that many clubs are giving out free ST's and free matchday tickets so the attendance figures are fictitious anyway in my opinion.

    I know of St Mirren & Motherwell supporters buying one adult season ticket and getting THREE free U16 ST's !!!!!!!!

  16. Again Keevins is peddling the line about us being punished. Punished for what ?

    We entered administation/Liquidation because we were bought by a fraudster who withheld PAYE/NI because he hadn't the funds to run the club. No other reason.Nothing to do with debts like the laughable £134m once quoted.

    Keevins would be better off investigating how Whyte managed to acquire Rangers in the first place but that might unearth too many unsavoury characters in banks well known for their affiliations to the east end of glasgow

  17. If they miss the CL Group stages next season, I would think you might hear noises emanating from the east end. Somebody will have to take the blame.


    I reckon quite a few of their main players could be gone by next season anyway.Who wants to play in this league every week? Just ask Ledley

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