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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. In the third tier we should be winning comfortably and be entertaining to watch. The fact that is not happening does not augur well for Ally when we return to the top division.Sooner or later our new CEO will need to make a decision to stick with Ally or look elsewhere for a replacement who would need to be able to get more out of the current squad than the likes of what we endured last night. What concerns me most about Ally is his inability to sort things out when things aren't going well. Too often last night possession was given away needlessly and set pieces not clearing the first defender. A Jock Wallace or Souness would be on the touch line screaming at the culprits. Not Ally though. Arms folded hoping things will sort themselves out.That needs to change
  2. Well well well Billy. Were you quite happy when Rangers got their year long transfer embargo as their 'punishment' ? Didn't hear you complaining then did we? Now the boot is on the other foot not so great is it? Spare me the nonsense about Scottish Football too. It is a joke.Its top division is a pathetic bore of a one horse race which you all voted for when Rangers got voted out the SPL because you hadn't the guts to challenge Liewell. What you reap you sow Billy. Rough luck.
  3. You mean the SPFL Premiership...........a name they never stole from England
  4. The minute Keigan Parker came on last night I knew something was going to happen. He could easily have been sent off for his assault on Lee Wallace as he ushered the ball out for a bye kick near the end.He then obviously went on to antagonise whoever he could and unfortunately Moshni took the bait.A weak referee last night didn't help either. Anyone know anything about this toerag's background? Anytime he's played against us he seems hellbent on cause as much bother as he can.
  5. Was it not £10m Arsenal settled for with HMRC? That was the same amount SDM offered I believe. And yes I do strongly believe everything was a set up.
  6. Arsenal settled their EBT bill. SDM tried to do likewise and was refused. Yes I do believe there was a 'grand conspiracy' regards HMRC and LBG.I believe it will all be revealed in the not too distant future
  7. Hearts have a good youth set up producing youngsters whom we'll likely be up against in the Championship next season. Many have played in the Premiership this season and will have benefited from the experience. I'm not so sure it will be as easy as some think for us next season
  8. Still think we could do with Boyd for a couple of seasons especially next season as we head back to the top division.Have to say though I doubt it is true Boyd has signed a pre-contract due to the alleged history between him & McCoist
  9. Too old now IMO. One of the changes I see happening is our new CEO insisting on a younger first team squad all with sell-on values.
  10. I repeat, no one will be leaving from the first team squad this month unless 1) they're out of contract 2) they agree to have their contract terminated (which will probably involve a pay off)
  11. How much longer is this fool going to be allowed to utter such nonsense? The SPFL Premiership ( a name taken from England as they couldnt come up with anything of their own) is supposedly the showpiece of scottish football but is nothing other than a pathetic bore because it is a one horse race. It cannot even attract a sponsor and has a SKY TV deal which no one gets to see probably because it is derisory. Week in week out clubs give away free matchday tickets to artificially inflate attendance figures. Others even give away free ST's. Doing well Mr Dumbcaster? don't think so somehow
  12. There will come a time when enough is enough.This board need to come up with a positive strategy to take this club forward. Selling Lee Wallace isn't a positive sign if they're stupid enough to do that. I fear for this board. they never got the 'landslide' whatever they want to call it at the AGM. Cutting the first team squad budget could be the end for this board and the beginning for DK and his people.
  13. Right back? Alan Hutton hasn't got a club.How about him?
  14. All the best to all. Take it from me an interesting new year awaits. Revenges awaits
  15. Hildy - all the best but I don't think asking people for £2 per month would generate nearly enough finance. This is Glasgow Rangers not Cambuslang Rangers we're talking here
  16. I repeat my earlier question to you - what do you intend to do with our existing shareholders ? Would you compensate them for the shares they bought last year? How much annual finance will your 'supporter-owned' model generate for the club? How would it generate borrowings as all businesses need to do from time to time? Might sound a great idea in theory but it would be a total disaster in practice in our predicament in my opinion.
  17. The GB seem to have some sort of immunity from prosecution. why is this ?
  18. If we're stupid enough to accept a £1m bid for Lee Wallace then I think it'll be the final straw for many of our supporters. That is £0.5m less than what we paid for him and will show a clear lack of ambition from this board.
  19. We will not move anyone on who is not out of contract unless they agree to move
  20. DK's biggest problem is how to gain control of Rangers should he wish to do so. Can anyone explain to me how he would do that as things currently stand?
  21. When the DR quotes from a 'source' you just know they're making it up. If Graham Wallace weakens the first team squad in any way he's finished before he's even started.The first team squad needs strengthened not weakened.Supporters won't pay to watch a sub-standard product on the park as we saw in the early 1980's. I see Mr Wallace is returning from a break abroad (assuming the DR got that bit correct). He wasn't in South Africa per chance was he? The biggest challenge this board face is increasing revenue to the club. I fear it will fall well short in that respect. Hope I'm wrong however.
  22. The three clubs you mention are of course examples but they have access to greater revenues in their domestic leagues for a start. This is one of the challenges facing our current board and I fear it will come up short. My biggest fear about supporter-ownership is that it wouldn't be financially-sustainable and would constantly be required to go to supporters looking for more money I believe Dave King is opposed to supporter-run clubs although someone may correct me on this
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