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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Roseanna Cunningham. Michael Mather.MulhollandQC.Need I go on........
  2. And there was me thinking that Norman Crichton joined the board as he was the man who would bring in the investment. Wasn't that what we were told?
  3. Have you seen some of his colleagues? Roseanna Cunningham for one.Arch Rangers-haters.
  4. It's Salmond's way of trying to attract their vote. He has no chance with us.Can you imagine what an independent Scotland would be like for us? Doesn't bear thinking about does it?
  5. Doesn't seem to have played a lot of games lately for his club has he ? Seems to have been a sub most of this season from what I've found out. Have we researched this guy's background properly ?
  6. Those three in MF with a certain Davie Cooper out wide. yes that would have been a MF and a half.Unfortunately in that side in the early 80s the defence and keeper were never up to the same standard since the Jardines, Forsyths,Jacksons etc past their best and those brought in were never anywhere near as good. Sad news indeed. RIP Ian Redford
  7. When I look at our club stores and kit manufacturer I think we can guess who is having a rather large influence behind the scenes
  8. He didn't have the best of relationships with Ally McCoist by all accounts. I'd suggest that had a big influence in his departure
  9. I doubt very much if there will be another administration. There will come a time when those behind the scenes who hold the power (who use the Easdales as their proxy votes) will have to come out and put more money in.
  10. What businesses get loans at 1.5 percent from their bank?
  11. Will Lunny charge McGowan with bringing the game into disrepute?
  12. Easier to score 40 odd goals for QOTS than it is for Rangers
  13. Genuinely believe there will be problems with McCoists salary. If it's still £800k p.a. if you were Graham Wallace wouldn't you want that reduced as a priority?
  14. And I suspect Ally would say he has a greater chance of getting back to the top division ASAP with experienced pros than a bunch of untried kids
  15. Absolutely no idea. Something was rumoured to be going into papers yesterday but nothing materialised
  16. Maybe he's at long last realising that they weren't really just a bunch of jolly craicsters whose club got cheated out of titles because the other lot used EBT's and their owner enjoyed succulent lamb. I had to laugh at the 'celtic underclass' term. Yet if they were sensible enough to go back to the appointment of John 'we won't sit at the back of the bus' Reid a their chairman in 2007 that is exactly the sort of mentality he was encouraging.
  17. None of the club chairmen have the balls to stand up to Liewell. celt@c basically run Scottish football now and can do as they please. Do they ever wonder why no one will sponsor the SPFL ? What company CEO would want his/her company associated with Scottish Football ?
  18. There must have been 3 or 4 similar challenges in the Airdrie game(which got yellow cards)to the one for which Peralta got a straight red.Inconsistent refereeing in my book.
  19. Unless they have new evidence it will be kicked out
  20. Don't think that is entirely true although it does seem that the criminal enquiry(or should it be enquiries) is taking quite a long time.My guess is that things will start to happen after HMRC's appeal gets kicked out at the UTT.
  21. Just when will the criminal enquiry produce results ? Seems to be taking forever
  22. I sense another excuse coming for another poor performance tomorrow
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