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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Possibly, but Martin Bain was one of the men along with Paul Murray and AJ who actively tried to persuade Murray not to sell to Whyte, so it was inevitable that Whyte would want to get rid of him anyway.


    Murray was forced to sell to Whyte.FACT

  2. It's not about righting any wrongs or having a magic wand to fix the games problems though Andy. We just need to get back to being involved in the governance of the game so that we can be in a position to look after our own Club's best interests while others are repeatedly trying to shaft us. Alarm bells should have started ringing immediately for more bluenoses when Whyte got rid of Martin Bain because he was our man on the inside. Unfortunately too many Bears couldn't see the woods for the trees on that issue due to their dislike of Bain.


    I'd say the main reason Whyte got rid off Bain was that Bain would have discovered what he was up to and would have turned whistleblower.Mind you I still believe our chum Rhegan knew what was going on and did nothing

  3. Over two weeks now since Neil suggested that Craig Thomson had been responsible for Celtic losing at Aberdeen. Could it be that Mr Lunny has been absent from his desk and that is why that no action has been raised against Neil. Or is is it possible that a more likely reason for this to be overlooked is that. Vincent agrees with Neil's opinion?


    Due to the positions held by Liewell,Lunny & Rhegan Celt@c effectively run the SFA. They won't take any action against Celt@c as you can see from this which is yet another example of what they'll get away but others(especially us) wouldn't get away with.

    The game in Scotland is corrupt. No one would dream of sponsoring the domestic football set up.

  4. Nothing has happened that would make me agree with you on this one.


    I say give them their 120 days. After that I'd be prepared to be seek their removal if nothing worthwhile transpires from this review. I have to say however I'm not holding my breath over this review

  5. Perhaps that is in itself part of the problem. They prefer Ally's approach to some other manager who would be mor ruthless and demanding.


    And a manager who is more tactically aware.

    And one with a gameplan with a plan B to fall back on if plan A isn't working

    You could go on and on....

  6. This board have had all the time I am prepared to give them. I am not going to go into the reasons why here, I would rather stick to the point of the article. The author is absolutely bang on. This is an opportunity for us and if we don't take it, another won't come along for a long time. It is time to sign up and pay up and to encourage others to do so.


    This board have only been there for months. I think we have to allow this '120 day business review' to be completed. If it produces nothing then serious questions will be asked about their suitability.

    I stand by my opinion that I don't think fan ownership is financially sustainable. I suspect DK thinks the same

  7. My concern about fan ownership (as this article appears to suggest) is whether it is financially sustainable long term.

    Despite one or two reservations I have about DK I tend to agree with him in his opposition to fan ownership.

    I believe in the next couple of months we'll be able to get a better idea of whether this board is up to the job or not.

  8. I cant believe the rammy this is causing , what did the fans think was going to repay it , Tesco vouchers , the terms of the loan , the fact we need a loan, 4 weeks after Wallace told us we were fine , thats the bloody disgrace , not how it would be repaid


    The fact is all businesses borrow. Our chums from the east end have loans and an overdraft over 30million with a basket case bank.

    My concern is why we're taking this loan(or loans) so soon after the CEO seemed to suggest we didn't need to.

  9. Poor,poor journalism from a man whose bitterness towards Rangers is there for all to see.What exactly is he trying to tell us in this article other than where his own allegiances are?

    And does any wonder why the newspaper industry is in terminal decline in Scotland when they employ cretins like Gibbons.

    I long for the day that it is given its thoroughly-deserved burial and I aim to be there just to make sure when it goes it never returns.And the party thereafter shall continue for days.......the joy it shall behold

  10. I'd say he was the architect of his own downfall(or departure) as a result of some of his statements at that time.

    That said I would like to see his type as CEO who will go after our enemies when needed. Diplomacy simply won't work in Scottish football when it is run by the likes of Rhegan,Liewell,Lunny and Dumbcaster

  11. Don't be silly. Will be swept under the carpet with everything else.

    The SFA won't touch them as they basically run the organisation I.e. Rhegan,Liewell & Lunny.

    The weak-willed politicians in this country won't do anything either because of the fear of lost votes.

    It seems only UEFA will hand out their annual fines to them in European competition when,as is now expected, their out-of-control supporters overstep the mark.

    People may now have different opinions of CG since he left but that is the type of CEO we need who will take the fight to these people otherwise they'll go on as they're doing at present

  12. It's all relative. We are very weak and refusing offers of nourishment for some bizarre reason. We are telling our 'family' that we are not hungry yet we've just visited the 'soup kitchen' with a begging bowl.


    And we don't have 30 odd million loans & overdrafts with a basket case bank which is subject to a public enquiry by the UK government. Don't know about you but I'd imagine there may be some rather worrying revelations about our chums as a result of this public enquiry which could have some dire consequences for them

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