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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. He'd set much higher performance targets for a start which they could never achieve. You're spot on


    laughable stuff.


    he wants to buy us. get us in the cl and make money out of it.


    good luck to him.


    Why not ? If Rangers were run properly with the right people in charge it should be a profitable business

  2. I want them to survive, but a very interesting situation would develop if they were forced into a newco scenario because the SPFL would be forced to transfer their membership or leave them without a professional football league to play in. Assuming they had their membership transferred, then with the new single league body there would be a difficult situation for the SPFL trying to arrange appropriate sanctions and deciding where they would play. I think they would probably be allowed to stay in the Championship with points deductions or possibly relegated to the 3rd tier, but I can't imagine them being forced to start at the bottom like we were.


    They damn well should go to the bottom tier.A precedent was set.

  3. Wasn't it our very ex.-own James Traynor stating that Regan & Co. knew about what Whyte was doing in December (at the latest)? Why did HMRC wait till that fatal point before acting? Why did HMRC chose us in this ill-fated witch-hunt?


    What exactly is actually being done to Whyte as we speak. I'm not exactly reading that he's actively fighting court cases left, right, and centre these days? Nor any greater public outcry about sending us into ruin essentially single handedly. Why does it take BDO et al this long to get him behind bars?


    JT did allegedly inform the SFA Whyte wasn't paying over PAYE/NI & Regan's SFA did nothing apparently. I'm sure the Insolvency Service will be looking into this amongst other aspects of Whyte's disasterous ownership at Rangers.It will be interesting to hear what they have to say.

    I've also wondered about HMRC too both in allowing Whyte to go as long as he did without paying over PAYE/NI and their pursuit of a fictitious EBT tax bill which I'm convinced was arranged by a former Lhabour cabinet minister from the east end. Why,for example, were Arsenal allowed to settle and Rangers weren't?

    Whyte has been in court cases. He lost his appeal with Ticketus at the end of last year for 'fraudulent misrepresentation' where he obtained funding from Ticketus to clear Rangers bank debt secured against ST sales which wasn't valid under Scots Law.It 'll be interesting to see where that goes as well as the BDO case against Whyte's lawyers Collyer Bristow which takes place early next year.

    I believe we will see justice but by that time we'll have returned to the top flight of Scottish football

  4. We all remember the summer of 2012 only too well. Just two short years ago it was that the bandwagon of hate rolled round Scottish Football inviting all Rangers haters onboard. Rangers must be punished for what they have done was their general consensus of opinion. One of those aboard was undoubtedly Mr Hutton and also his fellow Raith director Mr Drysdale who was involved in the year long registration embargo.

    I often wonder now if they ever look back and wonder what it was they were so eager for Rangers to be punished for ?

    There was, of course, the nonsense of debts of £134m was it at one point? Most of this debt was the assumption that the tax avoidance EBT's operated by SDM were illegally operated and were liable to eye-watering levels of taxation. That fell apart on the 20th of November 2012 when the FTTT went in favour of Rangers. The UTTT will do likewise I expect and its judgement will be any day now I'd expect.

    Then there was the dual contracts investigation by the then SPL in which LNS decided Rangers had gained no sporting advantage using EBT's.Another lie nailed.

    The truth was Rangers problems were caused by Craig Whyte and Craig Whyte alone by deliberately not paying over PAYE & NI to HMRC who wouldn't do CVA which led to the oldco being put into a liquidation process. Ive always been deeply suspicious of how he got Rangers in the first place and the role played by those at LBG, something AJ has alluded to from time to time.There is, of course more than one ongoing police investigation to Whytes time at Rangers as well as an investigation by the Insolvency Services too. Ive also wondered at what point Regan's SFA knew what Whyte was up to and did nothing.

    So Mr Hutton you may wish to consider if Rangers were indeed the victim of a crime rather than the perpetrator of a crime.A bit like getting your house broken into and the police charge the homeowner maybe? A wee apology would go a long way methinks on Sunday.You might even want to encourage the likes of Mr Petrie to do the same if he's around on Sunday which he probably wont be

  5. checkmate suggests he has won.


    but lets be honest this board would rather see us struggle than see their shares diluted.


    my guess is it will take years and a serious boycott to shift them and get king the chance to invest.


    Totally disagree. Unless this '120 day business review' produces something extraordinary then I think it's time up for this board. And so far they've shown little indication they have anything of the sort. Watch Wallace over the next month. Will he jump ship and side with DK?

  6. Apart from his addiction to sensationalism, that wasn't such a bad effort from Shug.

    He does raise a valid point about the next Old Firm game.

    Maybe we should just play them to home crowds and forget opposition fans for a while.


    People need to realise Scottish football changed forever in the summer of 2012 when certain individuals were doing their utmost to put Rangers out of business altogether.

    Not to mention the attempts at title-stripping & cheating accusations. People who should have chosen their words wisely chose not to. In the fullness of time they may well regret this as we return to the top division again next year if everything goes to plan.

  7. I've been uneasy about Wallace since that ridiculous 15 percent wage cut proposal was put to the players(or wasn't if you believe certain stories).I'm prepared to allow him time to complete his 120 day business review but it really must produce radical ideas to take us forward as opposed to a whole load of cutbacks.

    We're currently in a situation where the product on the park isn't good enough. Investment is needed for improvement in preparation for our return to the top division which should be just one year away. We mustn't get into a situation one year from now where we're running around at the last minute signing players. we need to get a team together in the summer which will be 50 - 70 percent what the team will be for 2015-16. If that means DK investing then so be it.

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