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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The SPFL Tv deal is derisory anyway in comparison to other deals. The Australian A league gets more than double what the SPFL gets & with all due respect it isnt the greatest league in the world. Wont make much difference whatever happens.
  2. I don't there is any chance whatsoever that Lafferty or the others will ever return. However I 'd be interested to know what 'advice' he and the others got from Wishart & Lovell of the players union & their celt@c-supporting lawyer chum Maggie Gibbon of Bridge Litigation. When you listened to Naismith & Whittaker telling the media how they didn't want to play for Sevco my suspicion has always been that they were being badly advised by someone or some organisation. Perhaps the deserters would be so good as to tell us who advised them and what they were told. It might(I repeat might) be the first very small step in the road to building bridges between themselves and the Rangers support although I'd think many would find it impossible to forgive them
  3. Well said.I think DK has a bit of convincing to do before we should be supporting him. Too many are backing him already without knowing his intentions
  4. Really ? How did they do that? Never mind 'deep pockets' Dave will ride in and save the day eh ? Just like he didn't during administration 2 years ago. Ooops sorry he couldn't could he ? I forgot
  5. Exactly what is it you don't like about them? They were prepared to put money in when needed.So called Rangers men werent
  6. Another administration would be a disaster. King won't buy out shareholders and that is why I don't think he will be successful as things currently stand
  7. I'm prepared to give this board til the end of the season.I think things will become much clearer by then.
  8. I'm not on any side but I want to hear what Wallace has to say after his '120 day business review' and I think Mr King has more than a few questions to answer before he will get my support
  9. There are ways round that. Frankie explained that the other day. The low price was recently and his SARS issues were well behind him by then
  10. He could have bought when the price was rock bottom. Say 10 to 15 percent of RIFC.Loose change to a man of his alleged means.WHy didn't he? Add that to the 30 percent the requisitioners got at the AGM and the board (sorry spivs) are in trouble. Just how does intend to take control of Rangers? A new shares issue won't happen without the consent of existing shareholders.Wont happen IMO
  11. Who buys Scotland strips nowadays anyway apart from the Tattered Army?
  12. The '120 business review' or whatever it is called is in danger of building up unrealistic expectations. So far all we've had is a rejected offer of a wage cut to players and the manager's exorbitant salary cut which was on the cards long before GW arrived.Now of course we've had this loan or loans from Sandy Easdale & Laxey At the end of this '120 day business review' supporters will expect all sorts of new developments to secure the clubs future which I can't see happening.I suspect DK thinks the same although I simply cannot see how he'll manage to invest as things currently stand without a new share issue which doesn't seem forthcoming.
  13. DK is bang on when he talks of player investment. The team is dire to watch just now. It's the £10m non playing staff wage bill which needs cut
  14. Well what do you expect with Rhegan and Liewell running the SFA?
  15. The real test is still to come this summer when we'll see if new players are signed for the new season in the Championship which will be much harder than these last two seasons.
  16. Why won't deep pockets Dave buy a shareholding of 10 to 15 percent ? The board will have to talk to him then. He can afford it I'm sure
  17. Regards DK's statement all the board are warning is be careful you don't end up with nothing.
  18. This happened before the current board got in . Just throwing around baseless accusations ? And what uses did you disapprove of?
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