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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Too tactical for Ally to even begin to comprehend.......
  2. The fact is all businesses borrow. Our chums from the east end have loans and an overdraft over 30million with a basket case bank. My concern is why we're taking this loan(or loans) so soon after the CEO seemed to suggest we didn't need to.
  3. Poor,poor journalism from a man whose bitterness towards Rangers is there for all to see.What exactly is he trying to tell us in this article other than where his own allegiances are? And does any wonder why the newspaper industry is in terminal decline in Scotland when they employ cretins like Gibbons. I long for the day that it is given its thoroughly-deserved burial and I aim to be there just to make sure when it goes it never returns.And the party thereafter shall continue for days.......the joy it shall behold
  4. I suspect that they are terrified of taking that decision for fear of getting it wrong as I suspect they will by retaining him.
  5. If we don't beat Raith Rovers in the Ramsdens final then there is something badly wrong. Whatever you may think Raith Rovers are a very poor side.
  6. I'd say he was the architect of his own downfall(or departure) as a result of some of his statements at that time. That said I would like to see his type as CEO who will go after our enemies when needed. Diplomacy simply won't work in Scottish football when it is run by the likes of Rhegan,Liewell,Lunny and Dumbcaster
  7. Genuinely think we should wait until the end of the '120 day business review' and after DK has met the investors in London and had his much-publicised meeting with the board before doing this sort of thing....
  8. Thomson typifies the standard of journalism in this country nowadays in that he is a headline-grabber who doesn't research his articles properly.
  9. Don't be silly. Will be swept under the carpet with everything else. The SFA won't touch them as they basically run the organisation I.e. Rhegan,Liewell & Lunny. The weak-willed politicians in this country won't do anything either because of the fear of lost votes. It seems only UEFA will hand out their annual fines to them in European competition when,as is now expected, their out-of-control supporters overstep the mark. People may now have different opinions of CG since he left but that is the type of CEO we need who will take the fight to these people otherwise they'll go on as they're doing at present
  10. And we don't have 30 odd million loans & overdrafts with a basket case bank which is subject to a public enquiry by the UK government. Don't know about you but I'd imagine there may be some rather worrying revelations about our chums as a result of this public enquiry which could have some dire consequences for them
  11. What are the consequences of DK ? We don't even know his intentions and investment figures yet ? All of this reminds me of Whyte. People were blindly supporting him without knowing the full facts. We all know how that turned out.
  12. My view is that if the support was to do as you suggest we could be damaged for a long time to come and wouldn't return to the top division for years to come allowing 'them' 10IAR and access to the CL for years to come. I am prepared to give GW his '120 day business review' before the end of which I hope Mr King will have given us more of an idea of his intentions(including investment figures) as well as explaining other issues like whether he got all or part of his £20m returned from SDM and why he wanted Rangers to apologise to Scottish football for the use of EBT's which were perfectly legal tax avoidance
  13. Amazed how many people are backing King without knowing how much and how he is going to invest in Rangers.
  14. This is where we need a strong, robust CEO to come out and say that in no way does Liewell speak on behalf of us. Liewell and his grotesque club have far too much power in Scottish football at present. One of the biggest challenges facing GW will be to regain some of that power in the next year or so.
  15. But how much will he invest ? After the AGM I said on here I was surprised the reqs' got 30 percent which was far higher than expected & all it would take would be for someone like DK to enter proceedings and start buying the shares especially when they went to a low price like Laxey and Prior did. Had DK done that then he & maybe others would have got onto the board by now and he could more or less run Rangers as he wanted to. He didn't and I genuinely wonder why
  16. Our CEO told us at the turn of the year we were ok short to medium term then the players got asked to consider a wage cut which they subsequently refused. Then this loan got announced and rather than discuss it's terms and who we get it from we should be discussing why we need it. I'm prepared to give GW his '120 day business review' but he really does need to pull several rabbits out of hats at the end of it to gain any credibility as I see it. I fully understand all businesses borrow(such as our chums from the east end with their tens of millions from the basket case co-op bank) but I think we were all a bit shocked to be borrowing so soon after being told all was well.
  17. How will he defeat them ? McColl couldn't I think the board(whom I'm not exactly 100 percent supportive of) will be able to get King to reveal what his intentions are (if he has any at all) .Too many of our supporters have too much faith in King thinking he's just dying to pour tens of millions into Rangers. I have to say I'm sceptical as to how much his wealth actually is.No one really knows do they?
  18. It's the fact we needed a loan in the first place we should be worried about.
  19. So why weren't they opposed to this legislation when McConnell's Lhabour introduced it then ? I'll tell you why - because it was primarily introduced to target Rangers supporters whilst other clubs supporters actions would largely be overlooked. Lhabour lost the next Holyrood election and the incoming SNP government tried to apply this law evenly to all clubs resulting where we are today I.e. Celtic supporters probably the worst offenders despite the fact they still seem to get off scot free for their blatant support for Irish terrorist groups every time they play
  20. The EPL wouldn't want them. Their hard line Irish republicanism baggage will see to that...
  21. This legislation was introduced by McConnell's Lhabour party before the SNP came to power and was specifically brought in to target Rangers supporters. When the SNP got in they have tried to apply it fairly to all clubs supporters but have subsequently found out who the biggest offenders are !!!!! A classic case of unleashing a tiger which has turned to maul you !!!!!
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