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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. At a share issue yes.


    You do understand existing shareholders get first offer? What if some or all of existing shareholders took up that offer?

    I think too many people are being strung along by DK by believing he's going to get a majority shareholding at a new share issue and restore the old guard back into the boardroom. ain't gonna happen. Get over it. for a start DK is nowhere near as wealthy as some would have you believe and he gave this away by suggesting he'd be using his children's inheritance meaning he'd be reluctant to invest

  2. Head in the sand Loyal.


    Loyal to a bunch of get very rich, very quickly phoney bluffers. Who when the trough is empty then demand we buy season tickets so as to keep them in the lifestyles they are accustomed to.


    Good grief man, get real.


    Easdale embarrassed himself (again) and our club (again) with his cringe-worthy and contemptible ramblings in that interview today.


    The fact that someone who can barely string a coherent sentence together is in such a position of power at our club is a total disgrace.


    Who's getting rich ? Please explain

  3. Not going to argue there mate, first line of the review should be 'we need a new manager'.


    My own view is that our esteemed manager wants to get sacked so he can join his chums I.e. the Murray double act & deep pockets Dave on the sidelines lambasting the board for everything and anything and giving the impression they have loads of dosh to invest in Rangers which the board won't allow them to do

  4. Moyes badly under-estimated the rebuilding job that was required last summer when he took over. He brought in only one player at that time,Fellini, who has been a total flop.Man U needs 4 or 5 players in positions which need strengthened which will cost well into 10's of millions. Now it seems it will be someone else who'll be spending that money

  5. What about Hamilton Accies going top of the championship on Saturday after beating Alloa and a massive 1,087 turned up to watch? Would they get the same big crowds if promoted to the premiership?

    Seriously though we're having a laugh in Scottish football are we not?

  6. Both of these alleged signings Hutchison and Allan represent risk. Hutchison plays in a Motherwell defence which has lost the most goals by far in the top six of the premiership. A Motherwell supporter I work beside doesn't rate him at all saying he causes a lot of goals and has poor positional sense.

    Allan doesn't seem to have played many games this season. He seems to have been put out on loan constantly by WBA to 3 or 4 different clubs since he went there.

  7. "One club to rule them all ... and in the darkness bind them."


    Not necessarily. If enough clubs oppose this it won't happen.

    The SPFL doesn't have enough money to meet its obligations. It cannot get a sponsor for its leagues and has a derisory TV deal in comparison to other leagues around Europe of similar stature.That's why it's trying to hijack the SFA to gain access to its finances in particular areas such as youth development.However as the article says these funds are for the community in general and not at football clubs so you have to question the wisdom behind this.

    On another issue I see the Dundee chairman has said the current TV deal only allows 18 televised Championship games next season.WIth us, Hertz, maybe Dundee, Dunfermline and maybe a club like KIllie or HIVS dropping out the top division then if the TV companies want to broadcast more than 18 championship live games then it'll be interesting to see what happens if the championship clubs demand a greater share of the TV money......

  8. The point being, if King owns the club, but has no formal involvement in its running, the SFA can do SFA about it. If Laxey Partners made comment about the quality of refereeing for example, what could the SFA do?


    A shareholder, majority or otherwise, has nothing to do with the SFA. However, I can't see DK not taking a board position if he becomes owner/majority shareholder....


    Do you genuinely believe DK is ready to put up tens of millions to get control of and invest in Rangers?

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