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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Based on what?


    He told the board he would only invest as a last resort if they couldn't get other investment from elsewhere and it was his kids' inheritance anyway he'd be investing. People need to get this idea out of their heads that this man is sitting waiting to invest tens of millions into Rangers but is being prevented from doing so. He isn't.

  2. Of course they are, but those with different opinions are entitled to their views too.


    A significant number of fans have given up on this regime and they have made the right decision.


    Defending it has become an exercise in futility. It is akin to defending shoddy goods, and reasonable people just don't do that.


    Don't let the anti-King and anti-Blue Knight blinkers blind you to the sad truth. Rangers is owned by a regime which has no way back to credibility.


    It is done, but while it lingers like a bad smell, it is dragging the club down. The sooner it is gone, the sooner the recovery can begin.


    TBK couldn't come up with the money to buy Rangers during administration and eventual liquidation of the oldco. They have no credibility in my opinion.

    As for DK it is time for the SoS, UoF to realise this man will not put his money into Rangers.I would also what his wealth actually is. Certainly not into hundreds of millions anyway.

  3. GW's opinion is worth nothing now. Admits the club is a financial mess yet thinks he deserves a huge bonus. Unbelievable.


    He doesn't really hold any power. Just a puppet and will be moved on before long.


    Whereas I'm inclined to agree with you about the huge bonus GW did not create the 'financial mess' as you call it. If he can turns things around then would he not be deserving of such a bonus?

    How do you make out he's a puppet and holds no power ?

  4. The current regime is terminally tainted.


    It will never recover enough trust to make the club viable and successful.


    Until it is gone, the turmoil will continue.


    It is in everyone's interests now to bring this matter to a head as soon as possible.


    Terminally tainted in what way ? The current board never blew the £70m did they?

    Who do you think should replace them then? Let me guess.....the murrays double act & deep pockets Dave the reluctant investor?

  5. Sad, sad news but not entirely unexpected as it was well known he was very ill.

    I wonder how many of us recall his testimonial against Southampton at the end of the 1981-82 season just before he left Rangers at the ridiculously young age of just 33? I recall Rangers won 1-0 with a late goal from a youngster called Gordon Dalziel if I'm not mistaken. Can anyone confirm this?

    Sandy, of course, went on to play a few more sessions for Hertz to prove manager John Greig wrong in letting him go. It was one of many bad mistakes at that time by Greig which was to ultimately cost him his job as Rangers manager

  6. Does anyone know Richard Gough's business experience?


    And before anyone gets too excited this is just a question.


    I have tried googling and cannot find anything.


    Richard Gough's inaccurate statements are typical of the 'rebel' camp. The current board have not been in place for 18months & spent 70million. Most have been here for 7 or 8 months max.Is this deliberate mis information or what?

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