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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Commons won't be a regular by the time we are back in the SPL while Griffiths' lack professionalism may also affect his career. I doubt Celtic would want to pay a blue chip wage to Snodgrass either as long as they have so many other under-achieving forwards on their books.


    They're invoking the optional final year of Common's contract and he's looking for a new one with an increase which he won't get as per Ledley. He always leaves clubs over money as per Derby & Nottm Forest. He's now doing the same over the east end by the looks of things.

  2. As others have already shown, yes they broke the law - and probably not for the first time either - but it's the highlighted part which indicates where your main problem lies..


    You think this is "bad publicity for Rangers" - whereas in actual fact, it's only bad publicity for the shower of clowns running the club.

    You are unable to differentiate between the gang in charge - with not a Rangers fan among them - and Rangers FC, a club currently being held hostage by people wearing suits rather than their customary masks.


    We, not they, are Rangers. We are the ones who keep and kept the club alive, not them.

    So actually, Mr Paterson's admirable actions have only achieved good publicity for Rangers and represent a healthy victory in the war being fought to win back our club.


    Frankly couldn't care if the board, team management or playing staff are Rangers men or not. It's how they perform that matters.

  3. I think people need to realise too that we were never exactly going to make money going up the divisions from the bottom tier. I think for the best part we have to grin & bear it and hope we get back to the top division ASAP and earn money in Europe.

    I was one of the few who opposed starting in SFL3 at the time for the simple reason I didn't think it was affordable.

    Also I believe McCoist was absolutely correct to go with experienced players as we went up the divisions and that was going to cost us mainly in paying them high wages to get them to agree to drop down the divisions. That was always going to cost money.

  4. Snodgrass is on Sky today desperate to go to Celtic, he would be a sensational signing for them.


    could they afford him? £6m plus....

    I'd say they're going to lose 2 or 3 of their best players again this summer. They'll be weakened further

  5. No surprise that you 2 guys are in full support of the board and damning the ordinary shareholder in this instance.


    The disrepute and bad publicity here was caused only by the law breakers. Which, whilst not surprising, is nearly as sad as those who condone it


    Can you prove beyond doubt they have broken the law ?

  6. Are you for real? That has been tried, hence where we are today. I will ignore the un-highlighted part of your post. It is staggering.


    The deceitful bunch of charlatans at our club think they are above the law and continually act as though they are above it. Never mind a down market red top, this should be top story on sky news and the financial times.


    Perhaps you should petition parliament to change the law?


    how have they broken the law ? prove they are charlatans please. SKY news & FT ? Petition parliament LOL. Please come into the real world.

    I suspect absolutely nothing will come of the police investigation into GW.

    As for this guy Billy Paterson what does he expect to achieve other than even more bad publicity for Rangers?

    Does he expect to uncover a whole new set of financial irregularities or such?

  7. Fully agree on the mis-spending bits. I'm concerned that he's on record speaking about losses here. It's essentially similar to the 134m debt being flung about a couple of years ago. It is not that 68m went totally unaccounted for or were indeed "losses". They were wasted and who knows how much went into dark channels. At this moment and time, the club surely does not need an employee speaking in this way though.


    BTW, we all, to a man (and women) want to know what happened to the money ... and if possible hold those accountable who let it happen. Right now, IMHO, the clubs primarily needs people who make sure that any such misspending ain't happen again and/or is being stopped. As far as I am concerned, the current board tries to do that. How successfully is anyone's guess.


    the 134m debt was a debt which never was. The oldco got refused a CVA for whyte not paying over PAYE/NI.

  8. When SDM sold to Whyte he effectively sold the 26,000 oldco shareholders down the river.

    I, for one, do not believe for a minute he got 'duped'.

    If he does make some sort of return(perhaps as part of a consortium) he must give a full account of the sale to Whyte and explain if he was indeed forced to do so, by whom and why. We know the names at LBG at that time. Were any of them involved?

  9. I posted on another thread, this is from KJ.



    @AMcKellar89 i was told this figure has been put to King's camp. For 25%.



    OK, I know it's from twitter but a few interesting tweets from KJ.


    @BMCRangersRants I was told a third party has made contact in last few days. Not verified yet but from a credible source.



    @TheClumpany i could have worded it more clearly. I am told 6m could buy the entire easdale block of 25%.


    Is this a third party other than DK & his merry band of followers?

    Who in their right mind would want to own Rangers the way so-called fans groups, unelected fans leaders and not to mention deep pockets dave is going on?

    This lot want control of Rangers so long as others pay for it.

  10. Julias Ceasar said. "If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it."


    I think we can interpret that here with "breaking the law" to withholding season ticket money and "seize power" to effect board change.


    only problem could be no club left to support

  11. Because that's not possible. It also rewards failure. If he's like me he will hate rewarding failure.


    So tell us rab who's selling 51 percent for 5 million?


    after the AGM both laxey & prior increased their shareholding. What was stopping DK acquiring a shareholding?

  12. King arrived in South Africa in 1976 after being transferred by his employers Weir Group. His meteoric rise through the ranks in the country has seen him rack up a personal fortune estimated between £800m - £1.2b. He was an adviser for the Post Office and the Reserve Bank in his early stages before stepping up with a management company that won a contract to manage the treasury operations of Umgeni Water.


    And it's not wealth of the radar he owns a public listed company. His wealth is on the radar.


    if he's worth as much as you say which won't he put up a figure of less than £5m and get control of Rangers ? if he cares as much as he claims about Rangers and he genuinely does have this sort of money what's stopping him?

  13. I'd say we're as close to crippled as it's possible to get without collapsing now, wouldn't you?


    due to being outside the topflight with limited access to other revenues we're over-dependent on ST money.

    With holding ST money could be the final nail in the coffin so yes you're probably right but if people want to go down that route just be mindful of the consequences

  14. IMHO, The next statement baring DK's name should be a notifiable interest statement from the Stock exchange. I think by doing that it would send a clear message to everyone, that he's more than just words.


    As for DK "killing" the club...I would say that wording is harsh, but the constant speculation, uncertainty & bitching coming predominantly from 3rd parties (but also from RFC), is not doing the club any favours. Companies & suppliers etc will be looking at the media flurries and wondering what the hell they have got involved with. Same goes for investors and future investors....there is nothing about the club that is enticing for anyone.


    DK is criticising the board for not revealing more detailed investment plans - Where is DK list of guaranteed investors, had how much they are putting in??? If he were to gain control, who would he have on his board to do a better job???


    We can all sit and complain about the board etc, but at present there are NO VIABLE ALTERNATIVES!!!! With-holding ST cash may force a change in personnel, but will have little effect on current shareholding.....


    with holding ST money could cripple the club for years to come if it causes admin2

  15. Another delaying tactic ?


    It all comes down to trust and I for one just don't trust the Board.


    think you'll find that share issue will be sooner rather than later.................to allow deep pockets dave to invest his dosh of course

  16. I find it absolutely incredible following the Craig Whyte debacle than a significant number of our supporters are not now asking the questions of DK which should have been asked of Whyte.

    Most notably whether he is genuinely prepared to put his OWN money in and whether he has the funds to run the club. The answer to both of these regards Whyte was NO and with disasterous consequences

  17. RAB - you are spouting complete nonsense now. Please stop.


    Well now DK has to step up & show exactly what his intentions are.If what Jackson says is correct then, with the shareprice as low as it is, he has to buy out existing shareholders and gain control. There is no other way to do this. None whatsoever.

    I remain sceptical about DK and his merry band of followers. I genuinely hope I am wrong.

  18. It's poorly worded no question of that but it's clear enough from the context what is meant.


    As ever the pro boarders will try to drive the debate towards that and fantasies about king being poor and a liar.


    But it really comes down to a continual refusal of the board to take this 50 million that's being offered that we so desperately need.


    The sooner people realise DK hasn't got £50m and is unable to offer the £50m the better things will become so we can all move on

  19. The current regime is getting hammered. It is getting outclassed by its critics at every turn. It has been so discredited that there is no way back for it.


    It doesn't matter whether people like or loathe King.


    He is winning the argument.


    I wish the team would play with some of King's aggression.


    No point in winning any argument if he's not going to gain control of Rangers and show everyone how it's done. I'm sick fed up of this man ranting 'n' raving on the sidelines.Put up or shut up DK

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