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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. If you sell Wallace could you rely on getting a full season out of Stevie Smith who has a horrendous injury record?
  2. Without fresh investment this board are finished. Their future is now totally dependent on the '120 day business review'. If it doesn't come up with constructive proposals to take Rangers forward then the board might as well go now
  3. You do wonder if Mirror Group bosses have finally woken up don't you? Maybe Kevin Mansi & Alan Rennie will be next
  4. Jig is 36 next month. His best days are well behind and is too slow at CB for this level. McCoist extended his £10k p.w. Contract til the end of next season - not the best use of valuable resources in my opinion
  5. Perhaps there are reasons hes only played 3 times. Maybe he's not considered to be good enough?
  6. Bell is very reluctant to come off his line. At the Albion Rovers goal at ibrox I was in the main stand right in line with the Rangers penalty box. Bell should have come and at least punched it. He's been like that almost every time Ive seen him
  7. Wouldn't be surprised to see Keevins & Guidi re-appear at that Rangers-hating hellhole at Pacific Quay BBC Scotland ridiculously funded by the outdated licence fee
  8. We need to get the team more or less ready next season for(all things going according to plan) the return to the top division the following season.We musnt be going round making last minute signings
  9. It is apparent from today we need investment to bring in a better standard of player. Whether that investment is from DK or elsewhere is immaterial. The board need to outline how they intend to take Rangers forward sooner rather than later
  10. If we 'go for it' we can win this game. Utd aren't great defensively. Vital though we get control of MF
  11. 1. Yes it does matter if a chairman of a rival club used undue influence to get a government body to take such action.As I said earlier thousands of UK companies used EBT's. What was different about Rangers? 2 At the time of the 'sale' to Whyte Rangers debts were reducing year on year. That must have been bad news for somebody. 3 no one gave anyone rope. Whyte acted alone. why do you use 'we' ? 4 as I said earlier the key issue is how Whyte got Rangers in the first place You might not think there was anything untoward about how Whyte got Rangers. I do. I lost all my shares in the oldco and I strongly believe that this was orchestrated by corrupt individuals in high places with a hatred of Rangers who saw their opportunity and took it.
  12. Blackmailed you mean. if he didn't the SFA membership wouldn't be transferred from oldco to newco. Let's see if that happens to Hertz if they go to a newco if BDO can't get their shares from UKIOS
  13. 1. What was different about our EBT scheme compared to the thousands of UK companies who used them as perfectly legal tax avoidance until the loophole was closed in 2010? 2 Rangers debt was 3 percent of the MIH debt of £700m yet the bank seems far more concerned with the Rangers debt. why? I believe it gave even more money to SDM after he'd sold Rangers to Whyte.Again why ? 3.from CA's I know you late pay PAYE/NI at your peril. Do it once and you get a stern warning .Do it twice and they'll invite themselves into your business. TBH I think HMRC knew what would happen once Whyte got Rangers 4. I seem to recall D&P stating on more than one occasion the actions of the individual had to be separated.However my main concern is how he got Rangers in the first place. AJ's words at the time of Whyte's takeover will haunt me til my dying day
  14. Yes good luck so long as the SFA & SPFL are consistent in their punishments which they won't be. Perhaps seeing as they've given Hertz the lions share of this seasons prize money they'll be so good as give Rangers theirs from the end of season 2011-12 which they have withheld. Happy with that GS?
  15. This is a fine article by Douglas Cameron which is ultimately referring to Whyte's takeover and comparing it to Hertz as well as the HMRC issues.However there's always been three questions I've wanted answered regarding Whyte's 'acquisition' of Rangers and the HMRC issues at that time: 1) did SDM sell willingly to Whyte or was he forced to do so by LBG? (As I'm sure we're all aware LBG's Scottish business division was headed by Manus J FUllerton & Archibald Gerard Kane at that time. guess who they support? Fullerton , of course, is/was involved with the CElt@c trust) 2) did John Reid use his political influence to get HMRC to pursue Rangers for a fictitious EBT tax bill which never existed? ( this made Rangers virtually unsellable to any respectable purchaser until 'you-know-who' came along) 3) at what point did Regan's SFA become aware Whyte was withholding PAYE/NI ? Were they advised by JT in september2011? If so why did they take no action until Rangers went into administration on Feb14 2012? Whyte was of course banned for life from Scottish football but did the SFA know all along what he was up to? In short Whyte was a car crash waiting to happen the minute he came thru the front doors at Ibrox. Then chairman AJ said as much at the time and how chillingly accurate that turned out to be. But was it all orchestrated by our enemies & detractors I ask ? I believe it was
  16. If the new owner had no money then how the hell did he manage to acquire the business in the first place ?
  17. Dundee Utd are by no means unbeatable but McCoist needs to get his tactics and a gameplan spot on for Saturday. Unfortunately Id suspect few of us would have any confidence in him achieving that
  18. McCulloch is on £10k p.w. until the end of next season (when he'll be 37)when the contract he had extended by McCoist runs out. Not exactly the best use of resources is it? I think McCulloch is struggling badly at the back already and will get worse next season if he plays there. However I'm sure his buddy Ally will find another position for him
  19. Let's face few if any of these players will ever make the first team on a permanent basis
  20. If these Ashley's rumours are true then I don't expect anything to happen until he sells Newcastle Utd and who knows when that will be as he seems to have been trying to do that for years now
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