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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. A) Kind straight buy out

    B) King invests

    C) EGM called

    D) Stalemate and clubs goes Admin2


    I just cannot see this board surviving the summer, no matter what.


    A) no chance. King will not do this he has said so himself

    B) might happen at shares issue if insufficient existing shareholders don't take up their option

    C) unlikely because existing shareholders would have to consent

    D) unlikely board would get funding elsewhere even if secured borrowing which would not be good

  2. yep - because everything is absolutely fine, isn't it ??!


    Not suggesting for a minute all's well but until there's a viable alternative we're where we are at the moment. Going to bottom tier meant we were never going to make money.We were always going to lose money starting at the bottom & going up the leagues in the shortest timescale possible.

    Don't get me wrong I think this board face big challenges in the months ahead most notably increasing revenue into the club. Are they up to those challenges ? Like you I have my doubts too but until there's a viable alternative we're stuck where we are but believe once we're back in the top division investment will be forthcoming

  3. are you serious ??? Deary me. Thankfully you're in the minority.


    And the 'unbeaten run' means nothing when our club is being dragged down the swany !


    please explain how the 'club is being dragged down the swany' ? any excuse for a protest now methinks

  4. You really are obsessed with imagining that all King wants is "control". He wants his money to help the club, to enable us to buy players. It really is that simple. Buying up a few piddling shares here and there will achieve nothing. The reqs had around 40% backing at the agm and lost every single vote.


    The reqs had around 30% at the AGM. Much higher than I thought they'd get. I then expected DK to acquire shares(especially with the low share price) like Laxey & Prior did. If he then took the 30% the reqs got and added to his shareholding DK might have got the board would almost certainly have been ousted or at least the writing would have been on the wall for them.

    But he didn't and all we've had since is this constant sniping from the sidelines which is damaging the club. The time has now come for DK : put up or shut up.

  5. I wish people would stfu with the "put up or shut up nonsense". It wasn't King that got us into this mess, and yet people think it's on him to get us out of it, just because he dares to tell it like it is. There's no mechanism for him to currently invest to the benefit of the club, so it's not going to happen. He's even said this himself.


    It's a mexican stand-off, created by the current shareholders, and a succession of incompetent directors. There's a list a mile long of people to blame before King's name should be mentioned. Mr Green has created a situation that has truly fucked us over, mostly for the benefit of him and his cronies. Expecting King to put it right overnight is extremely naive.


    If he's really interested in getting control he could have bought shares since the AGM. Like Prior & Laxey did.

  6. The current regime has no money but won't relinquish control, King has money but won't release it without control. Looks like the Club is stuffed


    If he buys shares he will get control but he won't do that up until now anyway. The forthcoming shares issue will tell us all we need to know about DK

  7. Only a 7th of the money spent was on player wages. Even that was to high mind you.


    Not sure I'd agree 1/7 is too high especially when you compare that to other clubs.

    The real challenge is to cut costs elsewhere but at the same time improve the first team squad.

    One area I'd target is MP. Given the fact the majority of the first team squad are recruited from other senior clubs do we really need all these youth teams, youth coaches etc ? How much does it cost to run the MP youth set-up ? unless it produces players who get into the first team and can then be sold every other year or so to the EPL and beyond(like Ajax do with the likes of Eriksen & Alderweid last summer) then it is a massive drain on finances.

  8. No-one is pretending that there is an easy solution to our predicament, but when people see their money being blown on exorbitant salaries and the club being poorly run, they feel that they are being taken for mugs, and understandably, they don't like it.


    As fans they should be highly regarded, but instead they feel alienated and marginalised as an Ibrox inner circle has a party at their expense.


    It's high time this gravy train hit the buffers. The club will never flourish under this kind of ownership so it's far better to sort things out sooner rather than later. The longer we leave it, the harder it will be to recover.


    When there is little or no trust between fans and the club's ownership, the ownership has to go. It has lost the little credibility that it had.


    if the ownership goes what if it takes everything with it ? a very dangerous scenario indeed

  9. no point replacing this lot with new patsys and idiots.


    How do you know they're' patsy and idiots' when you don't even know who they are ?

    Some people will not accept anyone on the board now unless they get to choose the board which they can't do because they don't own the company.

  10. green bought us then ruined us.


    he may have been the one who won the dirty war to save us as well.


    what war? he was only one who had a properly-funded bid.(unless you consider McColls 11th hour attempt to be a bid)

  11. Absolutely - I've also made that point many times.


    However, as I'm pointing out to STB, there are plenty more fans/shareholders concerned about the progress of the club that can't afford to buy the club or large holdings. Therefore, their only method of forcing change is to withhold their money. That doesn't make them disloyal or somehow contributing to the club's downfall.


    The only people responsible for that are those that continue to lurk in the shadows for reasons best known to themselves.


    I'd disagree Frankie. Withholding money will contribute to the club's downfall. These are not normal times.

  12. Some of us have been making that point for long enough.


    The issue is not with the board per se but with those who appoint them and make the rest of the decisions. Unfortunately, as long as they wish to remain anonymous, then their employees will, rightly or wrongly, take the flak.


    Not to mention, we should all take responsibility for our own actions.


    and rather than grandstanding on the outside if Dave King wants change he should use some of his alleged wealth to buy some shares and force change..........

  13. Not everything is black and white, do we know that the board even had anything to do with the initial refusal for example? There are secretaries and administrators after all that very possibly got it wrong. As for the AGM issue, Bluedell even said Wallace was entitled to believe what he was told by Stockbridge at the time.


    I don't believe this board have got a fair chance after inheriting a mess and it doesn't look like they'll get one.


    If and when this board go they'll be replaced by another one.

    QUESTION: And who'll select the new board?

    ANSWER: the owners i.e. the shareholders who own RIFC. Not DK, UoF, SoS etc

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