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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. No doubt but it isn't going to happen; too expensive for a kick off.


    how much would it cost? it's not as if he's got a job for life is it?

    so what you're saying is we're stuck with him until he decides he wants to go ? when will that be? the man's deluded. He's a rank rotten manager who'd never get another job anywhere else

  2. Mike Ashely and pals,............................... eg. Bishop Associates

    Bonus Culture

    "Onerous Contracts"


    The jist of it is that when these types (corporate sharks whose only goal is money) are involved they will find ways to take a disproportionate part of the pie. It's what they are good at and why they do what they do.


    I remember a certain Charles Green standing up and saying it's all about share value, that it's in their interests that the club does well so as to earn more money.

    Whilst that is true, it wasn't telling the full story or the real planned narrative. Many of the same backers of Green would appear to be backing A.Easdale.


    and how much money have they taken ? must be in the accounts is it not?

  3. Leaving the current board in place is only delaying the inevitable and if an opportunity exists to put pressure on them it should be seized.


    FWIW I'm not the board's greatest admirer either but until there's a viable alternative we're stuck with what we've got. I don't believe there will be any meaningful investment until we're back in the top division & playing in Europe.

    I don't believe DK & the Murrays double act represent a viable alternative which is a forlorn hope a lot of supporters are clinging to

  4. Regarding the stand alone issue of ST's, it's very much an individual decision with supporters managing their own finances, it always has been.

    To help the supporter make his decision in the past, the club have conducted marketing campaigns, both promtional advertising and often a more subtle push using the press to communicate empty or misleading promises.


    We have reached a stage in our history where the sum total of actions by previous custodians has taken the club to another perlious place and I believe it important that the support think carefully about those in the boardroom, their motives and where they will or would lead us. About how they get to the 'promised land' with a well funded club whilst at the sametime satisfying their lust for money.


    I believe that if the current incumbents continue to be funded they will continue to run the club in a way in which sees the money 'shared' between their interests and the club. At the moment the supporter has an opportunity to use the only genuine leverage they have to hold the board to account and/or force change.


    We have reached a place where there is no easy path to take, there will be pain regardless. Personally I don't want to keep bending over and see the club fade further from where it was, continuing in part, to be a cash cow for other's interests.



    I think that there will be a relatively large group who share your opinion/plan of action.

    What I would say is don't let "moonbeams", "unsubstantiated corporate speak", an "interesting signing" or "emotive headlines" move you.........look for real and meaningful action regarding how the club is run, how it is to be financed and that the main assets won't be part of that etc.


    you go ahead. Just be careful there's still a club to support at the end of this if your dangerous ideas & beliefs ever come to fruition.

    Could you explain what you mean with money 'shared' between their interests and the club ?? what does that mean ??

  5. how could we go out of business we have an offer of 50 million investment and thousands pledging to buy tickets.


    impossible unless the board want us out of business and we can't stop them if that's what they want we can only seize the assets.


    You're not still buying into that 50million stuff are you GS? Load of tosh IMO.

    The man has no intention of investing his kids' inheritance. Get over it.

    BTW when you talk of DK's wealth in 'millions' is that GBP or SA Rand ?

  6. I signed my tickets up for this yesterday. I only hope it gains some momentum, because as flawed as it is, there appears little alternative.


    Apart from going out of business altogether and the club having to reform in the amateur or junior leagues of Scottish football no there is little alternative.

    No Craig Whyte excuse this time when the SFA were obliged to transfer membership and the club continued under a newco.

  7. The accompanying chants were "Sack the Board" and "Easdales Easdales get to f*&K" making it pretty clear what the overwhelming sentiment is.


    Who will it be after the Easdales then if they up & go despite the fact they've actually put their own money into Rangers ?

    Let's face it this is all about getting DK & the Murrays replacing the current board without putting in a single penny. But the majority of the shareholders don't want them as per the AGM before Christmas. So they're resorting to these sort of tactics which could have dire consequences for Rangers believe me.

    The shareholders own Rangers and that's how a plc operates. If they (UoF, SoS etc) can't understand that or won't accept that we have problems. Big problems.

    FWIW I don't believe DK is anywhere near as wealthy as he's made out to be. His wealth is measured in tens of millions and that's his kids' inheritance which he's reluctant to give away

  8. Complaining about Hamilton beating Morton 10-2 and calling Morton 'unprofessional' I believe because they lost 10 goals as it could have affected Dundee had they not beaten Dumbarton.

    Yet if my memory serves me correctly was Hartley not part of an Abergreen side which lost nine goals at the San Giro?

    Pot, Kettle black Paul?

  9. Well clearly King/UoF feel they can persuade enough bears to sign up for this in order to effectively force the club into granting security.


    I've no doubt a few thousand bears will sign up but even if it's a fair bit more than that, I don't think it will be enough for the club to change their mind on that front.


    All in all, I don't see the point and I feel King would have been better served putting together a vehicle that outlined his blueprint for the club along with the funds he says he's happy to invest. That would have been more effective IMO.


    The board cannot possibly handover company assets to a third party. They'd get removed by the shareholders(who own the company) and be replaced by another board.

    What they want to do(provided the board hand over ibrox & MP as security which they won't) is collect ST monies mid july and then give the money to the club but if the board say no they won't collect any money....................



    'You are giving a mandate to Ibrox 1972 Ltd to collect and pass on your season ticket money to the club in the event that they grant security over Ibrox. If they do not agree then no money will be collected and the instruction will be cancelled on 8th August 2014 or shortly thereafter'


    Can someone explain to me this whole point in all of this if the board tell them where to go(as they will) regarding granting security of ibrox & MP ?

  11. Exactly, let's not forget a manager relies heavily on a good scouting network - something which we as a club do not have.


    Look at all the plaudits Lemon is getting across the road - when really a lot of these players were hand picked for him making his job easy.


    Lemon's signings since we left the top division have generally been a disaster. Puki? Balde ? Borigter ? Ambrose is no standout either and I see they're trying to flog big clumsy Van Dyke for £8m. How can his value treble playing one season in the SPL, sorry SPFL Premiership(or whatever it's called).

  12. I would much rather have Gordon than Bell but my God the kid is surely done. Perhaps he has been showing well in training? What a strange mental ridiculous situation.


    SAF once said before you sign a player, check his attendance record. Unless we're signing Gordon on a pay-per-play basis (which I suspect we won't be) then this is a total waste of valuable resources

  13. Jock Wallace's second stint spring to mind, and PLG's "record" isn't far behind. But given the tunnel vision that some apply these days, somesuch won't matter.


    But both JW & PLG were in the top division......we've been totally unimpressive against part timers

  14. Aye, force the bile on another country, that is how to solve it. Jesus.


    Surely no other country would want an OF game ? The background to the next one will be problematic IMO. And they've caused it all by their actions I.e. Calling us cheats of perfectly legal EBT's, inventing fictitious debt levels, voting us out the SPL etc, etc

  15. Will the board agree to this ? Signing Gordon on a contract would be a massive risk IMO given his injury record. Surely McCoist must realise there are other positions in this team which are far greater priority?

  16. What exactly is the problem. The old firm rivalry is about the only good thing left in the Scottish game. The atmosphere should be toxic.


    It certainly will be toxic......and the rest.

    After being accused of cheating thro' EBT's, trying to strip titles, voting us out the SPL and generally trying to put us out of business altogether I genuinely dread to think what the next game against them will be like. I'd be amazed if any other country would be daft enough to stage it

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