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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Sad, sad news but not entirely unexpected as it was well known he was very ill. I wonder how many of us recall his testimonial against Southampton at the end of the 1981-82 season just before he left Rangers at the ridiculously young age of just 33? I recall Rangers won 1-0 with a late goal from a youngster called Gordon Dalziel if I'm not mistaken. Can anyone confirm this? Sandy, of course, went on to play a few more sessions for Hertz to prove manager John Greig wrong in letting him go. It was one of many bad mistakes at that time by Greig which was to ultimately cost him his job as Rangers manager
  2. Richard Gough's inaccurate statements are typical of the 'rebel' camp. The current board have not been in place for 18months & spent 70million. Most have been here for 7 or 8 months max.Is this deliberate mis information or what?
  3. doesn't need a shares issue. If he's got the money you seem to think he has then he could buy existing shares like Prior & Laxey did.Loose change to him surely? He'd have got control by now if he did but I don't think he's anywhere near as wealthy as you seem to think he is
  4. if he's worth as much as you say what's stopping him then ? if he really is a true Rangers man he'd have bought shares(like Prior or Laxey did recently) & got control by now.
  5. Did DK lose £20m ? Is this the £20m he invested in Murray Sports ? Did he not get £18m back? Thought he was suing SDM anyway over this ? Has that fallen thro'?
  6. You do understand existing shareholders get first offer? What if some or all of existing shareholders took up that offer? I think too many people are being strung along by DK by believing he's going to get a majority shareholding at a new share issue and restore the old guard back into the boardroom. ain't gonna happen. Get over it. for a start DK is nowhere near as wealthy as some would have you believe and he gave this away by suggesting he'd be using his children's inheritance meaning he'd be reluctant to invest
  7. Hope all goes well. Wouldn't have made it til after 4 o'clock so had to pull out. Hope for a good day for all starting with a decent performance at the game
  8. More leaflets..........YAWN. What for this time ? Let me guess........sack the board. Bring back paul Murray. Bring Malky Murray. Let deep pockets Dave invest his loadsadosh .
  9. Wonder who suggested this nonsense then ? Usual suspects no doubt.
  10. And how do you intend to do that? Without totally destroying the club of course. And no doubt we'd get to see the return of deadwood such as Paul Murray and deep pockets Dave who has fooled the usual suspects into believing he's going to invest 10's of millions of his money if he's gets the chance. He isn't .
  11. you don't think the 2 bhoys running LBG at the time had anything to do with SDM selling to Whyte ?
  12. My own view is that our esteemed manager wants to get sacked so he can join his chums I.e. the Murray double act & deep pockets Dave on the sidelines lambasting the board for everything and anything and giving the impression they have loads of dosh to invest in Rangers which the board won't allow them to do
  13. like it or not the EASDALES are there representing existing shareholders (unlike DK and others on the sidelines attempting to gain control). They've also got shares themselves
  14. How bad does the standard of football need to get before McCoist is shown the door? Tactically inept with no game plan every time. League One managers have him sussed. He has the 2nd highest wage structure in the country. The board have a decision to make
  15. First McColl now DK. Ultimately what are they trying to do other than gain control of a football club they don't own?
  16. Moyes badly under-estimated the rebuilding job that was required last summer when he took over. He brought in only one player at that time,Fellini, who has been a total flop.Man U needs 4 or 5 players in positions which need strengthened which will cost well into 10's of millions. Now it seems it will be someone else who'll be spending that money
  17. Ally for OT.Lets start the ball rolling........
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