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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Bain was running a club with a £68m turnover not £17m and in any case if Wallace gets his full bonus then he'll have a greater remuneration than Bain ever got.


    Bain was a joke whichever way you want to look at it. His background was irrelevant for the job.Unless I'm mistaken Bain got around £600k p.a. Which is what Wallace will get with full bonus provided he meets targets

  2. The CEO of Man City collects £200k less than Wallace stands to trouser for a year.


    Of course I'm saying they're blatantly overpaid as is the manager and a whole host of others too.


    Only if Wallace gets his full bonus which I suspect he won't.He will still be getting less than Martin 'bloody' Bain was getting and he was useless.Liewell had him on toast

  3. It's all just spend, spend, spend with us we learn nothing from our boardroom shenanigans or our woes on the park the solution is always just spend some more money..........


    If we want back to the top division ASAP and back into Europe in the shortest possible timescale then it was always going to be like this. We were never going to make money going up the leagues

  4. Three out of the four have been paid by RIFC although it appears one has refunded their monies.


    Pay me £10k for a month or part thereof for two months then £5k a month thereafter for 1-2 days per month and I'd easily bung £8400 towards some shares too.


    Unless I'm mistaken Somers and Crichton bought their own shares? And the Easdales have put their own money in too?

    How much has DK put in ? Or Paul 'I was born to be a Rangers director' Murray?

    Are you suggesting these directors are overpaid in some way? I think you'd find directors at similar sized clubs would be more or less have the same remuneration.

  5. The main difference is nobody has laid a letter before claim upon them, and the auditors don't mention either a contingent liability or emphasis of matter regarding them in the account.


    The principle is the same the board are willing to give security over assets when it suits them.


    And they have quite categorically stated the stadium will not be used as security. You did read that bit?

  6. probably why the board haven't replaced him. he runs great interference for them.


    king on the other hand would have to worry about his cash being spent wisely. this lot haven't put a penny in.


    'This lot' haven't put a penny in? The Easdales, Somers and Crichton all own shares.

  7. The ultimate aim IMO is for DK & the Murrays double act to get control of Rangers without investing a penny.

    Whether the AIM stockmarket rules would allow DK on a UK board with his previous tax issues in SA is one issue and whether SFA insolvency rules would permit PM onto the board is another

  8. So fans aren't allowed a view on the board unless they're shareholders?


    It's easy for Somers to do it as he has all the inside information, cashflows, management accounts etc, and can influence the way the company is run. I can't see what's attractive for anyone else without that information.


    It was a sarcastic reference to DK & his merryband

  9. The board should be embracing the UoF scheme.


    They have no plans to use the stadium as collateral or to sell it. Fans are deserting in droves and the UoF are trying to get people to buy season books.


    A sensible board would be saying look. Buy a season book and we will give you ibrox. Secure the home of Rangers.


    People would flock to the scheme if they knew it would work.


    Ticket sales would be huge. V


    Not a chance directors would hand over such an asset to a third party. Dream on............

    They've a legal responsibility to protect company's assets

  10. Look, I've got an exam tomorrow & I'm not spending an hour crawling through the financials of the last two years to get your forensic proof. As for Rab agreeing, he's spent two solid years posting fantasy about Manus Fullerton and now he wants proof? At least when I post my paranoia about being run by Tims I don't expect anyone to challenge me to prove it!


    FWIW I am extremely suspicious of Fullerton. All I want to know is whether he(as head of LBG's Scottish business banking division at the time) had any input in the ridiculous sale by SDM to CW. Knowing where is football allegiances are did that influence things because CW was a car crash waiting to happen as the then Rangers chairmen AJ stated vociferously at the time. SKY business editor Jeff Randall too.

    Perhaps the ongoing police investigations & the Insolvency Service investigation will provide us with all we need to know

  11. The accounts certainly don't make pleasant reading, but where is the proof that the cash in going into certain shareholders pockets???


    And this is, of course, the gameplan by the UoF, SoS etc to try and make out the club is being robbed by its owners without any actual documentary evidence.

    Oh and I nearly forgot.........to replace the board with the Murrays & DK without investing a penny of their own money.

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