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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. So who do you want as owners and who would you put on the board? And how would you achieve this within corporate law?
  2. Fullertons masterplan has been carried out...... Just waiting on the long arm of the law
  3. Like it or not CEO's and their like get bonuses at almost in every company in the land often too easily in my opinion. Its a way of life in this country unfortunately
  4. Im told this was in fact true that he put in £20m to Murray Sports and got almost all of it back. During the 1990's after apartheid ended many whites in SA were moving their money out of SA in case its value plummeted. Of course the economic collapse never happened. Remember too DK said he was going to sue SDM regards the oldco being liquidated after Whyte's disasterous ownership. Has King ever got around to this? Dont think so
  5. He needs to be given time to turn the club around. It will not happen overnight. What we don't need is the DK, UoF, SoS circus going on in the background with the ultimate aim(intentional or not) of destroying Rangers
  6. Unfortunately we'd have to agree to differ. His original investment was £20m into Murray Sports (not Rangers)nearly twenty years ago. He got £18m of that back as SARS documents show. I simply do not believe DK is as wealthy as some make him out to be therefore I do not believe he will invest anything like the sums quoted even if asked to do so at the forthcoming shares issue.Until this is understood by our support then Rangers simply cannot move forward and get back to the top where we belong
  7. He told the board he would only invest as a last resort if they couldn't get other investment from elsewhere and it was his kids' inheritance anyway he'd be investing. People need to get this idea out of their heads that this man is sitting waiting to invest tens of millions into Rangers but is being prevented from doing so. He isn't.
  8. TBK couldn't come up with the money to buy Rangers during administration and eventual liquidation of the oldco. They have no credibility in my opinion. As for DK it is time for the SoS, UoF to realise this man will not put his money into Rangers.I would also what his wealth actually is. Certainly not into hundreds of millions anyway.
  9. Whereas I'm inclined to agree with you about the huge bonus GW did not create the 'financial mess' as you call it. If he can turns things around then would he not be deserving of such a bonus? How do you make out he's a puppet and holds no power ?
  10. No one is asking whether DK would be allowed to join the Rangers board under AIM rules due to his previous tax issues with SARS?
  11. Terminally tainted in what way ? The current board never blew the £70m did they? Who do you think should replace them then? Let me guess.....the murrays double act & deep pockets Dave the reluctant investor?
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