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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. with holding ST money could cripple the club for years to come if it causes admin2
  2. think you'll find that share issue will be sooner rather than later.................to allow deep pockets dave to invest his dosh of course
  3. Unless my eyes are deceiving I distinctly read that there was to be another share issue this year........
  4. and you know for sure do you ? did he tell you himself ? The last thing we would need is an 'off the radar' wealth individual. We've had one of those before only he wasn't
  5. I find it absolutely incredible following the Craig Whyte debacle than a significant number of our supporters are not now asking the questions of DK which should have been asked of Whyte. Most notably whether he is genuinely prepared to put his OWN money in and whether he has the funds to run the club. The answer to both of these regards Whyte was NO and with disasterous consequences
  6. Well now DK has to step up & show exactly what his intentions are.If what Jackson says is correct then, with the shareprice as low as it is, he has to buy out existing shareholders and gain control. There is no other way to do this. None whatsoever. I remain sceptical about DK and his merry band of followers. I genuinely hope I am wrong.
  7. The sooner people realise DK hasn't got £50m and is unable to offer the £50m the better things will become so we can all move on
  8. No point in winning any argument if he's not going to gain control of Rangers and show everyone how it's done. I'm sick fed up of this man ranting 'n' raving on the sidelines.Put up or shut up DK
  9. If DK continues these attacks then there will be no Rangers at all if sufficient numbers believe everything he says . If he wants rid off the board and control he has to put up and buy a shareholding in RIFC to do that. There is no other way. If he is unwilling to do this he must say so.
  10. These 'faceless investors' own Rangers whether you like it or not.And yes they are running the show. They do not want the Murray's or DK involved but I suspect DK might not be allowed onto the board under AIM rules following his tax issues in SA
  11. This man has no intention of investing. He wants to be chairman without putting in a single penny. Following the AGM (when the reqs got a higher than expected vote of around 30percent) he could have spent a couple of million ponds or so buying low priced shares (no probs to a man of his wealth surely) which would have got him boardroom representation with around 15percent ownership of RIFC and could have got his chums on board too.At the forthcoming shares issue he could invest more and got complete ownership if he wanted to. The fact he didn't tells me all we need to know.
  12. It needs to be understood that the club is owned by a plc. That Plc is owned by shareholders who elect a chairman, directors and more often than not a CEO to run that plc at an annual AGM. To change the chairman, directors & CEO requires the shareholders to do so.Organisations and individuals who have no shares will not be able to effect change. To believe otherwise is both foolhardy and dangerous.
  13. I'd totally disagree bud. I strongly believe very senior politician(s) involved with our rivals orchestrated all of this within HMRC from the failed EBT tax bill to the leaked tax details of Rangers employees.He/they did this using political contacts within HMRC with their ultimate aim of causing maximum damage to Rangers.
  14. So is deep pockets Dave going to launch a takeover bid then ? Or will he try and force admin2 and get it on the cheap? I suspect neither because he has no intention whatsoever of parting with his cash.
  15. The total lack of apparent progress by HMRC and the police into the leaked details of Rangers employees tax affairs leads me to believe that those responsible were indeed well known individuals whose involvement will implicate another football club in our city.I also cannot believe the lack of interest our SFA appear to be showing in all of this. As the governing body of Scottish Football should they not be lobbying both government and HMRC themselves to determine how these private details of a member club came to be so openly in the public domain ? I also strongly believe that the whole rangers EBT tax case was instigated by a Lhabour politician with links to the east end with the aim of putting Rangers out of business altogether.If or when that is proven to be the case then I do fear for life in this hate-filled little country of ours. D'Art is bang on too about the pond life SPL chairmen voting Rangers out the SPL. But remember the KIllie chairman abstained to prevent any potential future legal action ? Nothing would give me more satisfaction than to see the other remaining clubs being sued in a court of law. Especially those of Liewell, Petrie, wiggy Milne & thompson
  16. LOL. Untenable by whom ? he'll go if the shareholders i.e. the owners decide he has to go. Not self-important, self-appointed fans reps
  17. I saw it exactly as things panned out i.e. we'd need cash from somewhere before the end of season
  18. but he's a rangers man. That's all that matters is it not? Seriously though would DK be allowed to serve on the Rangers board under AIM rules?
  19. Whyte was a Rangers fan too. Did you back him? You'd be quite happy to accept someone to own or run the club purely because they're a Rangers fan ?
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