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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. absolutely laughable


    In what way? Im no great fan of the board wither because Ive yet to hear how they plan to take Rangers back to the top of Scottish football and beyond but until theres a viable alternative we are stuck with what we've got. That means getting the Dave King nonsense out of peoples heads. Despite what he says I simply do not believe he intends to invest a penny. His opportunity arose after the AGM when the reqs got around 30percent each.Had he then bought shares(like Prior and Laxey did)hed be in power by now

  2. I wouldn't disagree with much of that analysis but as I said, it is clear that the Board have indeed considered and rejected a legally binding undertaking however the matter arose in the meeting.


    I think it's pretty clear that the Board were committed to responding and they have done so.


    I would have thought that it would have been better for both sides to agree a statement after the meeting, wouldn't you AGREE?


    No chance of both sides agreeing to a statement.Whatever the board says the UoF, SoS etc will simply disagree. If the board say the sky is blue then the UoF,SoS will say it isn't.That's the way things are proceeding and I feel it is all getting rather tedious.

    Anyone can see that the endgame of the UoF,SoS etc is to get the current board removed and replaced with 'rangers men' such as the murrays double act and DK without putting in a penny of their own money. But it is doomed to fail and they know it.The only thing they have left now is to try to destroy Rangers like our detractors were trying to do two summers ago in 2012. They failed too.

  3. The ideal alternative is fan ownership. The RST is working in this direction, but no-one is sure how quickly it will happen. It may indeed take longer than we would wish.


    In the meantime, we could see Ibrox and/or Auchenhowie sold. With this regime, it is impossible to rule this out. It is therefore vital that someone thinks about what we should do if it is attempted.


    The idea that we should just wait and see is as daft as it is misguided.


    Fan ownership won't happen not in the immediate future anyway.

    Where did all the scaremongering about selling Ibrox & Auchenhowie come from anyway? Is there any concrete evidence this is being considered or is it just made up?

  4. I think there needs to be some serious strategic thinking done about our plight. Some will back this current board to the ends of the earth. To them, the current regime IS Rangers and they will be loyal to it come what may. They need to be ignored while those who have concerns about this regime think about ways to counter or pre-empt the moves it is likely to make.


    You seem to be advocating an alternative to the status quo which simply isn't there at present

  5. For there to be change there has to be an alternative and apart from Dave King there's nothing even close, a fan buy out just doesn't look like happening anytime soon.


    My concern is that some (not saying you) are so entrenched right now they'd rather we went into administration than let the current regime continue.


    I do not think DK is an option. Too many are clinging to the belief that he's desperate to pour money into Rangers and the board won't allow him to do so.That notion needs to be dispelled

  6. If Ibrox is taken over by another company and leased to the club on, for example, a 99 year lease, would this get us out of it, and if it did, where would we play if Ibrox was not our property any more?


    A football stadium has very little use other than to allow a football club to play there

  7. Sell The Rangers Football Club Ltd to a shell company and liquidate RIFC plc.


    So all those people & institutions who put in their money at the IPO(such as myself) should just write it off and give it all away to freeloaders who won't invest a single penny.....won't happen.

    You know it. I know it.

  8. If you had a bank balance on a par with Dave King's, what would your solution be to our current problems?


    The onerous contracts - how do we get out of them?


    A sale and leaseback - how do we get out of it - if it happens?


    Think you need to forget about DK. He has had his chance and will not invest what is his kids' investment

  9. get joined up to rangers1972 lads. lets force there hand.


    Force their hand to do what? Allow deep pockets Dave and his gang into the boardroom without putting in a penny of their own money?

  10. Can someone explain exactly what the UoF, SOS etc exactly want ? The owners of Rangers i.e the shareholders are entitled to elect the board of the company who run the club but the UoF, SOS think they should be able to decide that ? Let me guess would that be DK & the Murray's double act?

    When they want to 'starve' the board out what do they expect that to achieve ? I presume that means boycotting everything and forcing Rangers out of business altogether, something our detractors were trying to do 2 years ago.Do they think the board will simply hand over the keys to everything and walk away ? I think not. I think the consequences will be unthinkable if things work out like that

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