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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Not sure I'd agree 1/7 is too high especially when you compare that to other clubs. The real challenge is to cut costs elsewhere but at the same time improve the first team squad. One area I'd target is MP. Given the fact the majority of the first team squad are recruited from other senior clubs do we really need all these youth teams, youth coaches etc ? How much does it cost to run the MP youth set-up ? unless it produces players who get into the first team and can then be sold every other year or so to the EPL and beyond(like Ajax do with the likes of Eriksen & Alderweid last summer) then it is a massive drain on finances.
  2. FWIW I thought Alex Wilson & Scott Murdoch would have been ideal board members along with Frank Blin. Associating themselves with the Murrays double act was never going to get them elected
  3. if the ownership goes what if it takes everything with it ? a very dangerous scenario indeed
  4. How do you know they're' patsy and idiots' when you don't even know who they are ? Some people will not accept anyone on the board now unless they get to choose the board which they can't do because they don't own the company.
  5. what war? he was only one who had a properly-funded bid.(unless you consider McColls 11th hour attempt to be a bid)
  6. I'd disagree Frankie. Withholding money will contribute to the club's downfall. These are not normal times.
  7. and rather than grandstanding on the outside if Dave King wants change he should use some of his alleged wealth to buy some shares and force change..........
  8. If and when this board go they'll be replaced by another one. QUESTION: And who'll select the new board? ANSWER: the owners i.e. the shareholders who own RIFC. Not DK, UoF, SoS etc
  9. They're invoking the optional final year of Common's contract and he's looking for a new one with an increase which he won't get as per Ledley. He always leaves clubs over money as per Derby & Nottm Forest. He's now doing the same over the east end by the looks of things.
  10. Frankly couldn't care if the board, team management or playing staff are Rangers men or not. It's how they perform that matters.
  11. I think people need to realise too that we were never exactly going to make money going up the divisions from the bottom tier. I think for the best part we have to grin & bear it and hope we get back to the top division ASAP and earn money in Europe. I was one of the few who opposed starting in SFL3 at the time for the simple reason I didn't think it was affordable. Also I believe McCoist was absolutely correct to go with experienced players as we went up the divisions and that was going to cost us mainly in paying them high wages to get them to agree to drop down the divisions. That was always going to cost money.
  12. could they afford him? £6m plus.... I'd say they're going to lose 2 or 3 of their best players again this summer. They'll be weakened further
  13. how have they broken the law ? prove they are charlatans please. SKY news & FT ? Petition parliament LOL. Please come into the real world. I suspect absolutely nothing will come of the police investigation into GW. As for this guy Billy Paterson what does he expect to achieve other than even more bad publicity for Rangers? Does he expect to uncover a whole new set of financial irregularities or such?
  14. the 134m debt was a debt which never was. The oldco got refused a CVA for whyte not paying over PAYE/NI.
  15. When SDM sold to Whyte he effectively sold the 26,000 oldco shareholders down the river. I, for one, do not believe for a minute he got 'duped'. If he does make some sort of return(perhaps as part of a consortium) he must give a full account of the sale to Whyte and explain if he was indeed forced to do so, by whom and why. We know the names at LBG at that time. Were any of them involved?
  16. Is this a third party other than DK & his merry band of followers? Who in their right mind would want to own Rangers the way so-called fans groups, unelected fans leaders and not to mention deep pockets dave is going on? This lot want control of Rangers so long as others pay for it.
  17. after the AGM both laxey & prior increased their shareholding. What was stopping DK acquiring a shareholding?
  18. if he's worth as much as you say which won't he put up a figure of less than £5m and get control of Rangers ? if he cares as much as he claims about Rangers and he genuinely does have this sort of money what's stopping him?
  19. due to being outside the topflight with limited access to other revenues we're over-dependent on ST money. With holding ST money could be the final nail in the coffin so yes you're probably right but if people want to go down that route just be mindful of the consequences
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