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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Rab, if you seriously want Rangers to downscale everything to the level of this board's ability to bring in income and manage it properly, then we would be as well giving up everything and playing in the juniors.


    I have never heard such defeatest trash from a bear in all my life.


    This board is the problem, added to with some terrible decisions by manager(s), and has been the problem for over a decade. Murray ran us into the ground, and everyone who has had a piece of us since, has trampled in the dirt a bit more and then a bit more again.


    Just when you think a board cant get any worse than its predecessor, along comes the next one. Wake up FFS, its not coffee you can smell.


    I have to admit I have always been a cynic about MP ever since it opened when SDM's regime told us we'd produce our own players rather than buy them. For a club who has predominately bought players rather than produce it's own I considered that was going to have to be some turnaround which wasn't achievable.I still hold that view.

    If MP is cost effective then fine. keep it, but it must improve beyond all recognition from where it is now. if it means changing the first team manager to one who knows how to put younger players successfully into the first team then so be it.

    It needs to be remembered too that where we are all costs needs looked at and MP was certainly one such area IMO. A smaller training ground mainly for the first team and reserves would not be downscaling for me.

  2. please tell me you're not laying pipe to support the selling off of Auchenhowie !.....There would be no excuse in my view of disposing of this facility in any way


    if it is too expensive to run then it may need to be sold off and a less expensive, smaller training ground built elsewhere. I'm just not convinced it represents value for money.

  3. It would if we had managers who knew how to use the players properly. Ironically, Le Guen used McGregor, Hutton, Lowing, Burke, Shinnie, Smith and Adam, 3 of them were almost £10m players and look how he was treated. Walter didn't want Barry Ferguson first time round and instead of using youth second time round he spent money we didn't have. McCoist is exactly the same, youth is sacrificed so he can tell his grand weans he went through League 1 undefeated. It's embarrassing. The facility is not the issue, it's the staff. The players are there.


    I think it needs to be stated that the players you mention were with us before MP opened. It also needs to be emphasized that the players we require need to be capable of getting us to where we want to be i.e. Scottish champions and beyond Christmas in Europe every year. The danger of MP, as I see it, is it produces Partick Thistle-standard or Morton-standard players who'd be of little use to us and be a drain on resources.

    However I would agree with you we'd need a change of manager before we'd even begin to see young players breaking thro' into the first team

  4. I don't believe it's been too bad in what it's produced over the past few years. McLeod, Aird, Ness, McCabe etc.


    The players are being produced. We just aren't doing much with them.


    For MP to be cost effective we must produce young players whom we can sell onto the bigger leagues such as the EPL i.e. MP must pay its way.

    Just like Ajax do by selling the like of Eriksen & Alderweid last summer to Spurs & Atletico Madrid.

    To date(13 years since it opened) MP hasn't done that has it?

  5. I can't believe what i am reading here what is Murray parks current valuation it will be more than the £14 million the club paid to build it and some people want to sell it of to a bunch of criminals at a whimper because in their view we haven't and aren't getting value for money.


    This is asset stripping at its best and the people involved aren't even hiding it they are doing it infront of our faces and yet some supporters are willing to let it go without a fight RANGERRAB "CAPS" YOU ARE THE PROBLEM WITHIN THE SUPPORT YOU ARE A COWARD AND HAVE SURRENDERED TO MEDIOCRITY. Not 1 penny of this sale will go into the football side of the club so what purpose is there in selling it as after all we are a football club.


    how am I a coward ? how have I surrendered to mediocrity?

    The fact is for too long now we've tolerated mediocrity on the playing side whilst paying out vast salaries to under-achievers. FFS McCoist earning £800K in SFL3 whilst the team was torture to watch. £400K in LGE1 wasn't much better either.Not to mention his gallant failures against Malmo & Maribor which should have got him sacked.

    The fact is Rangers are a business & business decisions need to be taken. Under-performing parts of a business need to be dealt with. Get over it. A review of MP would be long overdue IMO. Clear out the youth teams & youth coaches producing nothing

  6. Unlikely. we will be forced to rent it as part of the sale. That's the lease back part.


    Almost all such contracts would have break clauses though GS. Anyone who undertook one which didn't would be absolutely stupid. I think Andy makes very valid points about MP and I'm glad I'm not alone in questioning whether we get real value from it

  7. I wonder if, when the sale of MP actually happens, we could in the future merely forego the rent and lost the facility. It seems at first glance that the rent money could be better employed elsewhere - even if it means renting the astroturf in Edmiston Drive - and it would get the 'millstone round the neck' to fuck.


    I don't have any great attachment to MP and would rather see it bagged than a drain on the resources.


    Reluctantly I'd have to agree with you. MP does seem a great drain on resources. Given the fact that it has produced so few youngsters for the first team you'd need to question it's worth other than a Taj Mahal training ground for a bunch of overpaid journeymen

  8. You really seem to underestimate the urgency of us returning to the top flight.


    Should Celtic fans also not buy season tickets due to risk of 'vultures'?


    I'm actually beginning to think some of our supporters are quite happy to be stuck in the lower divisions with no prospect whatsoever of playing in Europe again.

  9. We absolutely could have made money going up the leagues is green and d@p hadn't been crooked.


    They were crooks? Quite a serious allegation is it not? Ive reservations about the competence of D&P and their general performance throughout administration but wouldnt go that far. As for Green he did what he does i.e. Sets up companies and gets them up and running. Was he over-rewarded ? Probably but there was no alternative for D&P to sell the oldco assets to was there?

  10. Or rent it back at a peppercorn rent; good idea.


    Show us the colour of your money Mr King.


    And, of course, the money would be going directly into Rangers and not shareholders pockets as he's always insisted. Im sure he'd even get onto the board as well(if AIM stock market regulations allow him to)

  11. No, where we find ourselves now is even if everyone renewed all it would do is buy a few months grace.


    Everyman and his dog knew there would be a funding shortfall as we went up the leagues.We were never going to make money going up the leagues if we wanted to do it in the shortest possible timescale.The question is how to fund this before we re enter the top division

  12. If we give this lot another year the damage will be irreparable. In truth it may already be. It's hard to be sure without seeing the commercial deals they have struck.


    And your alternative is ? ( please dont say Dave King)

  13. They didn't stop the company being liquidated the first time. Why such confidence they would prevent a second insolvency event? A football club should be able to exist in much the same way as any other business. Provide a service, receive payment. Do we need £12m+ to survive the survive the summer?


    The oldco got liquidated because Whyte never paid over PAYE/NI to HMRC who wouldnt do a CVA on monies owed. Nothing to do with ST's

  14. Season ticket sales alone have never met the costs of running the club, the season ticket culture in itself is a relatively new phenomenon.


    Where we find ourselves just now ST sales are imperative.Without them our existence could be at risk if (god forbid) there was another liquidation

  15. King would have to make an offer that is the most profitable for them. They'll take the most profitable course of action, regardless of the impact on the club's future so, sadly, someone is going to spend a great deal of money to make sure the most profitable course of action is in the best interests of the club.


    King has no intention of making any offer.

  16. Will this be allowed to happen though?


    It's beginning to feel like the club is being held at knife-point. "Pay up Dave, or we'll slice off Auchenhowie. Then maybe Ibrox..." They're in a position where they can make decisions that could cripple the club for decades to come.


    I hate to say it but Dave is going to have to offer the current coalition of shareholders more money than they'd be able to siphon off the club, and he needs to do it before they sign-off on any more onerous contracts.


    Don't worry there's no chance of that. King has no intention of putting his kids inheritance into Rangers

  17. or until he refuses. but as much as anything i was talking about the buying shares. laxley and prior bough about 4 percent tops.


    it would make no difference what so ever to do that.


    So just how does 'yer man dave' plan to take over Rangers then?

  18. we may be stuck with it but we need not back it. either with words or cash.


    the second part of your post rab is just claptrap.


    It will be claptrap once King puts his money where his mouth is. No sign of that happening is there?

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