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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Remember too at the start of the season it was said the SPFL would be getting a £6m windfall for the play off games.Now we discover they're getting hee haw for the Hamilton vs HIVS games.

    Am i the only one who thinks the SPFL may have difficulty meeting its financial obligations?

  2. Yep, there's a difference between not investing and not investing yet. He's given the situation where he would invest and it hasn't been presented yet.


    I'd also be surprised that you'd be delighted as I get the impression that you're not a fan of DK...


    I'll be DK's biggest fan if/when he invests. Not holding my breath though..............

    Meanwhile I just wish his merry band of deluded followers would give it a rest trying to destroy Rangers. I want Rangers back in the top flight and into Europe ASAP. No one in our support should be attempting to prevent that if they're true Rangers supporters. We can have these discussions who owns Rangers and who should or shouldn't be on the board at a later date

  3. Could be the best thing ever to happen to us. But in reality will be the worst. Nothing important would change the wigs will make sure of that.


    It'll be the worst thing that could happen to us if we got put back to the bottom tier again. Does anyone want that?

  4. I'd disagree with some of that. He is doing it for his personal benefit in that it appears he wants to personally own the club for a minimal outlay. This doesn't mean that he's looking at it as a money making exercise though.


    He does appear to be looking at what it's going to cost him financially.


    Does he want to own the club? Has he ever stated that?

  5. I'm really not sure that you understand what "reluctant" means. It's actually usually used when people actually DO something, rather than not. So you're really saying that he's shown his hand by definitely putting up the money but reluctantly - just like we (mostly) all pay our utility bill and council tax increases reluctantly.


    There is also the part you miss that this is obviously only a PART of their inheritance and if it wasn't, he wouldn't be reluctant, he would be saying, "I'm NOT going to spend my kids inheritance." I think the point is that they will still inherit enough for anyone to be comfortable for the rest of their lives.


    How old are his kids anyway, and surely he's brought them up to make their own comfortable living?


    I really don't get the spin doctoring from you, it really degrades any appreciable case you may have, and how are you going to look if he does eventually invest?


    I'd be absolutely delighted to be proved wrong if DK does invest. Meanwhile the wait goes on....................

  6. It's equally terrifying that there are fans prepared to accept sale and leaseback of our training ground, stadium and real estate to fund an incompetent board's asset stripping investors.


    if our supporters decide not to support the club what option do they have ? the choice is ours.

    All of this reeks of the Murrays & DK trying to hijack the club without investing a penny.

  7. It terrifies me that we have fans even slightly considering that admin 2 could be a positive


    What's even more worrying is we have so-called Rangers supporters who think Admin2 would be a good thing.

    We'd almost certainly be put back in the lowest division. The SPFL have stated administrations will be on a case by case basis from now on.

    We need to get back to the top flight ASAP and into Europe again.

  8. who is your faith in then ??


    FWIW I'm not exactly the board's biggest fan either. I've yet to hear their longterm plans and how they intend to take the club back to where it belongs.

    But I'm realistic enough to realise there is no alternative to what we've got at present. I don't think DK represents an alternative as I've said in earlier posts.

    In a way I think we're in a not too dissimilar position that the Man Utd supporter are with the Glazers. They're not exactly loved by the Man Utd supporters but they wouldn't destroy the club to get rid off them

  9. I disagree.


    McColl was all soundbites. King is different - a REAL Rangers man who is not in it for the money, but for the better good of our great club.


    And King isn't all soundbites ? He has been up until now anyway. No investment whatsoever. Just like McColl

  10. Out of EVERYONE in and around the club, on the Board and on the 'sidelines' - King is THE man I would trust implicitly.


    I'm sure his slience at the moment is not a sign of him doing nothing. He will clearly have a plan he is working to - and I back him 100%.


    This is the trouble IMO. Too many supporters have this blind faith in a man who has shown no willingness to invest so far. Just soundbites

  11. We could be here all day discussing who are the right people. But clearly those on the Board and those 'pulling the strings' are not. That much is abundantly clear. We need people who care about the well being of our club, we need people who care for the fans and we need people with a proper vision, direction and governance.


    King said the opposite did he not ?? - i.e. that he had told his kids he was prepared to spend their inheritance and they said 'go ahead'. So he is cerainly not reluctant.


    I'll start taking DK seriously when he gets some sort of shareholding. Quite frankly I'm sick fed up hearing his excuse about not putting money into existing shareholders pockets. How else do you expect to take over or control a company? He also says he want to invest in any new shares issue but surely knows these shares would need to be offered to existing shareholders first meaning he may not invest at all........unless he gets a shareholding now

  12. If RIFC can't pay the wages of the players & staff they will become insolvent regardless of whether they owe individual institutions money or not but don't kid yourself that there's no debt. The £1.5m loan to tide the club over will become due very soon (end June?) and who knows what may happen with Imran Ahmad's case?


    Not sure where you get the notion that we could be back in the bottom tier from...there's no mechanism for that happening providing we exit admin at some point and your point about King & the Murray's can be looked at from a number of different angles eg. every penny they use to acquire control is a penny they don't have to rebuild. If you can get something for nothing and use the money to revitalise it, why would you do anything else?


    AFAIK the SPFL will from now consider Admins on a case by case basis . We would be in a dreadful position but if that's what you want...........

  13. To be fair, you have good points there and that all seems fairly sensible/logical.


    As mentioned, if it were to happen and was the only way of ridding our club of this mess, then I'd take it. That's how desparate I am for all of this to be over and our club back in the right hands with people who actually have the best interests of the club at heart - which the current lot and their Laxey/Blue Pitch/Maragrita friends clearly do not.


    Who are the right people then ? For me Donald Findlay was spot on a while ago when he said that Rangers were sold to the wrong people and got the wrong investors.

    The only problem was the 'right' owners/investors whom I presume you're referring to(whoever they are) aren't or weren't willing to put their money in.

    The only 'alternative' we have to the status quo is DK who seems to me to have given his game away by suggesting he was reluctant to part with his kids inheritance.

  14. You need to be unable to pay creditors before going into administration. Who do Rangers owe money to?

    Also you just cannot go into administration if you want to. Any business with any cash shortfall could do that to avoid paying its dues. An application has to be made to the courts like Whyte did. The courts may well reject this.

    My view is that the board would need to raise monies by other means whatever they may be i.e shares issue or selling of MP however unpopular that may be.

    Admin II would be catastrophic and could easily see us back in the bottom tier of Scottish football. Does anyone want that? I don't.

    Let's face it this is all about King & the Murrays getting in the boardroom without putting in a single penny.

    Those so-called Rangers supporters seeking to destroy Rangers at the moment will only cause longterm irreparable damage and the club will never return to its place at the top of Scottish football & beyond

  15. My thoughts exactly, some of the comments on here are down right stupid.


    Murray Park is top facility - all top clubs need a good training ground. I can't imagine many players signing for us if we are kicking a ball about on the astro turf across from Ibrox.


    MP certainly is a top facility. For what it costs though we need to get more out of it.And judging by what we saw on the park last season we're not doing that

  16. First and foremost Murray Park is a training facility, not a youth academy.


    Rab, it has to be the very same debate, they are linked so closely on this issue. You are moaning because yo don't think we are getting value for money from our training facility(remember it's not an academy) which i agree with to be honest but the reason it isn't value for money is because we hire managers who either don't want to work with our own players, are unable to work with our own players, cannot develop players or are unwilling to develop our own players. The only one in the last 20 years who was able to do it was hounded out after 6 months. Remembering youth didn't lose PLG his job, that aspect of management was not his failing. It was actually one of his fortes!


    Again, at the end, kids are not getting their chance because the manager would rather sign Blacks, Dalys and Peraltas.


    Let me give you an example of where MP fails - Calum Gallagher.

    When I first saw him come on as a sub and score against Dunfermline I thought we'd found a good young forward, just what we needed. Big,strong,mobile and could hold the ball up well.Looked as if he could finish well too.But what happened? Typical McCoist. 10minutes here 10minutes there til the end of the season including the Ramsdens Final where I genuinely believe we'd have won it had he started.

    Gallagher is 20 next month or so and too old for U20's. So what will happen to him next season then? He needs first team football somewhere. Will he get his chance? Or will he just sit on the bench and get his occasional 10 minutes?

  17. Sorry, but that's completely ridiculous. Murray Park is certainly expensive to run, but it just needs it's operational costs properly streamlined. Selling it to move to a smaller facility after all the time and money that's been invested in it over the years would be total and utter madness. Rangers will be needing those world class training facilities to help us attract top quality players again when we're back in the top flight.


    If it's simply a matter of getting its operational costs streamlined then, fine, keep it.

    But it must not become a financial drain on valuable resources which could be put to better use elsewhere I.e. Improving the dire quality of the first team

  18. And produce them we did. It's not Murray Parks fault if the first team managers refused to use its graduates.


    Why should Murray Park improve? Surely it's actually the first team manager which needs to improve? Again, the players are there and they keep coming.


    A smaller training ground would be a sports centre, not big enough for a club with our ambitions.


    With all due respect I think the team manager is another debate altogether but if he is unwilling to give youth a chance then there's little point in having MP IMO. Either that or change the manager but I see no point in pouring millions into MP if young players aren't going to get their chance.

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