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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. FWIW I'd be ecstatic if there was a Rangers man out there worth hundreds of millions waiting to put his money into Rangers. If DK is that man then great but I await him dispelling all these doubts which he shows no intention of doing so. If he is worth hundreds of millions then what's he waiting for?
  2. You believe everything he says. I don't. I remain cynical about him until he gets a decent-sized shareholding. That is the only way he will get any sort of control at Rangers. After the AGM at Christmas where the REQS got 30% ish he could easily have got around 10% of RIFC for a sum peanuts to him. HE DIDNT. Had he done so then his shareholding plus the reqs support would have almost certainly replaced the board
  3. LOL Can't believe how many on here fear Hertz next season
  4. Well let DK publicly deny that he got this money back. He has done this? If so when ?
  5. Not sure it was about honesty. Hertz administrators were more competent IMO. Looking back why did D&P prolong our administration when it was obvious HMRC were never going to agree to a CVA from the outset?
  6. What needs to be put to bed is this myth that DK is desperately waiting to invest £50m and the board are preventing him from doing so.
  7. And do you think they'll be charged with anything? LOL I know where my money would be as to whether they'd get charged or not.
  8. Reducing his remuneration alone will not solve much. Everyone wanted a big name CEO. The reqs were talking about Purslow.Did you expect him to work for peanuts?
  9. Whilst the so-called Rangers men stood on the sidelines and did nothing........ Paul Murray's TBK were a laughing stock and McColl's bid was far too late in the day
  10. Bain was a joke whichever way you want to look at it. His background was irrelevant for the job.Unless I'm mistaken Bain got around £600k p.a. Which is what Wallace will get with full bonus provided he meets targets
  11. Perhaps not and that is why Wallace needs to drastically reduce the non-footballing costs amongst other things
  12. Only if Wallace gets his full bonus which I suspect he won't.He will still be getting less than Martin 'bloody' Bain was getting and he was useless.Liewell had him on toast
  13. If we want back to the top division ASAP and back into Europe in the shortest possible timescale then it was always going to be like this. We were never going to make money going up the leagues
  14. Unless I'm mistaken Somers and Crichton bought their own shares? And the Easdales have put their own money in too? How much has DK put in ? Or Paul 'I was born to be a Rangers director' Murray? Are you suggesting these directors are overpaid in some way? I think you'd find directors at similar sized clubs would be more or less have the same remuneration.
  15. Van Gaal will need at least 5 or 6 world class players for next season.
  16. And they have quite categorically stated the stadium will not be used as security. You did read that bit?
  17. do you think this might catch on perhaps ? will others do likewise?
  18. The ultimate aim IMO is for DK & the Murrays double act to get control of Rangers without investing a penny. Whether the AIM stockmarket rules would allow DK on a UK board with his previous tax issues in SA is one issue and whether SFA insolvency rules would permit PM onto the board is another
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