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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. And, of course, the money would be going directly into Rangers and not shareholders pockets as he's always insisted. Im sure he'd even get onto the board as well(if AIM stock market regulations allow him to)
  2. Have the board categorically stated they wish to sell and leaseback Ibrox and MP or is this just more made up nonsense from the usual sources?
  3. Everyman and his dog knew there would be a funding shortfall as we went up the leagues.We were never going to make money going up the leagues if we wanted to do it in the shortest possible timescale.The question is how to fund this before we re enter the top division
  4. The oldco got liquidated because Whyte never paid over PAYE/NI to HMRC who wouldnt do a CVA on monies owed. Nothing to do with ST's
  5. Where we find ourselves just now ST sales are imperative.Without them our existence could be at risk if (god forbid) there was another liquidation
  6. Don't worry there's no chance of that. King has no intention of putting his kids inheritance into Rangers
  7. It will be claptrap once King puts his money where his mouth is. No sign of that happening is there?
  8. In what way? Im no great fan of the board wither because Ive yet to hear how they plan to take Rangers back to the top of Scottish football and beyond but until theres a viable alternative we are stuck with what we've got. That means getting the Dave King nonsense out of peoples heads. Despite what he says I simply do not believe he intends to invest a penny. His opportunity arose after the AGM when the reqs got around 30percent each.Had he then bought shares(like Prior and Laxey did)hed be in power by now
  9. No chance of both sides agreeing to a statement.Whatever the board says the UoF, SoS etc will simply disagree. If the board say the sky is blue then the UoF,SoS will say it isn't.That's the way things are proceeding and I feel it is all getting rather tedious. Anyone can see that the endgame of the UoF,SoS etc is to get the current board removed and replaced with 'rangers men' such as the murrays double act and DK without putting in a penny of their own money. But it is doomed to fail and they know it.The only thing they have left now is to try to destroy Rangers like our detractors were trying to do two summers ago in 2012. They failed too.
  10. Fan ownership won't happen not in the immediate future anyway. Where did all the scaremongering about selling Ibrox & Auchenhowie come from anyway? Is there any concrete evidence this is being considered or is it just made up?
  11. You seem to be advocating an alternative to the status quo which simply isn't there at present
  12. I do not think DK is an option. Too many are clinging to the belief that he's desperate to pour money into Rangers and the board won't allow him to do so.That notion needs to be dispelled
  13. A football stadium has very little use other than to allow a football club to play there
  14. So all those people & institutions who put in their money at the IPO(such as myself) should just write it off and give it all away to freeloaders who won't invest a single penny.....won't happen. You know it. I know it.
  15. Think you need to forget about DK. He has had his chance and will not invest what is his kids' investment
  16. Atletico are a great example of what can be done when you get the right appointment as team manager. Rangers take note
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