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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. This is the trouble IMO. Too many supporters have this blind faith in a man who has shown no willingness to invest so far. Just soundbites
  2. I'll start taking DK seriously when he gets some sort of shareholding. Quite frankly I'm sick fed up hearing his excuse about not putting money into existing shareholders pockets. How else do you expect to take over or control a company? He also says he want to invest in any new shares issue but surely knows these shares would need to be offered to existing shareholders first meaning he may not invest at all........unless he gets a shareholding now
  3. AFAIK the SPFL will from now consider Admins on a case by case basis . We would be in a dreadful position but if that's what you want...........
  4. if you believe everything DK says then good for you. I don't.
  5. Who are the right people then ? For me Donald Findlay was spot on a while ago when he said that Rangers were sold to the wrong people and got the wrong investors. The only problem was the 'right' owners/investors whom I presume you're referring to(whoever they are) aren't or weren't willing to put their money in. The only 'alternative' we have to the status quo is DK who seems to me to have given his game away by suggesting he was reluctant to part with his kids inheritance.
  6. You need to be unable to pay creditors before going into administration. Who do Rangers owe money to? Also you just cannot go into administration if you want to. Any business with any cash shortfall could do that to avoid paying its dues. An application has to be made to the courts like Whyte did. The courts may well reject this. My view is that the board would need to raise monies by other means whatever they may be i.e shares issue or selling of MP however unpopular that may be. Admin II would be catastrophic and could easily see us back in the bottom tier of Scottish football. Does anyone want that? I don't. Let's face it this is all about King & the Murrays getting in the boardroom without putting in a single penny. Those so-called Rangers supporters seeking to destroy Rangers at the moment will only cause longterm irreparable damage and the club will never return to its place at the top of Scottish football & beyond
  7. MP certainly is a top facility. For what it costs though we need to get more out of it.And judging by what we saw on the park last season we're not doing that
  8. Let me give you an example of where MP fails - Calum Gallagher. When I first saw him come on as a sub and score against Dunfermline I thought we'd found a good young forward, just what we needed. Big,strong,mobile and could hold the ball up well.Looked as if he could finish well too.But what happened? Typical McCoist. 10minutes here 10minutes there til the end of the season including the Ramsdens Final where I genuinely believe we'd have won it had he started. Gallagher is 20 next month or so and too old for U20's. So what will happen to him next season then? He needs first team football somewhere. Will he get his chance? Or will he just sit on the bench and get his occasional 10 minutes?
  9. If it's simply a matter of getting its operational costs streamlined then, fine, keep it. But it must not become a financial drain on valuable resources which could be put to better use elsewhere I.e. Improving the dire quality of the first team
  10. With all due respect I think the team manager is another debate altogether but if he is unwilling to give youth a chance then there's little point in having MP IMO. Either that or change the manager but I see no point in pouring millions into MP if young players aren't going to get their chance.
  11. I have to admit I have always been a cynic about MP ever since it opened when SDM's regime told us we'd produce our own players rather than buy them. For a club who has predominately bought players rather than produce it's own I considered that was going to have to be some turnaround which wasn't achievable.I still hold that view. If MP is cost effective then fine. keep it, but it must improve beyond all recognition from where it is now. if it means changing the first team manager to one who knows how to put younger players successfully into the first team then so be it. It needs to be remembered too that where we are all costs needs looked at and MP was certainly one such area IMO. A smaller training ground mainly for the first team and reserves would not be downscaling for me.
  12. if it is too expensive to run then it may need to be sold off and a less expensive, smaller training ground built elsewhere. I'm just not convinced it represents value for money.
  13. I think it needs to be stated that the players you mention were with us before MP opened. It also needs to be emphasized that the players we require need to be capable of getting us to where we want to be i.e. Scottish champions and beyond Christmas in Europe every year. The danger of MP, as I see it, is it produces Partick Thistle-standard or Morton-standard players who'd be of little use to us and be a drain on resources. However I would agree with you we'd need a change of manager before we'd even begin to see young players breaking thro' into the first team
  14. For MP to be cost effective we must produce young players whom we can sell onto the bigger leagues such as the EPL i.e. MP must pay its way. Just like Ajax do by selling the like of Eriksen & Alderweid last summer to Spurs & Atletico Madrid. To date(13 years since it opened) MP hasn't done that has it?
  15. how am I a coward ? how have I surrendered to mediocrity? The fact is for too long now we've tolerated mediocrity on the playing side whilst paying out vast salaries to under-achievers. FFS McCoist earning £800K in SFL3 whilst the team was torture to watch. £400K in LGE1 wasn't much better either.Not to mention his gallant failures against Malmo & Maribor which should have got him sacked. The fact is Rangers are a business & business decisions need to be taken. Under-performing parts of a business need to be dealt with. Get over it. A review of MP would be long overdue IMO. Clear out the youth teams & youth coaches producing nothing
  16. I don't think anyone could dispute the fact that in terms of youth development MP is seriously under-performing and is a drain on valuable resources.
  17. Almost all such contracts would have break clauses though GS. Anyone who undertook one which didn't would be absolutely stupid. I think Andy makes very valid points about MP and I'm glad I'm not alone in questioning whether we get real value from it
  18. LOL. Anyone who is the best candidate for their respective role at Rangers whether 'rangers men' or not.
  19. Reluctantly I'd have to agree with you. MP does seem a great drain on resources. Given the fact that it has produced so few youngsters for the first team you'd need to question it's worth other than a Taj Mahal training ground for a bunch of overpaid journeymen
  20. I'm actually beginning to think some of our supporters are quite happy to be stuck in the lower divisions with no prospect whatsoever of playing in Europe again.
  21. They were crooks? Quite a serious allegation is it not? Ive reservations about the competence of D&P and their general performance throughout administration but wouldnt go that far. As for Green he did what he does i.e. Sets up companies and gets them up and running. Was he over-rewarded ? Probably but there was no alternative for D&P to sell the oldco assets to was there?
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