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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. One of the major problems for King & previously the McColl backed requisitioners group is that fans have asked to hear detailed plans from them, when in reality they can't possibly draw up detailed plans until they get themselves into the Club and conduct their own review of the business. They'll have had some info from Malcolm Murray and they may even have insiders still giving them some information, but Dave King won't have a complete enough picture of the current state of play to give us a detailed plan for the company and Club until he's in there. He could give us a plan filled with moonbeams, but that wouldn't be a prudent course of action given that moonbeams are the last thing we want to hear.


    I do think Dave King will invest heavily if given the opportunity, but it really hasn't looked likely that he'll be given the opportunity for a good while now, so for me, he should seriously consider buying out one of the major shareholders who currently back the board. Ideally, we'd want to see him buying out a big chunk of the shareholding which has been proxied to Sandy Easdale in order to significantly reduce the Easdale fronted block's influence and power.


    I do not think there is any chance of DK buying out major shareholders and he has previously stated he will not do so. Unfortunately I think his opportunity has come and gone after the AGM at the tail end of last year when the requisitioners got a much higher vote than expected of around 30 per cent each. DK should have been buying shares after that like Prior and Laxey did then he'd have been in a pretty strong position by now if his shareholding was added to the 30 percent the reqs got.

    If DK doesn't become involved in the latest share issue then we all really need to move on. He has had opportunities but simply hasn't taken them for whatever reason(s)

  2. "Their grip is tightening" surely not a surprise is it???

    Did sos/uof etc consider that by with holding st monies that this was most likely way that board would raise cash. Or did they just "hope" that the investors would throw in the towel. The more they invest the more they will want back if we do go the wall, hence fears about ibrox etc are real..

    Anyway until it is all confirmed we can only speculate..


    Exactly. Another shares issue now is not what we want. The idea that these investor are simply going to hand over control of Rangers to SoS and UoF is laughable. Now what are they planning to do ? Hold another protest march? Fat lot of good that'll do

  3. given we know there was a binding agreement to sell the assets to sevco5088 and that green freely admits whyte was sevco 5088 i think a judge may well disagree. just based on what we know for sure.


    Sevco 5088 was an english company which could not be re-registered as a Scottish company hence the decision to go to Sevco Scotland.I find the idea that Whyte somehow still owns Rangers as absolutely hilarious. Even mad Phil couldn't think that one up......or could he?

  4. We don't need court cases or prosecutions to tell us that Green was so embroiled in lies and deceptions that he couldn't even keep his own story straight because a lot of it reasonably well documented. Add to that the alleged investor kick-backs and IPO cash seemingly being used to fund the original purchase, then "above board and properly-funded" is not quite how it would be best described.


    Used to fund the original purchase ? In what way?

  5. All it takes is one dodgy owner, just one, although some would argue that Rangers have had several.


    Just look at the costs and damage done.


    It is quite conceivable that Rangers will never recover from this - and it could happen again.


    Back bigger and stronger?


    Dream on.


    The only dodgy owner we've had was Whyte. Whether you liked or disliked CG's consortium is was all above board and properly-funded

  6. Interesting article from Jackson. Almost makes him look like a journalist.Pity he once described Whyte's wealth as 'off the radar' though.Irreparable damage.

    However the bit towards the end about BDO putting 'so much into the legal cases as an indication as to where this thing is headed' is what we need to be aware of. Unless,of course, you still believe SDM willingly sold to Whyte.

  7. All the questions regards whether we're a new club or not have been answered by the relevant bodies and persons who have stated quite clearly that we are not a new club.

    For starters the SPFL do not consider us a new club. Check their website. it states Rangers were founded in 1872 and lists all honours including 54 titles.

    UEFA and the SFA do not recognise Rangers as a new club either. Check the UEFA website.

    LNS in his dual contracts SPL inquiry stated we are not a new club. Neil Patey also.

    So why do pond life like Thompson wish to perpetuate this lie ? It's something I simply cannot begin to understand but put it down to anti-rangers bigotry which seems acceptable to elements of Scottish society who are almost always the first to accuse Rangers supporters of the most trivial offences whilst overlooking their own actions to the extent they seem to think they are in some way acceptable.

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